

1星价 ¥54.5 (5.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787511575791
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:440
  • 出版时间:2023-01-01
  • 条形码:9787511575791 ; 978-7-5115-7579-1


中国有句俗语,百闻不如一见。越来越多的同学在留学期间探索中国的广袤大地,在知行合一中了解生机勃勃、精彩纷呈的当代中国。随着深入的感知和实践,越来越多的同学了解并认可了中国智慧和中国方案。 “志合者,不以山海为远”。来自五湖四海的同学们,因着留学的机缘相聚中国,他们怀抱梦想,尽情探索,弥合差异,做中国故事的讲述者和记录者、中国声音的传播者、中国与祖国友谊的缔造者。




[土库曼斯坦] 莫尔旦 汉服情缘

My Special Love for Han Costume 002

[喀麦隆]萨利姆 缘此初心,只此青绿

Guilin, a City Sticks to Its Original Aspiration 008


From Yuhangtang Road to Lu Xun Middle Road 016

[老挝] 康瑞 河那边那条路

The Road on the Other Side of the River 022

[贝宁]大明 责任

Responsibility 034

[老挝] 何宋 我在中国学钓鱼

Learning Fishing in China 044

[土耳其]依德 难忘的重庆火锅文化

Unforgetable Chongqing Hotpot Culture 050

[塞内加尔]瓦德 梦想工程师

Dream Engineer 056

[日本]福中春美 “因为天下的婴儿哭声都是一样的”

"Because All the Babies in the World Cry the Same" 066

[韩国]金德原 回味一场邂逅读懂一个国家

Look Back on an Encounter and Understand a Country 072

[马来西亚]吕纯华 口中的煎饼,心里的中国

Jianbing in My Mouth, China in My Heart 082

[法国]勒黑波妮 缘分让我遇见你

I Am Fated to Meet You, China 090

[贝宁]乔西安 北京人的含蓄与热情

The Implicit and the Hospitality of the Beijingers 098

[也门]巴沙 遇见美丽中国

Meeting with the Beautiful China 104

[英国] 方俊杰 我想让姥姥过上中国老人的生活

I Wish My Grandma Live Like the Elderly in China 112

[肯尼亚]杰西卡 向往之路

The Road I Yearn for 118

[马来西亚]谭恩霖 我与中国的美丽邂逅

My Beautiful Encounter with China 124

[马来西亚]陈晓如 南游小记

A Trip to the South 132

[ 巴勒斯坦] 阿舒尔 山水熟稔,他乡故乡

Landscapes Grown Familiar,Foreign Country Turned Into Hometown 140

[韩国]李彩虹 我与中国共成长

I Grow Up with China 148

[韩国]金世友 邂逅脱贫攻坚战全面胜利的中国

Encounter with China, the Country

That Has Fully Won the War Against Poverty 156

[阿富汗]沙溢 “人民至上”,从这句话读懂中国

Understanding China From a "People Firs" Perspective 166

[尼泊尔]巴迪克 我的中国缘

My Connection with China 172

[刚果民主共和国] 罗娜 中国,每天都是一个新世界

Every Day Is a New World in China 178

[越南]段芳花 邂逅中国,邂逅雨中的桂林

Encounter China, Encounter Guilin in the Rain 186

[印度]方恒 在中国追逐我的飞天梦

Pursuing My Dream of Flying in China 192

[伊朗]玛丽 “一带一路”的伊朗使者

Serving as an Iranian Envoy of BRI 198

[俄罗斯]喀秋莎 伟大的中国

The Great China 206

[越南] 许菲 以梦为马,追梦中国

Chasing My Dream in China 212

[哥伦比亚]罗丹 邂逅在未来

Encounter in the Future 220

[日本] 藤村有纪 学汉语和吃饺子

Learning Chinese and Eating Dumplings 226

[印度尼西亚] 刘米莎 “精明”的中国人

The“Smart" Chinese 232

[朝鲜]俞振宇 愿山河无恙,岁月安康

May the World Peaceful and People Healthy 240

[日本] 黄杉山 了解中国,从“吃”开始!

