

1星价 ¥26.3 (7.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787300118574
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:325
  • 出版时间:2010-04-01
  • 条形码:9787300118574 ; 978-7-300-11857-4






introduction case establishing a global outlook-susan's story
chapter one contemporary world economy and its dvelopment
 1.1 fundamental elements of the contemporary world economy
 1.2 historical review of the world economy
 chapter summary
 questions and problems
 on-line study
 case study: the nationalities of the top 25 multinational corporations
chapter two catalysts of world economic development
 2.1 international division of labor
 2.2 technology innovations and diffusion
 2.3 function of the world market
 2.4 measurement ofeconomic development
 chapter summary
 questions and problems
 on-line study
 case study: yao ming-- "the next big thing" for international services
chapter three globalization era
 3.1 definition and measurements
 3.2 advantages and disadvantages of globalization
 3.3 effects of globalization on corporation's development
 3.4 drivers of corporate internationalization and globalization
 chapter summary
 questions and problems
 on-line study
 case study: the battle in seattle and the
 anti-globalization movement
chapter four regional economic integration
 4.1 economic integration and economic blocs
 4.2 basic theory of economic integration
 4.3 european integration
 4.4 north american economic integration
 4.5 other economic alliances
 chapter summary
 questions and problems
 on-line study
 case study: is european union an optimal currency area?
chapter five freedom of trade---forerunner of economic globalization
 5.1 trade expansion and openness of trading countries
 5.2 gatt/wto efforts in promoting freedom of the world trade
 5.3 free trade vs.protectionism debate
 chapter summary
 questions and problems
 on-line study
 case study: free trade for steel? the debate continues
chapter six financial g!obalization
 6.1 definition, driving forces and measurement
 6.2 the international capital flows
 6.3 benefits of financial globalization
 6.4 risks of financial globalization
 6.5 multilateral structure and policymaking
 chapter summary
 questions and problems
 on-line study
 case study: is capital-market liberalization the right policy?
chapter seven challenges to the sustainable development of the world economy
 7.1 unbalanced economic development
 7.2 world population challenge
 7.3 environmental challenges and economic development
 7.4 pandemic diseases
 chapter summary
 questions and problems
 on-line study
 case study.global climate change and the kyoto protocol
chapter eight international collaboration and coordination
 8.1 correcting international externalities via multilateral interventions
 8.2 protecting the global environment through multinational efforts
 8.3 international policy coordination
 chapter summary
 questions and problems
 on-line study
 case study: a french judge combats an international
chapter nine countries in the g!obalized world economy
 9.1 the division of country groups
 9.2 developed countries and their economic performance
 9.3 developing countries' economic development,strategies in the globalization era
 9.4 economies in transition
 chapter summary
 questions and problems
 on-line study
 case study.japanese labor market and capital market
chapter ten china's economic reform and its integration into the world economy
 10.1 development strategy before china's economic reform
 10.2 china's economic reform and integration into the world economy
 10.3 china's economic achievement and its development strategy
 chapter summary
 questions and problems
 on-line study
 case study: an example of application of comparative advantage strategy--china taiwan's economic development




插图:Problems and Challenges In the process of the world economic development,therehave been all sorts of formidable problems undermining the healthy development of theworld economy.In today’S world,the environmental problems,poverty,fatal pandemicdiseases,desertification etc.have been the major threat to the people of all nations.To recognize the economic implication of the challenges to the people'S well being and tofind effective measures to address the problems are the important tasks of the course.1.1.3 The Three Elements of the World EconomyPeople People are the controlling force of the world economy.The reason why people can take the controlling position in the world economy is largely attributed to its dual features:one is the people as a basic production factor and the other is the people as the consumer.For surviving purpose and higher level of satisfaction of various de-mands,human labor,a basic input of production,makes the production possible by its WOrking on the natural resources with certain skills;while on the other hand,people keep consuming those products,demanding for more products and coming up with new consumption desires.Human being'S increasing desire for better life drives it to work harder and has be-come the most dynamic force behind the economic development.Thus the development of the world economy is hand in hand with the growing number of the human popula-tion.The sustainability of the economic development depends on the balance betweenthe growing size of the population.ecological environment and the natural resources.For centuries,the growth rate of human population was slower than required by a fast economic development;therefore the expansion of the world economy was restrained as a resuit.However,in the last tWO centuries,the number of human population has in-creased at an unprecedented speed,which is demonstrated by the shorter a



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