

1星价 ¥73.5 (7.5折)
2星价¥73.5 定价¥98.0
  • ISBN:9787508528908
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:216
  • 出版时间:2014-11-07
  • 条形码:9787508528908 ; 978-7-5085-2890-8


  《历史不容忘记:中国驻外使节批驳日本首相参拜靖国神社文集(英文版)》由五洲传播出版社出版,汇集中国驻外使节的60余篇文章,有理有据,有力地批驳了安倍参拜靖国神社的恶劣行径,对当前国际外交斗争中揭露日本右翼错误言论、赢取世界舆论支持、敦促日方反省并停止挑衅,具有很强的针对性。《历史不容忘记:中国驻外使节批驳日本首相参拜靖国神社文集(英文版)》收录的文章既有共同的立论基础,又根据所在国情形,加入了相应的鲜明生动、具体可感的事例和感受,可读性强。 The History Shall Never Be Forgotten – Chinese Diplomats Refuting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Homage at the Yasukuni War Shrine, is published by China Intercontinental Press. The book collected over 60 articles by Chinese diplomats of overseas embassies, which strongly refuted Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s mean actions of the homage at the Yasukuni War Shrine, with all reasons and proofs, especially targeting at the Japanese right-wing forces’ fallacious views in the current international diplomatic struggle and urge Japanese administration to reflect on their wrong behaviors and to cease provocations. The articles in the book not only have the same refuting base, but also been narrated with distinctive, vivid and concrete examples and feelings according to situations of different countries, which is worth reading.


  2013年12月26日,日本首相安倍晋三公然参拜靖国神社。2014年4月21日,靖国神社开始为期三天的春季大祭活动,首相安倍晋三以及内阁多名成员均供奉祭品。安倍政府企图复活军国主义,公然挑战二战后的国际秩序,遭到国际社会的强烈谴责,靖国神社问题再度成为国际舆论关注的焦点。  靖国神社供奉着东条英机等十四名二战甲级战犯,是二战期间日本军国主义对外侵略扩张的象征。日本对待靖国神社的态度关乎日本能否正确认识和深刻反省其侵略历史。亚洲国家人民对日本政要参拜靖国神社深恶痛绝,斥之为“拜鬼”。安倍参拜靖国神社的行为严重伤害了曾遭受日本军国主义侵略和殖民统治的各国人民感情,其倒行逆施引起亚洲各国和国际社会对日本未来发展走向的高度警惕和强烈担忧。  为了对安倍参拜的恶劣行径给予有力回击,揭露日本右翼妄图美化其军国主义殖民侵略历史的险恶用心,还原历史真相,赢取世界舆论对中国及其他受害国的支持,中国驻外使节纷纷撰文,在当地主流媒体表达中国立场。这些文章向国际社会揭示靖国神社问题的本质、中日之间历史问题的根源,揭露安倍参拜的本质及其右倾政策对亚太地区及世界和平与安全的危害,敦促以安倍为首的日本右翼势力正视历史,停止挑衅,摒弃军国主义。我们将中国驻外使节批驳日本首相参拜靖国神社的六十余篇文章整理汇编成册,以中、英、法、俄、西、阿、日等七种文字出版发行。 On December 26, 2013, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe openly paid homage to the Yasukuni Shrine. On April 21, 2014, during the three-day spring ritual worship ceremony in the Yasukuni Shrine, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and several members of the cabinet sent offerings to the Shrine. The Abe Administration attempted to revive militarism and brazenly challenged the post-war international order, bringing the Yasukuni Shrine issue into the focus of international public opinion once again. Their actions were strongly condemned by the international community. The Yasukuni Shrine, where 14 Class-A war criminals including Hideki Tojo are honored, was the symbol of Japanese militarism’s foreign aggression in World War II. Japan’s attitude towards Yasukuni Shrine indicates whether Japan can properly view and repent its history of aggression. People in Asian countries abhor Japanese politicians’ visit to the Yasukuni Shrine and condemned it as “worship to the demons”. Abe’s visit to the Yasukuni Shrine seriously affronted the feelings of people of all countries that have once suffered from Japanese militarist aggression and colonial rule. His act of turning back the wheels of history has aroused high vigilance and strong concern from neighboring countries and the international community over where Japan is headed. To refute Abe’s atrocious behavior and enlist support of the international public opinion for China and other victimized Asian countries, Chinese ambassadors and diplomats across the globe wrote and published articles in local mainstream media outlets to explain China’s stance, exposing the attempt of Japanese right-wing force to whitewash Japan’s history of militaristic colonial invasion, and revealing the truth of the history. These articles expound to the international community the truth of the Yasukuni Shrine issue and the root of the China-Japan dispute, exposed the truth of Abe’s homage to the Shrine, and showed the harmfulness of his right-leaning policies to the peace and security of the Asian-Pacific region and the world, urging the Japanese right-wing force led by Abe to adopt the right manner to the past, stop the confrontational behavior, and abandon militarism. This book is the collection of some sixty speeches given by Chinese oversea diplomats refuting Japanese Prime Minister’s homage at the Yasukuni shrine, and will be published in seven languages, which are Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic and Japanese.


