- ISBN:9787547847329
- 装帧:一般铜版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:其他
- 页数:1216
- 出版时间:2021-01-01
- 条形码:9787547847329 ; 978-7-5478-4732-9
适读人群 :儿科及新生儿科临床医师、医药院校医学生本书包括新生儿学基本理论知识、基本临床技能和基本操作,并将上述三方面相关内容从问题、疾病、诊疗、操作、药物等不同维度进行系统的阐述,覆盖了新生儿期各系统常见问题、常见疾病及危重症处理,相信其对广大的临床**线的儿科住院医师及新生儿专科医师的学习及专业水平的提高具有重要作用。
**部分 产前、产时、分娩和转运管理
Antepartum, Intrapartum, Delivery, and Transport Management
1 胎儿评估 Fetal Assessment 002
2 产科麻醉和新生儿 Obstetric Anesthesia and the Neonate 011
3 新生儿复苏 Resuscitation of the Newborn 017
4 婴儿转运 Infant Transport 026
第二部分 基础管理
Basic Management
5 胎龄和出生体重的分类 Gestational Age and Birthweight Classif ication 032
6 新生儿体格检查 Newborn Physical Examination 045
7 体温调节 Temperature Regulation 069
8 呼吸管理 Respiratory Management 074
9 液体与电解质 Fluid and Electrolyte 094
10 营养管理 Nutritional Management 102
第三部分 高级管理
Advanced Management
11 影像学检查 Imaging Studies 144
12 超低出生体重早产儿出生后**周管理 Management of the
Extremely Low Birthweight Infant During the First Week of Life 167
13 晚期早产儿的管理 Management of the Late Preterm Infant 180
14 新生儿疼痛 Pain in the Neonate 183
15 新生儿疾病筛查 Newborn Screening 187
16 神经系统评估 Studies for Neurologic Evaluation 192
17 成分输血 Blood Component Therapy 200
18 新生儿体外生命支持 Extracorporeal Life Support in the Neonate 208
19 高危新生儿的随访 Follow-Up of High-Risk Infants 222
20 新生儿学的补充和替代治疗
Complementary and Alternative Medical Therapies in Neonatology 227
21 新生儿伦理学 Neonatal Bioethics 234
第四部分 操 作
新生儿操作规范 Principles of Neonatal Procedure 242
22 动脉通路:动脉穿刺(桡动脉穿刺)
Arterial Access: Arterial Puncture (Radial Artery Puncture) 245
23 动脉通路:外周动脉置管(桡动脉置管)
Arterial Access: Percutaneous Arterial Catheterization (Arterial Line) 248
24 动脉通路:脐动脉置管
Arterial Access: Umbilical Artery Catheterization 251
25 膀胱穿刺(耻骨上穿刺)
Bladder Aspiration (Suprapubic Urine Collection) 259
26 膀胱置管导尿 Bladder Catheterization 262
27 胸腔置管 Chest Tube Placement 265
28 心脏除颤及复律 Def ibrillation and Cardioversion 271
29 气管内插管及拔管 Endotracheal Intubation and Extubation 275
30 交换输血 Exchange Transfusion 283
31 外周静脉外渗和渗漏:早期处理
Peripheral IV Extravasation and Inf iltration: Initial Management 288
32 胃和经幽门置管 Gastric and Transpyloric Intubation 290
33 足跟采血(毛细血管采血) Heelstick (Capillary Blood Sampling) 296
34 喉罩气道通路 Laryngeal Mask Airway 300
35 腰椎穿刺(脊椎穿刺) Lumbar Puncture (Spinal Tap) 303
36 造瘘口护理 Ostomy Care 308
37 腹腔穿刺术 Paracentesis (Abdominal) 312
38 心包穿刺术 Pericardiocentesis 315
39 亚低温治疗 Therapeutic Hypothermia 318
40 透光术 Transillumination 322
41 静脉血管通路:骨髓输液 Venous Access: Intraosseous Infusion 325
42 静脉通路:经皮中心静脉置管
Venous Access: Percutaneous Central Venous Catheterization 328
43 静脉通路:外周静脉置管
Venous Access: Peripheral Intravenous Catheterization 334
44 静脉血管通路:脐静脉置管
