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  • ISBN:9787561187012
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:256
  • 出版时间:2016-09-11
  • 条形码:9787561187012 ; 978-7-5611-8701-2


  《实用阶梯英语 语法教程(第二版)》的特点在于注重实用、重点突出、详略得当。语法讲解力求做到简明扼要,提纲挈领,易懂易记,旨在加强学生和读者英语语法知识的系统性、准确性以及应用能力、应试能力等全方位的语法基本功训练。


Chapter 1 Sentences(句子)
1.1 Basic sentence Patterns(基本句型)
1.2 Simple Sentences(简单句)
l.3 Compound Sentences(并列句)
1.4 Complex Sentences(复合句)

Chapter 2 Noun(名词)
2.1 Countable Nouns(可数名词)
2.2 Uncountable Nouns(不可数名词)
2.3 Possessive Case(名词所有格)
2.4 Syntactic Function of Noun(名词的句法功能)

Chapter 3 Articles(冠词)
3.1 a/an(不定冠词1
3.2 the定冠词
3.3 零冠词

Chapter 4 Numberals(数词)
4.1 Cardinal Numerals(基数词)
4.2 Ordinal Numbers(序数词)
4.3 分数、小数、百分数的表达
4.4 时间的表达
4.5 加、减、乘、除的表达
4.6 倍数的表达

Chapter 5 Pronouns(代词)
5.1 Personal Pronouns(人称代词)
5.2 Possessive Pronouns(物主代词)
5.3 Reflexive Pronouns(反身代词)
5.4 it(it的用法)
5.5 this/these/that/those(指示代词)
5.6 each other/one another(相互代词)
5.7 Indefinite Pronouns(不定代词)
5.8 Interrogative Pronouns(疑问代词)

Chapter 6 Verbs and Tenses(动词与时态)
6.1 Verb Categories(动词分类)
6.2 Verb Forms(动词形式变化)
6.3 Tenses(动词时态)

Chapter 7 Passive Voice(被动语态)
7.1 History is made by the people.(一般现在时的被动语态)
7.2 A letter was deliveredf一般过去时的被动语态)
7.3 You won’t be allowed(一般将来时的被动语态)
7.4 The new plan is still being discussed(现在进行时的被动语态)
7.5 The case was being investigated(过去进行时的被动语态)
7.6 His book has been translated(现在完成时的被动语态)
7.7 Afterhehadbeeninstructed(过去完成时的被动语态)
7.8 The bridge will have been finished(将来完成时的被动语态)
7.9 The store is run by ourselves.(被动语态的用法)
7.10 This instrument must be handled(情态动词的被动语态)
7.11 to be found out(动词不定式的被动语态)
7.12 She was called Mary.(含有双宾语的被动语态)
7.13 get+V-ed(被动语态的特殊形式)

Chapter 8 Subjunctive Mood(虚拟语气)
8.1 虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的应用
8.2 虚拟语气在表示要求、建议、命令等从句中的应用
8.3 虚拟语气在wish后的从句中的应用
8.4 虚拟语气在as if/though引导的从句中的应用
8.5 虚拟语气在would/had rather,would just as SOOn等结构中的应用
8.6 虚拟语气在It is(about,high)time+从句中的应用
8.7 虚拟语气在in case,for fear that,lest等从句中的应用
8.8 Ifonly+主语+were/动词过去式(had+过去分词;would/could/might+动词原形)(虚拟语气在ifonly~构中的应用1
8.9 If 1 were you,1 would have taken(虚拟语气条件句的交叉使用)

Chapter 9 Non-finite Verb(非谓语动词)
9.1 Infinitives(不定式)
9.2 Participles(分词)
9.3 Gerunds(动名词)

Chpater 10 Auxiliaries and Model Verbs(助动词和情态动词)
10.1 Auxiliaries(助动词)
10.2 Model verbs(情态动词)

Chapter 11 Adjective and Adverbs(形容词和副词)
11.1 Adjectives(形容词)
11.2 Adverbs(副词)

Chapter 12 Noun Clauses(名词性从句)
12.1 The fact that/The problem is who(引导名词性从句的关联词)
12.2 Subject Clauses(主语从句)
12.3 Object Clauses(宾语从句)
12.4 Predicative Clauses(表语从句)
12.5 Appositive Clauses(同位语从句)

Chapter 13 Attributive Clauses(定语从句)
13.1 The letter that came yesterday is(限制性定语从句)
13.2 the man,whose daughterhas(非限制性定语从句)
13.3 who/whom/which/that(关系代词)
13.4 when/where/why(关系副词)
13.5 “as”(as的用法)
13.6 where/in which(关系代词和关系副词的选择)
13.7 the cat for which(介词与关系词的位置关系)

Chapter 14 Adverbial Clauses(状语从句)
14.1 Adverbial Clauses ofTime(时间状语从句)
14.2 Adverbial Clauses of Place(地点状语从句)
14.3 Adverbial Clauses ofCause(原因状语从句)
14.4 Adverbial Clauses of Condition(条件状语从句)
14.5 Adverbial Clauses ofConcession(让步状语从句)
14.6 Adverbial Clauses of Manner(方式状语从句)
14.7 Adverbial Clauses ofpurpose(目的状语从句)
14.8 Adverbial Clauses ofResult(结果状语从句)

Chapter 15 Inversion(倒装)
15.1 Grammatical Inversion(语法倒装)
15.2 here/there/now/then(表示方位、时问的副词引起的倒装)
15.3 0n the table stood(表示地点或时间的介词短语位于句首)
15.4 little/never/seldom/not until/no longer/nowhere/on no account(表示否定意义的词位于句首)
15.5 only+副词/介词短语/状语分句(置于句首时部分倒装)
15.6 neither/nor/SO置于句首时部分倒装
15.7 Fast as he walks/Happy though the bride is(让步状语从句中名词、形容词以及副词置于句首的倒装)
15.8 well/often/many a time(表示频度、方式的状语置于句首时)
15.9 Had 1 worked harder at school(虚拟条件句的倒装)
15.10 May all your dreams come true/May you live long(表示祝愿的句子的倒装1
15.11 “”said the man(直接引语放到句首作直接宾语)
15.12 So angry was he(so/suchthat用在句首加强语气)

Chapter 16 Agreement(一致关系)
16.1 Subject—Verb concord(主谓一致)
16.2 由连接词连接的主语与谓语的一致
16.3 代词以及限定词+名词作主语时与谓语的一致
16.4 数词和表示时间、度量衡、温度、金钱等名词作主语two hours/twenty dollars/...is
16.5 What he thought is(分句、非谓语动词作主语)
16.6 The couple had a fight today.They(名词和代词的一致)
l6.7 doingdoing/to doto do/and(平行结构的一致)


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