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  • ISBN:9787302454458
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:410
  • 出版时间:2016-11-01
  • 条形码:9787302454458 ; 978-7-302-45445-8


本书总结了作者近年来关于岩石力学基础理论、分析方法以及创新技术和工程应用的*研究成果。全 书分为岩石试验、岩石锚杆、注浆锚索、隧道工程、边坡工程和采矿工程 6章,主要阐述了岩板断裂铰接成 拱过程及其失稳破坏特征,岩石锚杆破坏模式及其力学机制,注浆锚索的尺度效应及其传力特性,以及近年 来在隧道工程、边坡工程和采矿工程实践中的创新技术及其应用效果分析等内容,附有大量的图表和工程实 例。研究内容主要为国家自然科学基金项目、澳大利亚政府奋进研究学者项目、河北省自然科学基金项目, 以及大量国内外现场实践项目提炼出来的相关科学问题和技术难题。本书内容丰富、新颖、实用,可为隧道 工程、边坡工程、采矿工程及岩石力学专业的科研工作者、高等院校师生以及现场工程技术人员提供参考和 借鉴。




Preface i Acknowledgments ii 1. Rock Testing 1. Instability Characteristics of a Single Sandstone Plate 1 2. Instability Characteristics of Double-Layer Rock Plates 11 3. Rupture and Energy Analysis of Double-Layer Rock Plates 18 4. Double-Layer Rock Plates With Both Ends Fixed Condition 27 5. Viscoelastic Attenuation Properties for Different Rocks 32 6. Cutting Fracture Characteristics of Sandstone 39 7. Energy Dissipation Characteristics of Sandstone Cutting 46 8. Fracture Properties on the Compressive Failure of Rock 52 References 58 Further Reading 60 2. Rockbolting 1. Mathematical Derivation of Slip Face Angle 61 2. A Mechanical Model for Cone Bolts 73 3. Effect of Introducing Aggregate Into Grouting Material 86 4. Optimizing Selection of Rebar Bolts 90 5. Poisson’s Ratio Effect in Push and Pull Testing 102 6. Study on Rockbolting Failure Modes 112 7. Steel Bolt Profile Influence on Bolt Load Transfer 128 8. Tensile Stress Mobilization Along a Rockbolt 141 References 146 Further Reading 149 3. Grouted Cable 1. Load Transfer Mechanism of Fully Grouted Cable 151 2. Theoretical Analysis of Load Transfer Mechanics 159 3. Impacting Factors on the Design for Cables 168 4. Mechanical Properties of Cementitious Grout 177 5. Anchorage Performance Test of Cables 187 6. Axial Performance of a Fully Grouted Modified Cable 196 7. Sample Dimensions on Assessing Cable Loading Capacity 203 References 212 Further Reading 215 4. Tunnel Engineering 1. Construction Optimization for a Soft Rock Tunnel 217 2. Water Inrush Characteristics of Roadway Excavation 225 3. Lining Reliability Analysis for Hydraulic Tunnel 233 4. Disturbance Deformation of an Existing Tunnel 239 5. Energy Dissipation Characteristics of a Circular Tunnel 250 6. Pressure-Arch Evolution and Control Technique 256 7. Skewed Effect of the Pressure-Arch in a Double-Arch Tunnel 266 References 276 Further Reading 279 5. Slope Engineering 1. Three-Dimensional Deformation Effect and Optimal Excavated Design 281 2. Stability Analysis of Three-Dimensional Slope Engineering 289 v Biography iii 3. Fracture Process Analysis of Key Strata in the Slope 295 4. Parameters Optimization of the Slope Engineering 303 5. Key Technologies in Cut-and-Cover Tunnels in Slope Engineering 310 6. Potential Risk Analysis of a Tailings Dam 319 7. A New Landslide Forecast Method 326 References 331 Further Reading 333 6. Mining Geomechanics 1. Analytical Analysis of Roof-Bending Deflection 335 2. Analytical Solution of the Roof Safe Thickness 345 3. Catastrophe Characteristics of the Stratified Rock Roof 350 4. Pressure-Arch Analysis in Coal Mining Field 357 5. Analysis of Accumulated Damage Effects on the Roof 363 6. Tunnel and Bridge Crossing the Mined-Out Regions 372 7. Pressure-Arch Analysis in Horizontal Stratified Rocks 381 8. Pressure-Arch in a Fully Mechanized Mining Field 392 References 400 Further Reading 402 Index 403

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