

1星价 ¥69.4 (7.8折)
2星价¥69.4 定价¥89.0
  • ISBN:9787308160919
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:25cm
  • 页数:152
  • 出版时间:暂无
  • 条形码:9787308160919 ; 978-7-308-16091-9


洪义等*的《富含承压水或浅层气软土地层中深开挖诱发的变形及突涌灾变机理研究》是国内外** 本系统介绍含承压水的软土地区基坑开挖稳定性研究及工程对策学术专*。本书通过总结国内外的相关文献,开展量纲分析,三维流—固耦合分析,现场试验验证,离心模型试验验证,对该课题作了深入研究和讨论。该书也是为数不多的同时运用几种重要的研究方法(量纲分析,流—固耦合分析,全尺度现场模型试验,土工离心模型试验)来解决岩土工程问题的参考书。适用于从事软土地区深基坑工程的研究人员,以及工程师。




Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Objectives 1.3 Book Outline References Literature Review 2 1 Introduction 2.2 Ground Deformation Due to Excavation 2.3 Soil-Structure Interaction of Multi-Propped Excavation 2.4 Excavation Base Instability Due to Hydraulic Uplift 2.5 Techniques for Simulation of Multi-Propped Excavation in Centrifuge 2.6 Summary References Field Investigation of Multi-Propped Excavation in Soft Clay 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The Site 3.3 Instrumentation 3.4 Ground Deformation and Soil-Structure Interaction at Panel 4 3.5 Summary and Conclusions References 4 Numerical Analyses of Multi-Propped Excavation in Soft Clay 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Finite Element Analysis 4.3 Comparison of Measured and Computed Results 4.4 Summary and Conclusions References 5 Dimensional Analysis of Excavation in Clay Subjected to Hydraulic Uplift 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Variables Affecting Basal Resistance Against Hydraulic Uplift 5.3 Dimensional Analysis 5.4 Key Dimensionless Groups for This Study. References 6 Centrifuge Modelling of Multi-Propped Excavation in Clay Destabilised by Hydraulic Uplift 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Principles and Scaling Laws 6.3 Limitations of Centrifuge Modelling 6.4 Test Program and Objectives 6.5 Model Package 6.6 Model Preparation and Characterisation of Undrained Shear Strength of Clay 6.7 Instrumentation 6.8 Test Procedure References 7 Finite Element Analyses: For Back-Analysis and Parametric Study 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Back-Analyses of Centrifuge Tests 7.3 Numerical Parametric Study References 8 Interpretations of Measured and Back-Analysed Results of Centrifuge Tests 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Interpretation of Measured and Computed Results 8.3 Improved Understanding from Numerical Back-Analysis 8.4 Numerical Parametric Study on Embedment Depth of Piles 8.5 Summary and Conclusions References 9 Numerical Parametric Study 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Numerical Parametric Study 9.3 Results of Numerical Parametric Study 9.4 An Alternative Method for Base Stabilisation 9.5 Summary and Conclusions References 10 Conclusions and Future Work 10.1 Summary of This Research 10.2 Ground Deformation of Multi-Propped Excavation in Soft Clay 10.3 Soil-Structure Interaction of Multi-Propped Excavation in Soft Clay 10.4 Excavation Base Instability Associated with Hydraulic Uplift 10.5 Recommendations for Further Work References Index

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