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  • ISBN:9787305158506
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:557
  • 出版时间:2015-11-01
  • 条形码:9787305158506 ; 978-7-305-15850-6






preface to english editionintroduction  part  i.the nanjing massacre:atrocities committed by japanese army  part  ii.japanese atrocities on trial:condemnation and justice from china and international community  part  iii.japan’srightwing:supportforwarandfaultyviewofnanjingmassacre    1.glorification ofaggression    2.denial ofnanjing massacre  part  iv.historical materials:collection,publication,and researchchapter one:the battle of nanjing  parti.  pre-war nanjing    1.nanjing as the nationalist government capital    2.nanjing’s administrative organization and divisions    3.changes in urban and rural populations  part ii.  japanese advance on nanjing and nationalist government response    1.japanese westward advance after occupying shanghai    2.japanese air strikes on nanjing and chinese anti.aircraft operations.    3.nationalist government measures to defend nanjing  part ⅲ.  fierce battles at main and altemate positions on city periphery    1.contest for main peripheral positions    2.defense forces adjust positions and the japanese urge surrender    3.battlestodefendthecity  part iv.  japanese capture ofnanjing    1.japanese occupation of nanjing    2.atrocities along the route    3.attacks on british and american shipschapter two:the massacre that shocked the world  part i.  “disposal”of prisoners and“mop—up operations”    1.“disposal”of prisoners of war during siege of nanjing    2.“mop-up”orders and“mop—up operations”  part ii.  collective massacres    1.collective massacres near yangtze river    2.manhunts inside safety zone and collective massacres inside and outside city  part iii.  scattered killings    1.scattered killings inside city    2.scattered killings inside safety zone    3.scattered killings in nearby suburbschapter three:sexual violence on a massive scale  part i.  rape of chinese women    1.rape by japanese soldiers    2.the sufferingofvictims    3.westemers witness sexual violence  part ii.  perverted acts of sexual violence    1.gang rape    2.forced incest and abusive sexual escapades    3.rape and murder  part ⅲ.  japanese army“comfort stations”and“comfort women”    1.establishment of comfort stations in nanjing    2.typesofcomfortstationsinnanjing    3.management of comfort stations in nanjing    4.the suffering of“corefort women”chapter four:looting,burning,and destruction  part i.  looting    1.looting of pubhc and private property    2.seizure of foreign property    3.looting books and cultural relics  part ii.  burning    1.large—scale burning    2.scattered burning    3.organizedarson  part iii.  destruction of the city    1.destruction of purple mountain scenic area    2.destruction of historical and cultural buildings    3.occupation and demolition of houses and ancient architecturechapter five:relief e仟orts of internationai committee of the nanjing safety zone  part i.  establishment of nanjing international safety zone    1.westerners advocate for safety zone    2.attitudes of china and japan toward safety zone    3.establishment of nanjing intemational safety zone  part ii.  international committee refugee protection and relief efforts    1.institution to organize and manage safety zone    2.distribution of refugee camps and settlement of refugees    3.refugee relief    4.protection and rescue of refugees  part iii.  changein japaneseattitudetoward safetyzone    1.tacit acknowledgment of safety zone during initial occupation    2.intemationalcommitteeeffortstocooperatewithjapaneseauthorities    3.japanesehostilitytowardandmarginalizafionofinternationalcommittee    4.dissolution of international committee and closure of safety zonechapter six:nanjing under japanese rule  part i.  control by the japanese army    1.military control    2.social and economic control  part ii.  puppet nanjing self-government committee    1.establishment of naniing self-government committee    2.activities of self-government committee  part iii.  burial and disposal ofvictims’bodies    1.burial by charitable groups    2.japanese army’s disposal of bodies  part iv.  the lives of naniing citizens under japanese rule    1.the japanese whitewash of“peace and prosperity”    2.living conditions in the city    3.living conditions of suburban farmers    4.refugees’state of mind during nanjing massacrechapter seven:chinese reporting on the nanjing massacre  part i.  chinese media reports    1.media coverage in kuomintang—controlled areas    2.chinese communist party media coverage  part ii.  revelations of nanjing massacre survivors    1.revelations of soldiers fleeing nanjing    2.revelations of refugees in nanjing  part iii.  publicity by chinese authorities    1.0verseas publicity by international publicity office    2.publicationsbythemilitaryaffairscommissionpoliticaldepartmentchapter eight:reaction to nanjing massacre of the international community and japan  part i.  reaction ofthe united states    1.news media coverage    2.official reaction  part ii.  reaction of germany    1.official reaction    2.change in govemment attitude  part iii.  reaction of the united kingdom    1.news media coverage    2.official reaction  part iv.  reactions of spain,italy,and the soviet union    1.reaction ofspain    2.reactions of italy and the soviet union  part v.  reaction ofjapan    1.official reaction    2.news media coverage and public reactionchapter nine:post-war investigations and tribunals  part i.  post-war investigations    1.nanjing enemy crimes investigation commission    2.nanjing war of resistance losses survey commission    3.war crimes investigation of nanjing massacre  part ii.  nanjingtribunal    1.policies and procedures for trying japanese war criminals    2.filing nanjing massacre war criminal cases    3.tribunal trials and judgments  part iii.  tokyotribunal    1.creation of international military tribunal for the far east    2.collection of evidence    3.nanjingmassacrehearings    4.matsui 1wane found guilty    5.tribunal judgment and dissenting opinionsindexcontributors



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