Venous Access: Umbilical Vein Catheterization 338
45 静脉血管通路:静脉穿刺(采血)
Venous Access: Venipuncture (Phlebotomy) 344
第五部分 急症
On-Call Problems
46 异常血气 Abnormal Blood Gas 348
47 呼吸暂停和心动过缓(A's和B's)
Apnea and Bradycardia (“A's and B's”) 357
48 心律失常 Arrhythmia 368
49 便血 Bloody Stool 378
50 高危分娩前患儿父母的咨询
Counseling Parents Before High-Risk Delivery 384
51 发绀 Cyanosis 388
52 新生儿死亡 Death of an Infant 395
53 眼分泌物与结膜炎 Eye Discharge and Conjunctivitis 400
54 胃潴留 Gastric Aspiration (Residuals) 408
55 上消化道出血 Gastrointestinal Bleeding from the upper Tract 414
56 血尿 Hematuria 419
57 高结合胆红素血症 Hyperbilirubinemia, Conjugated 421
58 高未结合胆红素血症 Hyperbilirubinemia, Unconjugated 430
59 高血糖 Hyperglycemia 440
60 高钾血症 Hyperkalemia 446
61 高血压 Hypertension 452
62 低血糖 Hypoglycemia 460
63 低钾血症 Hypoklacemia 470
64 低钠血症 Hyponatremia 475
65 低血压及休克 Hypotension and Shock 480
66 婴儿可以出院了吗 Is the Infant Ready for Discharge 491
67 48小时内未排便 No Stool in 48 Hours 496
68 48小时无尿 No Urine Output in 24 Hours 503
69 气腹 Pneumoperitoneum 509
70 气胸 Pneumothorax 515
71 红细胞增多症 Polycythemia 521
72 低灌注 Poor Perfusion 527
73 出生后抗生素的使用 Postdelivery Antibiotics 531
74 肺出血 Pulmonary Hemorrhage 541
75 皮疹及皮肤问题 Rash and Dermatologic Problems 547
76 镇静和镇痛 Sedation and Analgesia 558
77 惊厥 Seizure Activity 564
78 产伤 Traumatic Delivery 573
79 血管痉挛和血栓形成 Vasospasms and Thromboembolism 582
第六部分 疾病与功能紊乱
Diseases and Disorders
80 ABO血型不合 ABO Incompatibility 594
81 气漏综合征 Air Leak Syndromes 596
82 贫血 Anemia 603
83 呼吸暂停 Apnea 612
84 支气管肺发育不良/慢性肺病
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia/Chronic Lung Disease 617
85 代谢紊乱(低钙血症,高钙血症)
Calcium Disorders (Hypocalcemia, Hypercalcemia) 622
86 衣原体感染 Chlamydial Infection 628
87 凝血障碍 Coagulation Disorders 631
88 常见的多发先天畸形综合征
Common Multiple Congenital Anomaly Syndromes 648
89 先天性心脏病 Congenital Heart Disease 655
90 巨细胞病毒感染 Cytomegalovirus 664
91 性发育异常 Disorders of Sex Development 669
92 肠道病毒和副肠孤病毒 Enteroviruses and Parechoviruses 677
93 新生儿眼部疾病 Eye Disorders of the Newborn 681
94 淋球菌感染 Gonorrhea 686
95 新生儿肝炎 Hepatitis 688
96 单纯疱疹病毒 Herpes Simplex Viruses 696
97 人免疫缺陷病毒感染 Human Immunodeficiency Virus 701
98 脑积水和脑室扩张 Hydrocephalus and Ventriculomegaly 709
99 高直接胆红素血症(高结合胆红素血症)
Hyperbilirubinemia, Direct (Conjugated Hyperbilirubinemia) 715
100 高间接胆红素血症(高未结合胆红素血症)
Hyperbilirubinemia, Indirect (Unconjugated Hyperbilirubinemia) 724
101 新生儿期急性起病的遗传代谢性疾病
Inborn Errors of Metabolism with Acute Neonatal Onset 738
102 糖尿病母亲婴儿 Infant of a Diabetic Mother 761
103 物质滥用母亲的婴儿 Infant of Substance-Abusing Mother 767
104 颅内出血 Intracranial Hemorrhage 777
105 宫内生长受限
Intrauterine Growth Restriction (Small for Gestational Age) 786
106 莱姆病 Lyme Disease 796
107 镁代谢紊乱(高镁血症、低镁血症)
