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  • ISBN:9787564018108
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:217
  • 出版时间:2009-01-01
  • 条形码:9787564018108 ; 978-7-5640-1810-8


I. TextUnit 1 Part One: Reading Generation Gap: Who Is to Blame? Part Two: Listening Part Three: Vocabulary Part Four: Cloze Part Five: Translation Part Six: Writing and SamplesUnit 2 Part One: Reading Responsibility of Media Part Two: Listening Part Three: Vocabulary Part Four: Cloze Part Five: Translation Part Six: Writing and SamplesUnit 3 Part One: Reading The Bald Eagle m USA's National Emblem Part Two: Listening Part Three: Vocabulary Part Four: Cloze Part Five: Translation Part Six- Writing and SamplesUnit 4 Part One: Reading Self-preservati0n and Human Reaction to Stimuli Part Two: Listening Part Three: Vocabulary Part Four: Cloze Part Five: Translation Part Six: Writing and SamplesUnit 5 Part One: Reading People on the Move Part Two: Listening Part Three: Vocabulary Part Four: Cloze Part Five: Translation Part Six: Writing and SamplesUnit 6 Part One: Reading The Power of Media in Political Life Part Two: Listening Part Three: Vocabulary Part Four: Cloze Part Five: Translation Part Six: Writing and SamplesUnit 7 Part One: Reading Let's Call a Ceasef'tre in the "War on Obesity". Part TWo: Listening Part Three: Vocabulary Part Four: Cloze Part Five: Translation Part Six: Writing and SamplesUnit 8 Part One: Reading The Christmas Gift Part Two: Listening Part Three: Vocabulary Part Four: Cloze Part Five: Translation Part Six: Writing and SamplesII. Keys and Listening ScriptsUnit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8III. Simulated TestModel Test 1Keys to Model Test 1Model Test 2Keys to Model Test 2IV. AppendixPatterns and Phrases in PassagesSamples of WritingV. References


本教程以该考试的考试大纲为出发点,通过本教材的教学使研究生能够掌握常见的各种体裁文章的阅读技能,学习一些英语听力、阅读、翻译以及写作的基础知识,为以英语为工具进行本专业的学习和研究打下坚实的基础。 《中国科学院研究生院研究生综合英语捷进教程(附光盘非英语专业硕士学位考试必读)》共8个单元。每个单元首先包括一篇文章,文章体裁多元化,有新闻报道、说明文、议论文等。课文后配有课文中的生词、释义及生词的例旬注解,与课文内容相关的阅读练习以及与课文中出现的一些词汇相关的词汇练习。


Pull factors are those associated with the place of destination. Most often these are economic such as better job opportunities or the availability of good land to farm. The latter was an important factor in attracting settlers to the United States during the nineteenth century. In general, pull factorsadd up to an apparently better chance for a good life and material well-being than is a choice between several attractive potential destinations; the deciding factor might be a non-economic consideration such as the presence of relatives, friends, or a least fellow countrymen already yestablished in the new place who are willing to help the newcomer settle in. Considerations of this sort lead to the development of migratory streams. Besides push and pull factors, there are what the sociologists call "intervening obstacle" ——deterrents to migration. Even if push and/or pull factors are very strong they still may be out weighed by intervening obstacles, such as the distance of the move, the trouble and cost of moving, the difficulty of entering the new country, and the problems likely to be encountered on arrival. The decision to move is also influenced by "personal factors" of the prospective migrant. The same push-pull factors and obstacles operate differently on different people, sometimes because they are at different stages of their lives, or just because of their varying abilities and person alities.The prospect of pulling up stakes and moving to a new and perhaps very strange environment may appear interesting and challenging to a young, footloose man and appallingly difficult to a slightly older man with a wife and young children. Similarly, the need to learn a new language and customs may intrigue one person and frighten another. Regardless of why people move, migration of large numbers of people causes friction. The United States and other "receiving" countries (the term used for countries that welcome large numbers of migrants) have experien

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