

1星价 ¥31.5 (7.0折)
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  • ISBN:9787544674980
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:142页
  • 出版时间:2023-01-01
  • 条形码:9787544674980 ; 978-7-5446-7498-0


《全新版大学英语(第二版)长篇阅读》以主题为单元,其优点在于可就某一个话题从不同的侧面去论述或描绘,以引起学生对问题的思考和关注。 《全新版大学英语(第二版)长篇阅读》全书共分八个单元,每个单元由四个篇章组成。进行长篇阅读时,建议对每单元的头两篇文章细读,以熟悉信息匹配题的答题要求和答题方式。读第三篇时,则可以快速阅读的方式进行阅读并答题。 《全新版大学英语(第二版)长篇阅读》首册和第2册的阅读平均速度分别为每分钟90词,第3册和第4册的阅读平均速度为每分钟100词。


Unit 1 Text.1 Shackleton's Leadership of the Endurance Expedition Text.2 The Man Who Really Conquered Mt.Qomolangma Text.3 Memories of Afghanistan Text.4 Buzz-Bombs and Doodlebugs Unit 2 Text.1 The Reusable Spacecraft Text.2 Will HumanJobs Be Replaced by Robots in the Future Text.3 Maglev:A New Generation in Railroad Technology Text.4 Letters:Obsolete Technology Unit 3 Text.1 The Job Hunt:How to Start a Successful Career Text.2 A Tale of Two Successful StudentJob Seekers Text.3 I Juggled a Full-Time Job While Launching My Startup Text.4 The Kind ofWork Daddy Does Unit 4 Text.1 Is the World Flat Text.2 The World Isn't Flat-It's Networked Text.3 Postcard-Perfect:The Big Business of City Branding Text.4 Americans and Food Unit 5 Text.2 Doggie Bag:Why Are the British Too Embarrassed to Ask Text.3 Anywhere the Eye Can See,It's Likely to See an Ad Text.4 It'S All at the Mall Unit 6 Text.1 Cultural Differences in Time Text.2 Scenes from the Culture Clash Text.3 The Pace of 21st Century Life Text.4 Slow Is Beautiful Unit 7 Text.1 My Memories of September Text.2 Remembering Text.3 911 Museum: Tragedy Turns the Ordinary into Memorial Text.4 Engineers Study 911 for Lessons on How to Help Buildings Withstand Threats Unit 8 Text.1 The Joy of Travel: Finding the Unexpected Text.2 Ecotourism Text.3 Business Etiquette When Travelling Abroad Text.4 Jones Beach Appendix Key to Comprehension Exercises

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