Mr. Cheng Yonghua, the current ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Japan, was born in 1954. Among the first batch of oversea students sent by Chinese government, Cheng Yonghua had been learning Japanese and Japanese culture in Soka University of Japan founded by Ikeda Daisaku, the president of Soka Gakkai since April 1975, and had become an outstanding “Japan hand”. Since 1977, working in Chinese Embassy to Japan, he had been promoted from Attaché to Second Secretary, First Secretary, Counselor and Minister-Counselor; from 2003 to 2006, he had been the Minister of Chinese Embassy to Japan. During the 17 years in Japan,Mr. Cheng Yonghua has been in touch with people from all circles of life, and has established good relationship with them and earned wide reputation. On February 28, 2010, Mr. Cheng Yonghua has been appointed as the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Chinese Embassy to Japan, who replaced Mr. Cui Tiankai. On December 30, 2013, Mr. Cheng Yonghua has published a signed article on Mainichi Shimbun the major influential newspaper of Japan, with the headline of “Declaring ‘No War Pledge’ in the Wrong Place”, which is the strong refutation against Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s homage at the Yasukuni War Shrine, targeting at his fallacious views.



The Victory of the International Anti-Fascist War Cannot Be Denied By Huo Yuzhen Chinese Ambassador to Romania Sixty nine years ago, after long bloody fight, peace-loving and justice-upholding people in the world ended the darkest time in human history and the war of the largest scale and most damage, achieving victory of anti-fascism war by giving up lives and blood. And now, as people throughout the world are striving to safeguard peace and promote development, someone goes against the tide of history and attempts to deny the victory of the international anti-fascist war, lying obstacles for the world peace and development. Not long ago, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe flagrantly paid homage to Yasukuni Shrine where 14 Class-A war criminals of World War II were worshiped, and openly challenged international justice and post-war international order, threatening the hard-won world peace. His action triggered strong protests from Asian countries including China and South Korea, as well as criticism from the international community. The Yasukuni Shrine is a spiritual pillar and symbol of Japanese militaristic war of aggression and colonial rule during World War II. It has been a spiritual pillar for the Japanese militarists and right-wing forces since its foundation. At present, the Shrine consecrates fourteen Class-A war criminals who committed heinous crimes and over 1000 Class-B and C war criminals of World War II. A showroom of war history was established in the Shrine to trumpet militarism ideology and wrong concept of history. Here, criminals of Class-A of World War II are worshiped as “heroic souls” and “national heroes”, the wars of aggression are advocated and beautified, and they hold a stubborn concept that the aggression was “justified” and have been announcing it publicly. Japanese Prime Minister’s paying homage to the Yasukuni Shrine worshiping “Nazis of the East” are to propagandize the criminals of aggressive wars, to whitewash the history of foreign aggression and colonial rule by Japanese militarism, to overturn the just trial of Japanese militarism by the international community, and to attempt to whitewash its aggressive past. As the Prime Minister of a country, Abe shows a clear political intent by choosing to visit the Yasukuni Shrine on the first anniversary