

1星价 ¥50.0 (7.4折)
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  • ISBN:9787030511607
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:132
  • 出版时间:2017-01-01
  • 条形码:9787030511607 ; 978-7-03-051160-7


太阳能电池是一种将光能转换为电能的光电装置。当今市场上*常见的是硅太阳能电池,它主要是以硅类材料作为活性材料的太阳能电池,分为单晶硅太阳能电池、多晶硅太阳能电池等。虽然它们的光电转换效率可以达到24%左右,但是也有很多的不足,比如非常耗材,成本很高,以及工艺复杂等。有机太阳能电池的光电转换效率没有硅太阳能电池的高,但是它却有着硅太阳能电池不能代替的优点,比如原材料来源广泛,加工容易,更主要的是对环境的污染小,这些优点使有机太阳能电池逐渐成为重要的科学研究热点。不管是硅太阳能电池还是有机太阳能电池,光电转换效率的提高一直是科学家们不断追求的目标。 本书为Sun Mengtao、Song Peng、Ma Fengcai所著的《Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Organic Solar Cell:Principle and Applications》。


Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Concepts on Electron Transfer Theory2.1 General kinetic context of the excited-state quenching dynamics byelectron transfer reaction2.2 Short description on Born-Oppenheimer approximation2,3 Electron transfer rate expression within Born-Oppenheimer approximation2.4 Fermi's Golden Rule and its application in electronic transition2.5 Frank-Condon principle applied to Marcus correction for electron transfer rate2.6 Vibrational resolved electron transfer rateChapter 3 Energetic Driving Force for Electron Transfer Reaction3.1 Free energy changes in primary electron transfer ,3.2 Coulombic attraction energy corrected free energy changes3.3 Development of free energy changes in external environment Chapter 4 Electroruc Barriers for Electron Transfer Reaction4.1 Two-state model4.2 Calculating protocols for electron transfer integral4.2.1 Energy-gap-based approaches4.2.2 Direct calculation of the off-diagonal matrix elements4.2.3 The generalized Mulliken-Hush scheme and its variants4.3 The development of generalized Mulliken-Hush method4.4 Nuclear Barriers for Electron Transfer Reaction4.5 Nuclear barriers from bond length change4.6 Nuclear barriers from solvent reorganization4.7 Estimation of reorganization energy from vibronic transition spectra4.8 The external electric field controlled reorganization energyChapter 5 Experimental Measurement and Theoretical Simulation on Electron Transfer Reaction Rate in Organic Solar Cell Materials5.1 Key role of electron transfer reaction rate in organic solar cell materials5.2 Briefintroduction on polymer-fullerene bulk heterojunction solar ce115.3 Relevant experimental measurement on electron transfer reaction rate5.4 Theoretical simulation on electron transfer reaction rate5.4.1 Electron transfer rate simulation by employing Marcus theory5.4.2 Electron transfer rate simulation by employing Marcus-Levich-Jortner's formalism Chapter 6 The Visualized Method-Direct Visual Evidence for Electron TransferChapter 7 PerspectiveReferences

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