

1星价 ¥42.4 (7.2折)
2星价¥42.4 定价¥58.9
  • ISBN:9787521331684
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:226
  • 出版时间:2022-01-01
  • 条形码:9787521331684 ; 978-7-5213-3168-4


适读人群 :广大商务英语教师、学习者、商务英语社会人士《商务英语导论》每章都设计了真实任务和问题,提供了丰富的教学案例,对商务英语课程设计和教学与研究资源进行介绍,是一本通俗易懂的入门级教材和参考书,可供广大商务英语教师、学习者、商务英语社会人士阅读和参考。




Part Ⅰ Introduction
Chapter 1 What Is Business English?
1 Introduction
2 Three studies of Business English
3 Business English around the world
4 Interconnections in Business English
5 The need for research-based teaching
6 Structure of the book
7 Summary
Chapter 2 International Business English and Business English as a Lingua Franca
1 Introduction
2 Defining Business English as a Lingua Franca and International Business English
3 Teaching English as a business lingua franca or international business language
4 Analyzing Business English as a Lingua Franca
5 Business English as a Lingua Franca and International Business English in context
6 Summary

Part Ⅱ Spoken Business English
Chapter 3 Introducing Spoken Business English
1 Introduction
2 Characteristics of spoken Business English
3 The importarnce of research based on real language data
4 Discourse-based studies of spoken Business English
5 Summary
Chapter 4 Intercultural Business Interactions
1 Introduction
2 The importance of research into spoken Business English in intercultural contexts
3 From intercultural misunderstanding to strategies that work
4 Relational strategies in multicultural meetings
5 Facework strategies in intercultural negotiations
6 Accom modation strategies in international meetings
7 Summary
Chapter 5 Teaching Spoken Business English
1 Introduction
2 Ritual exchanges in negotiations
3 Essential language in business meetings
4 The key characteristics of workplace discourse
5 Summary

Part Ⅲ Written Business English
Chapter 6 Introducing Written Business English
1 Introduction
2 Vijay Bhatia: a genre approach to written Business English
3 The influence of business culture and national culture on written Business English: three early studies
4 Using a genre approach in the teaching of Business English
5 Summary
Chapter 7 Understanding Written Business English
1 Introduction
2 The creation of texts
3 Context and collaboration in the teaching of written Business English
4 The response to texts
5 Using reader response in the teaching of written Business English
6 Summary
Chapter 8 Teaching Written Business English
1 Introduction
2 The influence of context and the Business English classroom
3 The response of business practitioners to student texts
4 Summary

Part Ⅳ The Modern Business World
Chapter 9 Intertextuality and Interdiscursivity in Business English
1 Introduction
2 Research in intertextuality and interdiscursivity in Business English
3 Intertextuality and interdiscursivity in the classroom
4 Summary
Chapter 10 New Media and Business English
1 Introduction
2 The need for multimedia literacy
3 New media and new technology in the Business English classroom
4 Summary

Part V Learners, Teachers, and Materials
Chapter 11 Teaching Approaches and Business English
1 Introduction
2 Project-based learning
3 Team-teaching
4 Blended learning
5 Summary
Chapter 12 Designing Business English Teaching Materials
1 Introduction
2 Needs analysis surveys and communication audits
3 Corpus-based approaches
4 Surveys of published materials
5 Assessment
6 Summary
Chapter 13 Business English Resources
1 Books and textbooks
2 Journals
3 Professional associations
4 Conferences and workshops
5 Corpora
6 Online teaching resources


Catherine Nickerson,阿联酋扎耶德大学商学院教授。 Brigitte Planken,荷兰拉德堡德大学信息与交流学院副教授、语言 学习中心主任。

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