Under the Same Army Flag-在同一面战旗下-英文

Under the Same Army Flag-在同一面战旗下-英文

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  • ISBN:9787508532295
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:287
  • 出版时间:2015-08-01
  • 条形码:9787508532295 ; 978-7-5085-3229-5


  60多年前,东方中、印、缅战区的抗日战争在血 与火中进行,远赴印缅抗日的中国、美国、英国军队 共同训练,并肩作战,收复了缅甸,取得了对日反攻 的胜利。邓贤编著的《在同一面战旗下--中国驻印军 老兵口述实录(英文版)》以二战期间中国远征军和驻 印军老兵赴印参加联军抗日的回忆为主要内容,让后 人对这一段鲜为人知的二战史实有*深刻的了解和认 识。




under the same battle flag (preface)army life in india  the first man to join the army in chongqing  army life in india  communications battalion chronicles  anecdote in the army  army men  expedition diary  years of extraordinary adventures  military life in a foreign land  my american friends  unforgettable ramgarhtraining  fighting at all costs for my country  sidelights on burma battle field  army jottings  a military doctor in india-burma battlefield  wenxing (literary star), wuxing (military star),and a patriotic heart  my expeditionary journey  days in ramgarhcombat in india and burma  sneaking across the namkawng river  fierce fighting in nampa ga  battle in su ga htawng  expedition to northern burma  contact battle in northern burma  as out-stirring myitkyina  i led the 148th regiment to fight the japanese  personal experiencefriendship of allies  india-burma war zone chronicles  ledo, myitkyina, shingbwiyang  special friends from an unforgettable time  war time  memories of expeditions  joining the army  what i know about stilwell  in the 48th hospital  chinese soldiers, american allies  a cultural bridgenotes on the battle ground  i was 19 that year  my experience in the enginee troops  after flying over the hump -- an army interpreter s report  guarding japanese devils at a cemetery construction  my career as an army interpreter  the days of the expedition  passionate patriotism  impression of the battlefields  fight back to homeland  a stage  a string of memories  my interesting life  reminisce the past  the long journey  remembering myitkyina  memoirs of yesteryears  enlisting in army to fighting against japanesetimeline for china-india-burma theater during wwii



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