Learn About China Through "Eating” 244

[老挝]乔杨 那山那水那人

That Mountain, That Water, That Man 248

[俄罗斯]谢奕舒 早安中国

Good Morning China 258

[马来西亚]吕家豪 漂洋过海来看“你”

Crossing the Ocean to See“You" 262

[中非] 巴州若 邂逅中国,感受汉语之美

Encounter China and Enjoy the Charm of Chinese Language 268

[孟加拉国]妮鲁 我爱你,多彩而温暖的贵州

I Love You, Colorful and Warm Guizhou 274

[印度尼西亚] 顾允灏 中国梦,汉语情

Dream for China, Love for Chinese 284

[约旦] 李娜 我和中国的“相识、相遇、相知”

My Acquaintance, Encounter and Knowing Each Other with China 292

[意大利]倪佳莫 我、乒乓球、中国

Table Tennis, China and I 300

[韩国] 权大领 远亲不如近邻

A Near Neighbor Is Better Than a Distant Cousin306

[意大利]晓玉 中国制造——从玩具到长征五号

Made in China: From Toys to Long March-5 Series 310

[瑞典]爱丽莎 中国让我成为一名创业者

Being an Entrepreneur in China 314

[巴西]郜彩乔 中国红与时代的机遇

Chinese Red and Opportunities of the Era 320

[印度尼西亚]田燕妮 我的寻根之路

My Route of Seeking Root 326

[巴西]颜露华 跳格子

Hopscotch 332

[乌拉圭] 李珊琳 播撒希望种子的中国云之旅

Guiding Uruguayan Pupils on a“Cloud Tour of China” 338

[韩国] 柳奇和 一名“老”留学生的中国情缘

My Love for China: From an“Old" International Student 348

[乌兹别克斯坦]嘉米锡 我心目中的中国形象

China in My Mind 354

[意大利]刘意龙 感受中国速度

Feeling the Speed of China 360

[巴勒斯坦]安妮 梦想之国

Land of Dreams 366

[越南]阮氏碧玉 在彩云之,上体验中国的美

Experiencing the Beauty of China Above the Colorful Clouds 374

[越南]范梅兰 崭新时代的美丽選追

A Beautiful Encounter in the New Era 380

[马来西亚]戴展略 爱在中国,难以忘怀

Unforgettable Love with China 388

[俄罗斯]安智美 中国是一杯奶茶

China, a Cup of MilkTea 394

[泰国] 佩佩 感受中国新时代

Experience a New Era in China 400

[泰国]黄伟豪 音乐之声唱响中国故事

Telling Chinese Stories with Music 406

[巴基斯坦]王子 我与张家界的美丽通追

My Beautiful Encounter with Zhangjiajie 412



汉服情缘 My Special Love for Han Costume [土库曼斯坦]莫尔旦 西安电子科技大学 [Turkmenistan] Merdan Shirov, Xidian University I began to know the Han Costume on TikTok. A young man in long black robe looked very elegant with wide sleeves and hem fluttering in the wind. The costumes of women are more beautiful with low neckline, flowing skirt, high bun, and gorgeous gold and silver ornaments. It suddenly bursts into my world and I failed to extricate myself from the deep attraction. I was enchanted, like being drunken not knowing the way home, as described by Rumengling, a well-known Song poem. I fell in love this unique dress at a first glance. It made me wonder what kind of historical context could have produced such a glamorous and bold costume? At the time, I was obsessively searching for Han Costume videos on TikTok and looked for books in the library. I dreamed one day I could wear magnificent Han Costume and walk on the streets of Chang'an, feeling the long history of Han and Tang dynasties. The class in Xidian University deepened my understanding on Han Costume. Her robe is a cloud, her face a flower; Her balcony, glimmering with the bright spring dew. This is a legendary description of Li Bai, a great poet of Tang Dynasty, on the imperial concubine Yang Guifei's splendid clothes and peerless appearance. It also reveals us a confident,open and prosperous Tang Dynasty. At the time of Tang Dynasty, Turkmenistan, my hometown, was in the ancient Western regions. It has brought different cultures and artworks to China, which linked two regions together. With the teachers' patient and vivid explanation, I learned that the Silk Road promoted the development of trade and exchanges in the Han and Tang dynasties, advanced the mutual integration of diverse cultures, and led Han Costume into an aesthetic trend of ornateness and openness. In the Chinese culture practice class, we went to visit the Shaanxi History Museum.1 was deeply impressed by the mural "Figure of the Palace Maid" unearthed in the tomb of Princess Yongtai. All the graceful palace