

1星价 ¥21.0 (6.0折)
2星价¥21.0 定价¥35.0
  • ISBN:9787040360660
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:132
  • 出版时间:2013-01-01
  • 条形码:9787040360660 ; 978-7-04-036066-0


李霄翔主编的《大学体验英语听说教程2(第3版)》特点: 1.每个单元添加了两个视频素材,并且在内容上与本单元主题保持一致。将视频素材融入听说教材中,为教学活动的设计,特别是为视听说交际技能的相互转换和提升,做出了有效的铺垫。 2.四册教材在练习难度上呈现一定的坡度。基于视频素材的练习形式多样,如**册增设了语音语调的模仿训练,强调了在英语听说技能训练中,音视频精听、模仿朗读、熟练跟读等训练环节的重要性,这也为多种形式的模仿配音打下良好的基础。针对视频素材的练习设计体现了“视听导入、整体理解和细节理解跟进、口语应答和表达为主”的思路,便于有效地提升学生的视听和表达能力。 3.视频素材短小精悍,方便教学活动的选择和安排。视频由英美等外籍人士录制,语音语调标准自然,为教学活动中的学习和模仿提供了良好的参照。


  《“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材:大学体验英语听说教程2(第3版)》特点:  1.每个单元添加了两个视频素材,并且在内容上与本单元主题保持一致。将视频素材融入听说教材中,为教学活动的设计,特别是为视听说交际技能的相互转换和提升,做出了有效的铺垫。  2.四册教材在练习难度上呈现一定的坡度。基于视频素材的练习形式多样,如第1册增设了语音语调的模仿训练,强调了在英语听说技能训练中,音视频精听、模仿朗读、熟练跟读等训练环节的重要性,这也为多种形式的模仿配音打下良好的基础。针对视频素材的练习设计体现了“视听导入、整体理解和细节理解跟进、口语应答和表达为主”的思路,便于有效地提升学生的视听和表达能力。  3.视频素材短小精悍,方便教学活动的选择和安排。视频由英美等外籍人士录制,语音语调标准自然,为教学活动中的学习和模仿提供了良好的参照。


UNIT 1 Introductions"You'll really like him."
Warm Up:Introductions
Listening Task:Introductions in different situations
Real World Listening:Jean,Alicia,and Robert meet at a cafe
Interactive Practice:Video 1 Course selection /Video 2 Asking for advice
Interaction Link:Meet the class

UNIT 2 Personality"What do you like about him?"
Warm Up:Personality
Listening:Task:Question about egple
Real World Listening:Personality quiz
Interactive Practice:Video 1 Talking about friends/Video 2 Talking about one's family
Interaction Link:lt's a match

UNIT 3 Home"The view is great."
Warm Up:Housing
Listening Task:Talking
Real World Listening:Hye Jun looks for a place to live
Interactive Practice:Video 1 Hunting for a flat/2 Visiting a room in a shared apartment
Interaction Link:My place

UNIT 4 Technology"How does it work?"
Warm Up:Technology functions
Listening Task:Complaining about technology
Real World Listening:Zack Newton on Techworld
Interactive Practice:Video 1 A new shampoo /Video 2 A new gadget
Interaction Link:What does it do?

UNIT 5 Nationalities"All around the world"
Warm Up:Experiences in other countries
Listening Task:Talking about different cultures
Real World Listening:Leath and Hannah talk about Zambia
Interactive Practice:Video 1 Travel in Africa(Ⅰ)/Video 2 Travel in Africa(Ⅱ)
Interaction Link:Travel survey

UNIT 6 Identity"What's your number?"
Warm Up:Personal questions
Listening Taskt:Keeping information private
ReaI Word Listening:Catherine meets Chip at a party
Interactive Practice:Video 1 Meeting someone friends chatting about a classmate
Interaction Link:That's kind of personal!
Eeview Unit 1 (UNITS 1-5)

UNIT 7 Family"I really take after my dad."
Warm Up:Kinship terms
Listening:Task:Talking about tamily relationships
Real World Listening:Jane,her parents,and what they have in common
Interactive Practice:'Video 1 Talking about one's parents/Video 2 Talking about their parents
Interaction Link:Something in common

UNIT 8 Directions"Are you lost?"
Warm Up:Directions
Listening Task:Looking for famous places
Real World Listening:Paula talks about Istanbul
Interactive Practice:Video 1 Directions /Video 2 Asking for directions
Interaction Link:Where in the world?

UNIT 9 Jobs"The benefits are great!"
Warm Up:Job features
Listening Task:Talking about first jobs
Real World Listening:Sandy and jennifer at a job interview
Interactive Practice:Video 1 Comparing twoapplicants for a job /Video 2 Talking about job interviews
Interaction Link:What's my job?

UNIT 10 Style"It means a lot to me."
Warm Up:Accessories
Listening Task:Talking about what accessories mean
Real World Listening:Commitment bracelets
Interactive Practice:Video 1 Dressed up for a party /Video 2 Strange fashion
Interaction Link:lt's special because
Eeview Unit 2 (UNITS 6-10)

UNIT 11 Travel"They lost my luggage!"
Warm Up:Travel obstacles
Listening Task:Dealing with travel problems
Real World Listening:Trevor talks about a bad trip
Interactive Practice:Video 1 Travel(Ⅰ)/Video 2 Travel(Ⅱ)
Interaction Link:What would you do?

UNIT 12 Food"What's for dinner?"
Warm Up:Tastes and textures
Listening Task:Favorite foods
Real World Listening:Maw-Maw's Cajun kitchen!
Interactive Practice:Video 1 Food(Ⅰ)/Video 2 Food(Ⅱ)
Interaction Link:What do you eat?

UNIT 13 Schedules"I'll pencil it in."
Warm Up:Phone tag
Listening Task:Talking about busy schedules
Real World Listening:Pink on tour in Asia
Interactive Practice:Video 1 Schedules(Ⅰ)/Video 2 Schedules(Ⅱ)
Interaction Link:My schedule

UNIT 14 Weather"1t's raining cats and dogs."
Warm Up:Seasons
Listening Task:Weather forecasts
Real World Listening:Alex talks to his grandmother about Alaska
Interactive Practice:Video 1 Weather(Ⅰ)/Video 2 Weather(Ⅱ)
Interaction Link:The best time of the year

UNIT 15 Lifestyle"It's so convenient."
Warm Up:City,suburbs,and countryside
Listening Task:Talking about locations
Real World Listening:Julie Morris and Fernando Martinez on Gemini One
Interactive Practice:Video 1 Lifestyle(Ⅰ)/Video 2 Lifestyle(Ⅱ)
Interaction Link:Private island
Eeview Unit 3 (UNITS 11-15)

Self-Study Pages
Self-Study Pages Answer Key
New Words and Expressions

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