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  • ISBN:9787030446985
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:NULL
  • 页数:246
  • 出版时间:2015-06-01
  • 条形码:9787030446985 ; 978-7-03-044698-5


  wang qian编著的《a report on co2 utilization technologies assessment in china(the administrative center for china's agenda21)(英文版)》介绍了,climate change is one of the most serious challenges facing the world today, affecting thesurvival and development of human being. tackling climate change serves the commoninterest of the world and has a bearing on china's future development and chinese people'swellbeing. the ever-increasing pressure for emissions reduction domestically andinternationally has significantly affected energy security, economic development and liveli-hood improvement in china. among the technologies that can reduce greenhouse gas emis-sions, carbon capture and storage (ccs) is an emerging one that has the potential toachieve the large-scale use of fossil fuels in a low-carbon manner.




abstract1 overview 1.1 co2 utilization technologies and classification 1.2 development of co2 utilization technologies around the world 1.3 development of co2 utilization technologies in china 1.4 significance of co2 utilization technologies for china 1.5 assessment purpose and methodology for co2 utilization technologies 1.6 overall framework of the assessment report references2 potential and benefits 2.1 emission reduction potential of co2 utilization technologies 2.2 benefits of co2 utilization technologies 2.3 utilization technologies to increase energy production and efficiency 2.4 enhanced recovery of mineral resource and utilization technologies 2.5 utilization technologies for the synthesis of organic chemicals 2.6 increased biological and agricultural production and utilization technologies 2.7 utilization technology for inorganic chemicals and materials synthesis 2.8 summary references3 co2 geological utilization 3.1 co2 enhanced oil recovery 3.2 co2 enhanced coalbed methane 3.3 co2=enhanced natural gas recovery 3.4 co2 enhanced shale gas recovery 3.5 co2 enhanced geothermal system 3.6 co2 enhanced uranium leaching 3.7 co2 enhancedwater recovery references 4 co2 chemical utilization 4.1 co2 reforming of methane to synthesis gas (co2-cdr) 4.2 co2 to liquid fuels via carbon monoxide (co2-ctl) 4.3 co2 to methanol (co2-ctm) 4.4 organic carbonate synthesis technology with co2(co2:ctd) 4.5 co2 to formic acid (co2-ctf) 4.6 co2 to polymers (coi-ctp) 4.7 co2 to isoeyanate/polyurethane ( co2-ctu) 4.8 co2 to polycarbonate (co2-ctpc) 4.9 co2 utilization by (indirect) steel slag carbonation (co2-scu and co2-iscu) 4.10 co2 utilization by phosphogypsum carbonation(co2 pcu) 4.11 coi mineralization with potassium feldspar (co2 pcm) 4.12 summary of chemical utilization of co2 references 5 co2 bio-utilization 5.1 the technology of co2 sequestration by algae for producing biofuel and chemical 5.2 technology of co2 sequestration with algal bioferfilizer 5.3 technology of co2 sequestration by algae for producing food and feed supplements 5.4 technology of using co2 as gas fertilizer 5.5 conclusions references 6 development expectations and policy recommendations 6.1 expectations for technological development 6.2 comprehensive comparison of technologies 6.3 policy recommendations 6.4 summary and outlook appendix ⅰ assessment methods for co2 technologiesappendix ⅱ ievaluation of co2 utilization

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