maids in the painting, dressed in light yarn of low neckline, have plump and curvy bodies. Some of them looked around and some whispered, presenting the liveliness of young girls. The Great Tang All Day Mall is my favorite resort, which is not only a hotspot for internet influencers, but also a paradise for many Han Costume lovers. I met lots of like-minded friends here, and enjoyed the beautiful Han Costume performance. In the summer of 2021, I finally realized my dream and dressed up with Han Costume that | have been longing for. We visited Yangling Emperor Mausoleum of the Han Dynasty. The tourist guide told us about the historical origin, changes, development, and the significance of inheritance of Han Costume. I have seen the elegance of aristocratic dress and the simplicity and comfort of civilian clothing. It is understood that Chinese culture attaches importance to clothing and etiquette. There is a close relationship between Han Costume and ritual-music culture. We tried Han Costume, learned the ancient bowing ceremony, and experienced the ritual of throwing arrows into a distant pot, a popular game entertaining wine drinkers in the Han Dynasty. It turns out in China the etiquettes used for greeting elders and peers are different. I was deeply impressed by the Chinese etiquette culture, which helps me have a better understanding of the cultural connotation contained in the Han Costume. We also learned the dance of Han Costume. Dressed in exquisite clothing, we delivered the most elegant performance to the citizens with a unique feast of ritual and music culture in the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. Are you not battle dressed? Let's share the kilt and the rest! (A quotation from the Book of Songs, the earliest poem collections of China)The eclectic and harmonious coexistence of multi-ethnic cultures represented by Han Costume is so similar to that of today's China, which welcomes visitors from all over the world as the sea embraces all rivers. I yearn for such an inclusive China. As an overseas student, I am determined to make my humble contribution to the beauty of harmony between China and Turkmenistan. 初识汉服是在抖音上。身穿黑色汉服长袍的翩翩公子,宽大的袖子和下摆随风飘扬。女性的服饰更是美不胜收,低开的领口,飘逸的裙摆,头梳高髻,加上华丽的金银饰物。它就这么突然闯人我的世界,我深深被它吸引而无法自拔。我陶醉了,就像《如梦令》中写到的“沉醉不知归路”一样,只是一眼,我便爱上了这种独特的服饰。 这让我十分好奇,到底是什么样的历史背景下才能产生如此华美而大胆的服饰呢?当时,我像着魔一样在抖音上搜索中国人的汉服视频,还去图书馆寻找有关汉服的书。梦想有一天能穿上华美的汉服漫步在长安的大街上,感受汉唐历史的悠悠岁月。 加深对汉服的了解是在西安电子科技大学的课堂中。“云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓”,这是李白描写杨贵妃的华丽服饰与绝世容颜的传世佳句,也向我们展示了一个自信开放的盛世大唐。在唐朝的时候,我的家乡土库曼斯坦就位于古代的西域地区。土库曼斯坦给中国带来了不同文化和艺术品,把我们两个地区联系在一起。通过老师们耐心、生动的讲解,我了解到丝绸之路促进了汉唐时期的贸易往来和交流发展,促进多元文化的相互融合,也让汉服呈现出华丽开放的审美风向。 在汉语文化实践课中,我们到了陕西历史博物馆。出土于永泰公主墓的壁画《宫女图》,让我印象深刻。画中风姿绰约的宫女,她们身着低领轻罗纱,个个体态丰盈、曲线柔美。她们有的左顾右盼,有的窃窃私语,将少女活泼的神态表现得栩栩如生。大唐不夜城是我*爱去的地方,这里不仅是网红打卡地,也是众多汉服爱好者的天堂。我在这里结识了很多志同道合的朋友,还欣赏了精美的汉服表演。 2021年夏季,我终于圆梦,穿上了梦寐以求的汉服。我们到汉阳陵参观学习,讲解员向我们讲述汉服的历史由来、变迁发展和传承意义,我看到了贵族礼服的雍容华贵以及平民衣裳的简洁舒适,了解到中国文化重视衣冠、重视服饰、重视礼仪,汉服和礼乐文化之间有着密切的关联。我们尝试穿汉服,学习古代揖礼,体验汉代的投壶之礼。原来中国人面对长辈和平辈有着不同的礼仪,我被中国的礼仪文化折服,加深了对汉服所蕴含的文化内涵的理解。我们还学习了汉服舞蹈,在大雁塔穿着精致的服饰,用*文雅的表演,给市民提供了一场独特的礼乐文化盛宴。 “岂曰无衣,与子同袍。”汉服所呈现的多民族文化的兼收并蓄与和合共生,与今日的中国如此相似,现在的中国也是以海纳百川的姿态迎接世界各国的来客。我向往如此包容的中国,作为留学生,我立志为中土之间的和合之美贡献一份绵薄之力。 