

1星价 ¥99.4 (7.2折)
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  • ISBN:9787030280879
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:暂无
  • 出版时间:2010-08-01
  • 条形码:9787030280879 ; 978-7-03-028087-9


《神经科学百科全书3:神经肽与神经营养因子(影印版·导读版)》:原书篇幅巨大,为所有神经科学百科全书之首。由来自世界各地的2400多位专家撰稿人合力打造,覆盖了神经科学全部主要领域。书中每个词条在收入书中之前均经过顾问委员会的同行评议。词条中均含有词汇表、引言、参考文献和丰富的交叉参考内容。主编为著名神经科学家、美国神经科学学会前主席Larry R.Squire。内容平易,本科生即可读懂。深度和广度独一无二,足可满足专家学者的需要。导读版精选原书中的部分主题,按内容重新编排,更适合国内读者购买和阅读。


Amphibian PeptidesApelinBDNF in Synaptic Plasticity and MemoryCalcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) and ReceptorsCCICGastrin and ReceptorsCircadian Function and Therapeutic Potential of Melatonin in HumansCorticotropin-Releasing Hormone and Urocortins: Binding Proteins and ReceptorsEndocannabinoid Role in Synaptic Plasticity and LearningEnteric Nervous System: Neurotrophic FactorsGalanin and ReceptorsGFL Neurotrophic Factors: Physiology and PharmacologyGlial Growth FactorsGrowth Factors: Neuronal AtrophyHypocretin/Orexin and MCH and Receptors Insulin-Like Growth Factor Signaling and Actions in BrainInvertebrate Neurohormone GPCRsKissoeDtins and their ReceptorsMagnocellular Neurosecretory System: Organization, Plasticity, Model Peptidergic NeuronsMammalian Neuropeptide FamiliesMelanocortins: Brain EffectsMelatonin Regulation of Circadian Rhythmicity in VertebratesNatriuretic PeptidesNerve Growth FactorNeuroendocrine Peptide ProcessingNeuromodulationNeuronal AngiotensinNeuropeptide FF and ReceptorsNeuropeptide Inactivation or MetabolismNeuropeptide Receptors-Drug DevelopmentNeuropeptide ReleaseNenropeptide SNeuropeptide Signaling in InvertebratesNeuropeptide Synthesis and StorageNeuropeptide Y (NPY) and its ReceptorsNeuropeptides and CoexistenceNeuropeptides and Receptors in GliaNeuropeptides in Autonomic NeuronsNeuropeptides InternalizationNenropeptides Phylogeny and EvolutionNeuropeptides: DiscoveryNeuropeptides: ElectrophysiologyNeuropeptides: Endocrine CellsNeuropeptides: Enteric Nervous SystemNeuropeptides: EpilepsyNeuropeptides: Food IntakeNeuropeptides: Mental DiseaseNeuropeptides: PainNeuropeptides: Sensory SystemsNeurotensin and ReceptorsNeurotransmitters and Growth Factors: OverviewNeurotrophic Factor Therapy: GDNF and CNTFNeurotrophic Factor Therapy: NGF, BDNF and NT-3Neurotrophins: Physiology and PharmacologyOpioid Peptides and ReceptorsPeptidergic ReceptorsPineal Gland and MelatoninProlactin and its Neuroendocrine ControlProlactin-Releasing PeptideProopiomelanocortinRetrograde Neurotrophic Signaling Somatostatin and ReceptorsSubstance P/Tachykinins and its/their ReceptorsTIP39 (Tuberoinfundibular Peptide of 39 Residues)Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide and Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Peptide ReceptorsVasopressin/Oxytocin and Receptors原书词条中英对照表




插图:A core of gene clusters within the granular glandcells of frog skin codes for these secreted peptides.A mild transdermal electrical stimulation of the frogreleases granular gland contents on the skin surface asa result of glandular syncythia rupture produced bythe contraction of myoepithelial cells surrounding theglands. These skin secretions contain the entire pepti-dome, transcriptome, and genome of the granulargland syncythia (olocryne secretion). The polyadeny-lated mRNAs constituting the secreted transcriptomeand the peptides constituting the secreted proteomeare protected from degradation by interactionswith co-released amphipathic peptides and muco-proteins endowed with antimicrobial, RNAse-, andprotease-inhibitory activities. Thus, amino acid se-quencing of secreted peptides, nucleic acid sequencingof peptide-encoding mRNAs, and genomic informa-tion retrieving from the secreted DNA can be easilyperformed in secretion samples collected from fewfrogs on a regular basis and stored, lyophilized orfrozen, for at least 6 years. This is a powerful methodof determining evolutionary information on theancestral sequences of biologically active peptidesand proteins and understanding the sequence-function relationship of the human orthologs. Becausedifficult-to-synthesize bioactive peptides and proteinsare currently obtained in large quantities from skinsecretions of few amphibian specimens, extensivepharmacological studies have been performed withthese amphibian molecules in order to elucidate thefunctional role of the mammalian orthologs. Whereassome of amphibian skin peptides represent analogs ofalready known mammalian peptide families (Table 1),others represent prototype peptides not encounteredbefore in nature. In many instances, the discovery ofnew amphibian skin peptides led to the discovery ofnovel mammalian neuropeptides; notable examplesare caerulein, bombesin, and sauvagin (Table 2). Inthe amphibian skin, opioid peptides are representedby two prototypes named dermorphin and deltorphin.

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