

1星价 ¥32.5 (8.6折)
2星价¥32.5 定价¥38.0
  • ISBN:9787564634674
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:152页
  • 出版时间:2017-03-01
  • 条形码:9787564634674 ; 978-7-5646-3467-4


本书在归纳分析近年来煤岩冲击失稳问题研究方法的基础上, 通过实验研究、理论分析和现场实践相结合的研究方法, 研究了采动影响下断层活化过程和诱发冲击地压的机理。内容涉及开采过程中断层应力状态的演化规律, 开采活动导致断层活化的机理以及断层滑移瞬态过程煤体支承压力的动态响应, 煤岩组合结构滑动变形破坏特征, 断层失稳滑动的数学模型以及基于现场冲击地压事故案例分析的断层影响下冲击地压发生规律、冲击地压多参量监测预警方法和解危措施等方面。


1 Introduction
1.1 The purpose and significance of researching fault rockburst
1.2 Several aspects of the problem
1.3 The main contents

2 Fault activation induced by mining and instability law of rock burst
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Design of similar model experiment
2.3 Fault slip law under the influence of mining
2.4 Stress state of fault under the influence of mining
2.5 Evolution law of support pressure of coal in working face
2.6 Summary

3 Experimental study on the sliding law of coal and rock
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Experimental scheme design
3.3 Frictional slip characteristics of coal and rock structure
3.4 Statistical regularity of sliding characteristics of coal and rock structure
3.5 Summary

4 Theoretical model of slip deformation of fault
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Overview of mechanical component models
4.3 Study on deformation model of fault rock
4.4 Relationship between fault activity and rock burst
4.5 Summary

5 The mining effect of fault activation and impact instability of coal and rock
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Establishment of fault contact surface
5.3 Numerical calculation scheme
5.4 Law of fault activation and instability of coal and rock under the influence of mining
5.5 Reliability analysis of numerical calculation of fault activation law under the influence of mining
5.6 Summary

6 Rule and control technology of rock burst on working face over the fault
6.1 Introduction
6.2 General situation of engineering geological conditions
6.3 Occurrence characteristics of rock burst in roadway of working face over the fault
6.4 Numerical analysis of the impact of the working face over the fault plane
6.5 Rock burst monitoring and warning
6.6 Method and effect of dispelling rockburst danger
6.7 Summary
6.8 Prospect


  《开采扰动下断层构造区域冲击地压机理与防治技术(英文版)》:  2.2.1 Experimental model and parameters  The experimental prototype is 21221 fully mechanized caving face of coal seam 2# in Henan Yima coal mine.At the same time, it makes the general adjustment, so that the result of the experiment can be used for reference to the coal mine with similar coal seam condition.Experiments were designed to research the law of the rock pressure appearance and the migration and destruction of the surrounding rock in the dynamic process of the fault activation induced by mining activities during working face crossing fault in order to analyze the mechanism of the formation of fault rock burst.  The geological land form of Yima coalfield is complex, and the area is hilly and gully.On the whole, Yima coalfield is a single syncline, which is bounded by faults.The segmentation of coalfield derivates a large number of strike and dip, oblique fault, fold and seam combination structure.The geological structure of Yima mining area is shown in Figure 2—1.The thick of directly roof of main mining 2—1, 2—3 coal in Yima coal mine is 0~24 m, which is covered with 180~410 m thick conglomerate.Under the influence of mining, the direct roof generally decreases with mining, while the thick conglomerate layer is not easy to break.The existence of the giant thick conglomerate is the difficulty to control the rock burst.  ……

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