

1星价 ¥38.3 (7.7折)
2星价¥38.3 定价¥49.8
  • ISBN:9787302375128
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:173
  • 出版时间:2018-06-01
  • 条形码:9787302375128 ; 978-7-302-37512-8


《医学统计学(留学生与双语教学用 英文版)》根据医学专业留学生统计教学的要求,对医学统计学基本概念、基本理论、基本知识和基本技术进行介绍,尤其是对各种统计指标和方法的使用条件、使用方法及统计结果的理解做正确解释。 《医学统计学(留学生与双语教学用 英文版)》内容包括绪论、统计描述、统计表与统计图、统计推断基础、两组资料及多组资料均数比较的f检验和方差分析、两个率或多个率的比较的卡方检验、非参数统计方法、相关与回归、研究设计基础等。内容简明易懂,每章后面均附有练习题。 《医学统计学(留学生与双语教学用 英文版)》供医学专业留学生使用和本科生双语教学使用。


Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 What is statistics 1.2 Study design and data collection 1.3 The purpose of this textbook 1.4 Introduction to some basic terms and notation Chapter 2 Descriptive Statistics 2.1 Types of data 2.2 Measures of central tendency 2.3 Measures of dispersion 2.4 Tabular and graphical presentation of data Chapter 3 Probability Distributions 3.1 Definitions and basic ideas related to probability 3.2 The binomial distribution 3.3 The Poisson distribution 3.4 The normal probability distribution Chapter 4 Introduction to Statistical Inference 4.1 Important definitions and concepts 4.2 Concepts of hypothesis testing 4.3 Interval estimation Chapter 5 One Sample Statistical Inference 5.1 One sample test for the mean of a normal distribution with known variance 5.2 One sample t test Chapter 6 Two Samples Statistical Inference 6.1 The paired t test 6.2 The two samples t test for independent means 6.3 Testing for the equality of two variances 6.4 The two sample tests for binomial proportions Chapter 7 Nonparametric Statistics 7.1 Advantages and disadvantages 7.2 The Wilcoxon signed-rank test for one sample test of central tendency 7.3 Wilcoxon signed rank test for paired data 7.4 Two sample test of central tendency 7.5 The Kruskal-Wallis test Chapter 8 Chi-square Test 8.1 Comparison of proportion in independent samples 8.2 Comparison of proportion in related samples-McNermar's test 8.3 Chi-square goodness-of-fit test 8.4 Tests for association in contingency tables-measuring independence 8.5 Fisher's exact test Chapter 9 Correlation and Regression 9.1 Simple linear regression 9.2 Multiple regression 9.3 Linear correlation Chapter 10 Analysis of Variance Techniques 10.1 One way analysis of variance 10.2 ANOVA for randomized block design 10.3 Factorial designs Chapter 11 Research Designs 11.1 Sample and sampling techniques 11.2 Design of experiments 11.3 Observational study design …… Appendix Tables Table Index Reference

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