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  • ISBN:9787508533230
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:220
  • 出版时间:2016-02-01
  • 条形码:9787508533230 ; 978-7-5085-3323-0






abstractintroductionresearch status of hand dance in chineseclassical dances1.1 the existent forms of chinese classicaldances1. basic hand shapes of the school of shenyun of chinese classical dances2. basic hand shapes in the han-tang schoolof chinese classical dances3. basic hand shapes in the school ofdunhuang of chinese classical dances4. modes of motion of hand dance in chineseclassical dances5. practices of hand dance of chineseclassical dances in training1.2 a case study of hand dances in thedance creation of chinese classical dances1. tang mancheng: the typical applicationof hand dances in the shen yun school in ru ci duo jiao (so rich in beauty)2. sun ying: an analysis of the hand dancein the han-tang, school from stepping dance to tong que ji3. gao jinrong: the application of typicalhand dances in the rain of flowers on the silk road, the predecessor of thedunhuang schoolthe realistic basis from life and culturalbasis of the hand dance in chinese classical dances2.1 the realistic basis from life of handdance1. the main means of expression of signlanguage2. nouns and verbs in sign language3. various sentence patterns in signlanguage2.2 the cultural basis for hand dance inchinese classical dances1. an analysis of the hand dance movementsin grotto statues and unearthed cultural relics2. the preaching and singing culture of thetemples in tang dynasty3. a case study of thousand-handedbodhisattva avalokite?vara (guānyīn)2.3 the gestures and movements in dances ofchinese traditional operas1. the materials of movements in the handdance of liyuan opera2. the 53 moves in mei lanfang school ofpeking opera3. the extraction and application of handmovements in liyuan operathe artistic and cultural features of handdance of chinese classical dances3.1 the characteristics of artisticexpression of hand dance of chinese classical dances1. artistic representation: the features ofnarrative hand movements2. artistic presentation: the features oflyrical hand movements3.2 the characteristics of cultural symbolsof hand dance of chinese classical dances1. basic modes of hand dance of chineseclassical dances2. cultural features of hand dance ofchinese classical dancesconclusionbibliographyappendixacknowledgements



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