

1星价 ¥21.5 (5.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787517004561
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:322
  • 出版时间:2012-12-01
  • 条形码:9787517004561 ; 978-7-5170-0456-1


采撷文化点滴,纵览风土人情,欣赏异域景致——这里是美国。当你深深地被它的文化所吸引的时候,就会不由自主地爱上它,并希望对其了解得更多更深。此时,你就会告别机械的语言学习阶段。合上书你就会发现,美国是一个梦,学英语是一种简单的快乐…… 《边品美国文化边学英文(高阶阅读篇第2版畅销升级版)》从政治、经济,到文化、生活、旅游等方面全方位地介绍了美国,让你在感受美国元素、沉浸于美国丰富文化的同时不知不觉喜欢上英语,在故事中、在情境中学习和体验英文的魅力。本书由肖冉等编著。




Chapter One The Introduction of America 1. The Geography of United States 2. Surface Regions and Landforms 3. Rivers & Lakes 4. Climate and Wearther 5. Resources 6. The American National Anthem and the Flag of The United States Chapter Two American Politics 1. The Government and Politics in America 2. The Federal Government 3. The State Government and Local Government 4. Bipartisanship 5. Parties of America 6. Elections and Voting Chapter Three American Economy 1. American Economy 2. American Economic System 3. American Agriculture 4. American Transportation 5. American Banking 6. Subprime Mortgage Crisis Chapter Four American Culture 1. The Introduction of American Culture 2. The Heaven of Film Stars: Hollywood 3. Museums in the United States 4. American Music 5. The Media of the United States 6. Sports in America 7. Soap Operas 8. Various Kinds of Awards Chapter Five American Life 1. Eating Habits 2. Customs in Daily Life 3. The Other Customs 4. American Family 5. American Wedding 6. Moral Values in Daily Life Chapter Six American Education 1. Education System 2. Elementary School, Junior and Senior High School 3. Higher-education 4. Educational Issues 5. Public and Private Schools 6. Education of Students with Special Needs 7. Ivy Leagues 8. College Life and Culture Chapter Seven American Festivals 1. New Year's Day 2. Valentine's Day 3. Easter Day 4. Christmas 5. Father's Day and Mother's Day 6. April Fool's Day 7. Presidents Day and the Flag Day 8. Thanksgiving Day Chapter Eight American Cities 1. Las Vegas 2. New York 3. Chicago 4. Los Angeles 5. San Francisco 6. Philadelphia 7. Washington. D.C 8. Houston 9. Boston 10. Detroit Chapter Nine Places of Interest in America 1. Niagara Falls 2. The Sun Belt 3. The Yellowstone National Park 4. Saint Patrick's Cathedral 5. The White House 6. The Pentagon 7. Hoover Dam 8. Beverly Hills 9. Hawaii Beach 10. West Point Chapter Ten American Famous People 1. Lincoln the Model of Self-support 2. Martin Luther King: a Symbol of Human Dignity and Justice 3. Helen Keller: a Light in Darkness 4. Thomas Edison: a Hero of the Invention Age 5. Bill Gates: a Story of Success 6. Mark Twain: the Father of American Literature 7. Marilyn Monroe: Famous Even Among the Famous 8. Buffett 9. Barack Obama 10. Oprah Chapter Eleven American Firms 1. The Walt Disney 2. McDonald's 3. Henry Ford and Ford Motor Company 4. Wal-Mart 5. Warner Brothers 6. Nike 7. GE 8. Apple Inc



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