- ISBN:7506731746
- 装帧:简裝本
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:162
- 出版时间:2005-09-01
- 条形码:9787506731744 ; 978-7-5067-3174-4
由赵映红主编的《大学英语(第2册)》是《大学英语》之一。本套教材根据全国高职英语教学大纲,结合我校成人外语教学的实际情况编写,适用于成人专科在校期间使用。分上、下二册。每册书中包含十五课,分为A、B课。教师参考书附有背景介绍、课文精讲、习答案及课文翻译。 本套教材内容由浅入深、涉及面广。融知识性、趣味性于一体。语法讲解通俗易懂,有配套练习。便于巩固,使学生能准确掌握书中要点。
Lesson One Text A:The Largest and Most Populous Grammar:The Comparative and Superlative Form of Adjectives and Adverbs Text B:New.YorkLesson Two Text A:Beach Party Grammar:The Noun Clause Text B :An OutingLesson Three Text A:Rock and Roll Grammar:The Attributive Clause (1) Text B:Elvis PresleyLesson Four Text A:Shakespeare Grammar:. The Attributive Clause (2) Text B:Reading Good BooksLesson Five Text A:What is Happiness Grammar:The Infinitive (1) Text B:Happiness is a ChoiceLesson Six Text A:Ancient China Grammar:The Infinitive (2) Text B:Crossing a ContinentLesson Seven Text A:Nonverbal Communication Grammar:The Adverbial Clause ( 1 ) Text B:Body TalkLesson Eight Text A:The Importance of Being Kind and Polite Grammar:The Adverbial Clause (2) Text B:Why We Walk in CirclesLesson Nine Text A:Picasso Grammar:The Gerund Text B:The Man Who Made You LaughLesson Ten Text A:ManS Best Friend Grammar:The Participle "" Text B:Kindness to AnimalsLesson Eleven Text A:Air Grammar:The Subjunctive Mood (1) Text B:Heat and TemperatureLesson Twelve Text A:Why are Maps Drawn with North at the Top?
Grammar:The Subjunctive Mood (2) Text B:You Have a ChoiceLesson Thirteen Text A:The Merchant of Venice (1) Grammar:Direct and Indirect Speech Text B:The Merchant of Venice (2)Lesson Fourteen Text A:Body Defenses against Infection Grammar:Uses of "It" ( 1 ) Text B:The Human Body as a FortressLesson Fifteen Text A:The lady with the lamp Grammar:Uses of "it" (2) Text B:The Lady of the LampVocabulary