缘此初心,只此青绿 Guilin, a City Sticks to Its Original Aspiration [喀麦隆]萨利姆桂林理工大学 [Cameroon] Foussie Minche Mohamed Salim, Guilin University of Technology The Poetic Dance: The Journey of a Legend Landscape Painting performed on the stage of the China Central Television's 2022 Spring Festival Gala goes viral. The "green- color landscape" on the small screen reminds me of Guilin, the city where I studied. | will never forget the beautiful landscape of the city. On a spring afternoon, a Chinese friend took me to a place called Xianrentai, or Terrace of Gods, which turns out to be the right way to open the landscape of Guilin. Xianrentai is located on an unnamed mountain in Putao Township, Yangshuo County. Follow a trail trodden by tourists and photographers and climb up the hill, and you'll see greenery before your eyes. The graceful and varied peaks are dark green; the clear, sparkling Lijiang Riveris turquoise, making a big U-turn and continuing to wind through the mountains. The flora that thrives and sprouts in spring is tender green in the breeze, nodding with a smile; even the clouds that linger in this azure water and green hills seem to be imprinted with a faint mint green that won't dissipate for a long time. It is so deserted and tranquil that even the whistles of the cruise ships on the Lijiang River have been muted. No wonder this place is called Terrace of Gods, although you can't see the gods, you can see the fairyland that only immortals can see. At this moment I just want to open my arms to embrace the beauty in front of me and sing the song called“Folk Songs are like River Water in the Spring.".. To be honest, | was disappointed with Guilin when | first arrived. In my imagination, Chinese cities were supposed to be modern metropolises with skyscrapers just like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. But after arriving in Guilin, I found that it was a different story. It is hard to relate the narrow streets and low-rise buildings in Guilin to a "modern city." My teacher later explained that Guilin is a tourist city famous for its "Guilin landscape" among numerous tourists. In order to protect the original landscape of Gullin from being overshadowed by tall buildings, the city's government has stipulated that the maximum height of buildings in the urban area should not exceed 24 metres. Oh, so it is. The people of Guilin have chosen to give up tall buildings in order to preserve the greenery of the Guilin landscape. As you stroll through the streets of Guilin, you stand on the Jiefang Bridge, under which is the flowing Lijiang River. Not far from the bridge is the Elephant Mountain, which is sticking its huge trunk into the Lijiang River, quietly sipping the refreshing river water at its edge. In the distance, you can see both the Chuanshan Hill and Tashan Hill. Climbing up to the Xiaoyao Building and looking out across the river, the seven peaks of the Seven Star Park have stood there for thousands of years, witnessing the prosperity and vicissitudes of this small city. Standing on top of the Diecai Mountain, you will find that Guilin's natural scenery and cultural architecture are so harmonious. 今年中国春晚上的舞蹈《只此青绿》火了,荧幕上的青绿让我想起了留学的城市一桂林, 我永远也忘不了桂林的那一抹青绿。那是一个春日的午后,中国朋友带我去了一个叫作“仙人台”的地方,我找到了打开桂林山水的正确方式。“仙人台”位于桂林阳朔县葡萄镇一座无名的野山上。沿着--条驴友和摄影爱好者踩出来的小径往上爬,翻过一个山坡,眼前豁然开朗,满眼青绿!那雨后春笋般矗立的群峰是墨绿,婀娜多姿,形态各异;那清澈见底,波光粼粼的漓江是碧绿,在这里拐了一个U形的大弯,在群山间蜿蜒前行;那春日里茁壮成长,抽枝发芽的植被是嫩绿,微风轻拂,含笑点头;就连那在山水间缭绕的云雾,在这绿水青山间,仿佛也印染上了淡淡的薄荷绿,久久不愿散去。这里四下无人,远离尘嚣,就连漓江上游轮的汽笛声也被调成了静音。怪不得这里叫作“仙人台”,虽然看不见仙人,但是却能看到只有仙人才能看到的仙境。此时此刻我只想张开双臂,尽情拥抱眼前的美景,唱上一曲《山歌好比春江水》…… 老实说,初来桂林的时候,我对桂林是失望的。印象里中国的城市应该是像北京、上海、广州那样高楼林立的现代化都市。可到了桂林才发现完全不是那么回事。狭窄的街道,低矮的楼房,很难把它跟“现代化都市”联系起来。后来听老师解释才知道,桂林是一座旅游城市,“桂林山水甲天下”更是闻名于世,很多游客慕名而来,为的是看桂林山水。为了保护桂林山水的原貌,不被高楼大厦遮挡,政府规定市区内建筑高度不得超过24米。哦,原来如此。为了美丽的桂林山水,桂林人放弃了高楼大厦,却保留了桂林山水的青绿。漫步在桂林街头,站上解放桥,桥下就是川流不息的漓江,不远处的象山正在把它硕大的鼻子伸进漓江,在江边静静啜饮清冽的漓江水。再往远处眺望,则是依稀可见的穿山和塔山。登上逍遥楼,隔江相望,东边七星公园的七座山峰已在那里默默伫立千万年,阅尽这座小城的繁华与沧桑。爬上叠彩山,你就会发现桂林的自然风光与人文建筑竟是如此和谐共生,在大片青绿的自然山水中.间包裹着如火柴盒般排列有序的灰、白、红的建筑,不但没有破坏自然风光,反而给这片青绿点缀了些许人间烟火气。

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