

¥70.6 (7.2折) ?
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  • ISBN:9787508526225
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:23cm
  • 页数:191
  • 出版时间:2013-11-01
  • 条形码:9787508526225 ; 978-7-5085-2622-5


中国军队系列丛书共10本,是一套全面对外介绍中国军队各军兵种基本情况和发展沿革的图书,被列为国家十二五重点规划以及“走出去”重点图书。丛书在国防部新闻事务局的指导下,动员全军范围内专家撰写。每本字数从5万至10万不等,配有上百幅珍贵图片。丛书试图沿着中国军队的成长脉络,关注其历史、现状及未来发展,通过大量鲜活事例的细节描述,从多个视角真实地展现人民解放军的整体面貌。 本书是“中国军队”系列外宣图书的其中一本分册,“中国军队”系列业已列入新闻出版总署“十二五”重点规划400种精品目录。本书作者李发新等系海军陆战学院的专家,对于这一题材驾驭很好。文字鲜活、生动,配以大量珍贵的历史和现实图片,对于中国海军陆战队的历史发展及现状进行了深入浅出的介绍。 There are ten books in the series on PLA China, namely The Chinese People's Liberation Army, The PLA Navy, The PLA Air Force, The PLA Army Aviation Corps, The PLA Marines, The Chinese Navy's Maritime Escort Operations, The PLAAF Airborne Troops, Chinese Peacekeepers Overseas, The Chinese Army in International Exchanges, as well as The Chinese Army in Humanitarian Relief. The length of each book ranges from 50,000 to 100,000 Chinese characters, with hundreds of valuable pictures. The series attempts to focus on the Chinese armed forces' history, current situation and future development in the context of its growth through the use of many interesting examples and details, to show the overall face of the People's Liberation Army from multiple angles. The PLA Marines is a volume of the Series of Chinese Army which has been listed in the Catalogue of 400 Selected Publication Projects in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan compiled by China’s General Administration of Press and Publication. The authors are leading experts from Chinese Marine-Corps School including Professor Li Faxin. They deal with this subject with great ease and dexterity. With vivid words and plenty of valuable pictures, this book introduces the historical development and present situation of the PLA Marines. This makes the book highly authoritative and readable.




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