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  • ISBN:9787508647470
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:174
  • 出版时间:2014-09-01
  • 条形码:9787508647470 ; 978-7-5086-4747-0


《china banking regulatory commission 2013 annual report》(以下简称《年报》)全面公布了2013年银行业相关数据、银监会发布的各项监管政策,以及银监会在银行业监管方面取得的成效。同时,对2014年银监会监管重点进行了介绍。《年报》的发布对银行业2014年的发展有一定的指导意义。


银监会对外公开发布的工作报告,详细介绍了2013年各金融机构的发展状况以及各银监局在监管方面做出的努力。   以专栏、专题或亮点的形式,突出介绍了人们广泛关注的利率市场化、资产证券化、互联网金融等话题,并提出监管方向。   对2014年的金融形势和监管重点,进行了展望,对各金融机构和监管机构有一定的指导意义。  


chairman's statement
about the cbrc
  our history and development
  our mandates, objectives & missions
  our philosophy, approach & criteria
  international advisory council (iac)
  organizational structure
part one economic & banking developments
  macroeconomic and financial environment
  latest development of china's banking sector
part two banking reform and development
  reform and transformation of the banking sector
  latest developments in the opening-up of the banking sector
  financial innovation
part three supporting economic restructuring, transformation and upgrading
  tapping the idle capital while making good use of incremental capital
  supporting key areas and industries
  promoting green credit and addressing overcapacity
  financial services for micro and small enterprises (mses)
  financial services in rural areas
    thematic column 1: cbrc continued to expand the "three major projects" to support agro-related services
  the development of consumer finance
  china (shanghai) pilot free trade zone and development of the banking sector
  supporting enterprises to "go global"
  balanced regional development
part four prudential supervision
  macro-prudential supervision
  corporate governance and internal controls
  capital regulation
    thematic column 2: chinese-version basel iii passed international assessment
  credit risk supervision
  liquidity risk supervision
  operational risk supervision
  it risk supervision
  market risk supervision
  country risk supervision
  reputational risk supervision
part five banking consumer protection and education
  development of the banking consumer protection regulatory framework
  efforts made by banking institutions to fulfill their responsibilities
  financial knowledge publicity
  strengthening public education
  strengthening research on banking consumer protection
part six improvement of regulatory framework and supervisory capability
  supervisory thinking
  improving legal framework
  supervisory approaches
  supervisory cooperation and coordination
  organizational development
part seven strengthening transparency and market discipline
  enhancing information disclosure
  improving transparency of the banking sector
  strengthening market discipline
part eight social responsibility
  promoting institutional development and supervisory guidance
  securing quality financial services during public holidays
  supporting disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction
  supporting charity and poverty-stricken areas
  enhancing labor development and caring for employees' growth
part nine outlook
  economic and financial outlook
  supervisory focuses in 2014
  mid- to long-term plan and outlook of banking supervision
part ten appendixes
  appendix 1: responsibility description of the cbrc departments and local offices
  appendix 2: financial management activities of the cbrc
  appendix 3: rules and regulatory documents issued in 2013
  appendix 4: mous and eols with overseas regulators
  appendix 5: significant regulatory and supervisory events in 2013
  appendix 6: terminology
part eleven statistics
  appendix 1: total assets of banking institutions (2003--2013)
  appendix 2: total liabilities of banking institutions (2003--2013)
  appendix 3: total



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