Magnesium Disorders (Hypomagnesemia, Hypermagnesemia) 800
108 胎粪吸入 Meconium Aspiration 803
109 脑膜炎 Meningitis 808
110 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌感染
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections 811
111 多胎妊娠 Multiple Gestation 816
112 重症肌无力(新生儿暂时性) Myasthenia Gravis (Transient Neonatal) 821
113 坏死性小肠结肠炎 Necrotizing Enterocolitis 823
114 神经管畸形 Neural Tube Defects 830
115 骨科与肌肉骨骼问题 Orthopedic and Musculoskeletal Problems 838
116 早产儿骨质减少症 Osteopenia of Prematurity 846
117 微小病毒B19感染 Parvovirus B19 Infection 851
118 动脉导管未闭 Patent Ductus Arteriosus 854
119 围生期窒息 Perinatal Asphyxia 859
120 新生儿持续肺动脉高压
Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn 870
121 百日咳 Pertussis 878
122 红细胞增多和高黏滞血症 Polycythemia and Hyperviscosity 882
123 急性肾功能衰竭(急性肾损伤)
Renal Failure, Acute (Acute Kidney Injury) 886
124 呼吸窘迫综合征 Respiratory Distress Syndrome 891
125 呼吸道合胞病毒 Respiratory Syncytial Virus 896
126 早产儿视网膜病变 Retinopathy of Prematurity 900
127 Rh溶血病 Rh Incompatibility 905
128 风疹 Rubella 911
129 新生儿惊厥 Seizures 914
130 脓毒症 Sepsis 922
131 自发性肠穿孔 Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation 931
132 新生儿外科疾病:腹部肿块
Surgical Disease of the Newborn: Abdominal Masses 934
133 新生儿外科疾病:腹壁缺损
Surgical Disease of the Newborn: Abdominal Wall Defects 936
134 新生儿外科疾病:消化道梗阻
Surgical Diseases of the Newborn: Alimentary Tract Obstruction 939
135 新生儿外科疾病:气道、支气管及肺部疾病
Surgical Diseases of the Newborn: Diseases of the Airway,
Tracheobronchial Tree, and Lungs 944
136 新生儿外科疾病:腹膜后肿瘤
Surgical Diseases of the Newborn: Retroperitoneal Tumors 949
137 新生儿外科疾病:泌尿系统畸形
Surgical Diseases of the Newborn: Urologic Disorders 951
138 梅毒 Syphilis 956
139 血小板减少及血小板功能障碍
Thrombocytopenia and Platelet Dysfunction 962
140 甲状腺疾病 Thyroid Disorders 968
141 TORCH感染 TORCH Infection 975
142 弓形体病 Toxoplasmosis 976
143 新生儿暂时性呼吸增快 Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn 981
144 结核 Tuberculosis 988
145 解脲支原体感染 Ureaplasma Infection 993
146 尿路感染 Urinary Tract Infection 995
147 水痘 — 带状疱疹病毒感染 Varicella-zoster infection 997
第七部分 新生儿药理学
Neonatal Pharmacology
148 新生儿重症监护室使用的药物
Medications Used in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 1004
149 药物和物质对哺乳和婴儿的影响
Effects of Drugs and Substances on Lactation and Infants 1115
附 录
附录A 新生儿学常用缩略词 Abbreviations Used in Neonatology 1138
附录B 新生儿Apgar 评分 Apgar Scoring 1172
附录C 血压测量 Blood Pressure Determinations 1172
附录D 病历记录 Chartwork 1174
附录E 预防接种表 Immunization Tables 1178
附录F 隔离指导原则 Isolation Guidelines 1181
附录G 体温换算表 Temperature Conversion Table 1187
附录H 体重换算表 Weight Conversion Table 1188
附录I 彩色插图 Color Insert 1189
特里西娅·莱西·戈梅拉 (Tricia Lacy Gomella),约翰霍普金斯大学医学院,儿科学助理教授。
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