

1星价 ¥19.0 (6.3折)
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  • ISBN:7040111608
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:28cm
  • 页数:187 页
  • 出版时间:2004-02-01
  • 条形码:9787040111606 ; 978-7-04-011160-6






1 IntroductionsGood evening and welcome to2 LifestyleOpen to everything!3 DescriptionsYou are what you wear4 NationalitiesAn outsider looking in5 PersonalityYou are my rescuer6 FamilyA three-way marriage ?7 City LifeOnline dating8 JobsA choice of attitude9TravelTo move is the great affair!10 BusinessToo many to choose from11 SchedulesYear in, year out12 WeatherIt's raining frogs!13 EntertainmentHold on or give up14 HomeEast or west, home is best15 HealthCatch a cold if I kiss her?16 ShoppingNo discount17 FoodBlasted McDonald's!18 NewsWhat's going on ?




插图:1. Explain the activity. T: From the Real World Listeningsection, we know that Princess Fiona was greatly surprisedby her rescuer's appearance. In this task you are supposed to be the princess and narrate her story. You can base your narration on the conversation and develop it as you like.Teaching TipStudents are expected to synthesize the words of severalpeople on the same topic. Such an exercise demands astronger ability of using English than to retell the words ofone person. The teacher may play the recording once to letstudents take notes and encourage them to exercise theircreativity to supply any missing information they may needto fulfill this task.2. Explain the activity. T: It seems that the young couldn'tunderstand their parents' position if parents tend to arrange or interfere in their personal business until they themselves become parents. Can you make any comments on thatphenomenon? Work in pairs or groups and write down yourideas.Answers for ReferenceOn the one hand, parents are the first teachers of their ownchild. They shoulder a great part of the responsibility forthe growth of the child. In terms of law, parents are thelegitimate guardians of their child. They have the right togive their child proper guidance. The young cannot tell rightfrom wrong. It will be harmful if parents let things drift. Onthe other hand, if parents are too deeply involved into theirchild's personal business, it will worsen the parent-childrelationship. Inappropriate ways of interference in a child'slife may ruin the harmonious family life.Parents and children need patient communication, insteadof cold war, to close the generation gap. Since many factorsmay contribute to that phenomenon, the two sides shouldmake joint efforts to overcome it.3. Explain the activity. T: We are going to have a debate basedon the motion "Physical appearance or personality —— Which is more important f

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