of his inauguration, which fully exposes his right-wing nature. It is by no means an issue of religion and the concept of life and death. The war of aggression launched by Japan brought great suffering to people in China and other Asian countries. Total Chinese casualties amounted to 35 million, and the direct and indirect damages amounted to the gigantic 600 billion dollars. However, Chinese people, who are kind-hearted, believe that the war brought misery to the Japanese people as well, and therefore did not seek war reparations from Japan. Chinese people are capable of letting go the past. However, those who fail to adopt the right approach to the past can never embrace the future. Although nearly 70 years have gone by since the end of World War II, we are sorry to see that Japan still fails to face up to and deal with its history of aggression in a correct way, but goes further down the road of political right deviation and militarism. It even attempts to break away from the post-war peace constitution and retrace the road of a military power. These dangerous moves set off alarm bells among Japan’s peacecherishing neighbors and people around the world who have a sense of justice. World War II was concluded at the price of millions of lives. All the peace-loving peoples should uphold the post-war peace order. Romanian people contributed to the international anti-fascist war. Doctor Jankulovski and Mr. and Mrs. Ke Cejan came from thousands miles away to join the anti-fascist war in China. They heroic acts disregarding their own lives to heal the wounded and rescue the dying are known in every household. Heroes who devoted themselves to the war against invasion and fascism will always be remembered. And we, who live in the era of peace, have the obligation to safeguard the hard-won peace to achieve common development and shared prosperity. From Romanian newspaper Adev?rul (The Truth) on January 10, 2014


  程永华,现任中华人民共和国驻日本国大使。程永华出生于1954年,是中国政府派出的首批留学生,1975年4月起,在由创价学会会长池田大作亲自创办的创价大学学习日语和日本文化,成为一名出色的“日本通”。从1977年起在中国驻日使馆工作,从普通的随员做起,先后被任命为二秘、一秘、参赞、公使衔参赞,2003年至2006年出任中国驻日大使馆公使。程永华在日本的17年间接触日本各界人士,建立了良好的人脉与口碑。2010年2月28日,中国新任驻日本国特命全权大使程永华抵日接替崔天凯履新。2013年12月30日,程永华在日本国内具有影响力的大报——《每日新闻》发表题为《发表“不战誓言”找错了地方》的署名文章,有针对性地对日本首相安倍晋三参拜靖国神社有关错误观点进行有力批驳。 Mr. Cheng Yonghua, the current ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Japan, was born in 1954. Among the first batch of oversea students sent by Chinese government, Cheng Yonghua had been learning Japanese and Japanese culture in Soka University of Japan founded by Ikeda Daisaku, the president of Soka Gakkai since April 1975, and had become an outstanding “Japan hand”. Since 1977, working in Chinese Embassy to Japan, he had been promoted from Attaché to Second Secretary, First Secretary, Counselor and Minister-Counselor; from 2003 to 2006, he had been the Minister of Chinese Embassy to Japan. During the 17 years in Japan,Mr. Cheng Yonghua has been in touch with people from all circles of life, and has established good relationship with them and earned wide reputation. On February 28, 2010, Mr. Cheng Yonghua has been appointed as the new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Chinese Embassy to Japan, who replaced Mr. Cui Tiankai. On December 30, 2013, Mr. Cheng Yonghua has published a signed article on Mainichi Shimbun the major influential newspaper of Japan, with the headline of “Declaring ‘No War Pledge’ in the Wrong Place”, which is the strong refutation against Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s homage at the Yasukuni War Shrine, targeting at his fallacious views.

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