

1星价 ¥17.0 (8.5折)
2星价¥17.0 定价¥20.0
  • ISBN:9787561187043
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:93
  • 出版时间:2014-07-01
  • 条形码:9787561187043 ; 978-7-5611-8704-3


  《世纪商务英语:口语教程1(专业篇 学生用书 第4版)/新世纪高职高专商务英语专业系列规划教材》是“十二五”职业教育国家规划教材,也是新世纪高职高专商务英语专业系列规划教材之一,入选2007年普通岛等教育精品教材。《世纪商务英语:口语教程1(专业篇 学生用书 第4版)/新世纪高职高专商务英语专业系列规划教材》主要引领学生从生活口语过度到商务英语口语语境,让学生可以全方位模仿真实的商务口语使用环境。


Unit 1 Where can I get the information I need?
Part Ⅰ Warming Up
Part Ⅱ Scaffolding
Situational Dialogue 1
Situational Dialogue 2
Part Ⅲ Practice
Part Ⅳ Learning More

Unit 2 There are many ways to push sales
Part Ⅰ Warming Up
Part Ⅱ Scaffolding
Situational Dialogue 1
Situational Dialogue 2
Part Ⅲ Practice
Part Ⅳ Learning More

Unit 3 We have to book a booth
Part Ⅰ Warming Up
Part Ⅱ Scaffolding
Situational Dialogue 1
Situational Dialogue 2
Part Ⅲ Practice
Part Ⅳ Learning More

Unit 4 What's your competitive edge?
Part Ⅰ Warming Up
Part Ⅱ Scaffolding
Situational Dialogue 1
Situational Dialogue 2
Part Ⅲ Practice
Part Ⅳ Learning More

Unit 5 Here is our company's brochure
Part Ⅰ Warming Up
Part Ⅱ Scaffolding
Situational Dialogue 1
Situational Dialogue 2
Part Ⅲ Practice
Part Ⅳ Learning More

Unit 6 Would you like to join us?
Part Ⅰ Warming Up
Part Ⅱ Scaffolding
Situational Dialogue 1
Situational, Dialogue 2
Part Ⅲ Practice
Part Ⅳ Learning More

Unit 7 Let me show you around
Part Ⅰ Warming Up
Part Ⅱ Scaffolding
Situational Dialogue 1
Situational Dialogue 2
Part Ⅲ Practice
Part Ⅳ Learning More

Unit 8 How much is it?
Part Ⅰ Warming Up
Part Ⅱ Scaffolding
Situational Dialogue 1
Situational Dialogue 2
Part Ⅲ Practice
Part Ⅳ Learning More

Unit 9 it's the bottom price
Part Ⅰ Warming Up
Part Ⅱ Scaffolding
Situational Dialogue 1
Situational Dialogue 2
Part Ⅲ Practice
Part Ⅳ Learning More

Unit 10 Let's talk about commission
Part Ⅰ Warming Up
Part Ⅱ Scaffolding
Situational Dialogue 1
Situational Dialogue 2
Part Ⅲ Practice
Part Ⅳ Learning More



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