

1星价 ¥52.0 (5.9折)
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  • ISBN:9787557423391
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:474
  • 出版时间:2024-01-01
  • 条形码:9787557423391 ; 978-7-5574-2339-1


本词典共吸收766组英语同义词和近义词,涉及词汇2741个,基本上涵盖了英语学习中经常遇到的同义词和近义词问题,以满足不同读者的需要。 本书对几乎所有的同义词和近义词均提供了例句,有些则以词组形式,既利于辨析,也为了减少篇幅。 希望本书对广大英语学习者以及其他英语爱好者或从事英语教学工作者有一定的参考价值。


A 1.abandon, give up, desert, quit, forsake, renounce, resign, abdicate, relinquish,waive 2.ability, capability, capacity, competence, faculty, talent, skill, aptitude 3.able, capable, competent, qualified 4.abolish, annul, extinguish, exterminate, extirpate, eradicate, obliterate,ify, do away with 5.aboriginal, native 6.absorb, assimilate, take in 7.absorption, adsorption 8.abstain, refrain 9.abstract, summary 10.absurd, stupid, foolish, silly, ridiculous 11.abundant, rich, plentiful, ample 12.accelerate, quicken, hasten, speed up, pick up 13.accident, event, incident 14.accidental, casual, incidental 15.accompany, attend, escort, convoy 16.accomplish, complete, finish, go through with 17.activity, act, action, deed 18.adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match, accommodate 19.add, plus 20.adhere to, stick to, cling to, hold to 21.admire, honor, respect, esteem 22.admission, admittance 23.admit, confess, acknowledge, concede,recognize 24.admonish, reprove, rebuke, reprimand, reproach 25.advance, promote, forward, further 26.advantage, benefit, profit 27.adventure, venture 28.adverse, averse 29.advice, counsel, suggestion, proposal, recommendation 30.advise, persuade, convince, induce, prevail, dissuade 31.affair, business, concern, matter, thing 32.affect, influence, impress, touch, move, strike 33.afford, offer, give, donate, present 34.afraid, frightened, timid, terrified, fearful 35.after, behind 36.aggression, invasion 37.ago, before 38.agree, conform, harmonize, accord, correspond, coincide 39.agree, consent, assent 40.agreement, contract, pact, compact, treaty 41.alarm, warning, alert 42.alienate, estrange 43.alien, foreigner 44.alike, like 45.alive, living, live, lively 46.allowance, benefit, pension 47.allow, let, permit 48.all together, altogether 49.allusion, illusion, delusion, imagination, fancy, fantasy 50.ally, alliance, league, confederation, union 51.almost, nearly 52.aloud, loud, loudly 53.already, yet, still, as yet 54.alternate, alternative 55.alternative, choice, selection, preference, option, election 56.although, though, as, that, while 57.amend, mend, fix, repair, patch 58.amid, amidst, among, amongst 59.amount, sum, total 60.amuse, entertain, divert 61.and so on, and so forth, and the like, etc. 62.anger, rage, fury, resentment, indignation, wrath 63.animal, beast, creature 64.annoy, bother, irritate, vex, provoke 65.answer, reply, respond, retort 66.appearance, look, aspect, countenance 67.appear, emerge, loom, show B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 主参考书目

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