新视野大学英语2 泛读教程

包邮新视野大学英语2 泛读教程

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  • ISBN:9787513557429
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:116
  • 出版时间:2017-05-20
  • 条形码:9787513557429 ; 978-7-5135-5742-9


  本书包括8个单元,供一个学期使用。每单元由三篇阅读文章组成(长度控制在800-1000词),每篇文章均配有相关的练习,具体包含:  Passage A配套练习:Preview,Reading skills,Reading and discussion。  Passage B配套练习:Preview,Reading skills,Reading and discussion。  Passage C配套练习:Preview,Reading skirls,Translation。  Preview旨在培养学生的预测能力。通过文章标题、段首句等预测文章大意,从而帮助学生整体理解文章。  Reading skills是本教材的主体练习板块,提供词汇、篇章等层面的各种阅读技能的讲解,并设计阅读任务有针对性地训练相关阅读技巧。  Reading and discussion提供与文章相关的讨论问题,创造语言输出的机会,通过学生之间的相互交流,增进对文章的理解,提高批判性思维能力,激发创新思维。  Translation旨在通过翻译练习,强化学生对文章的深层次理解,巩固知识,活用语言。  《泛读教程2》在设计上满足个性化学习需求,并不要求学生完成全部练习。教师可根据"分类指导、因材施教"的原则,选择练习内容和练习形式,根据教学安排和学生水平,进行个性化教学。


Unit 1 Language in mission
Passage A Why bilinguals are smarter
Passage B The power of language
Passage C Why swearing helps ease pain

Unit 2 College - The ladder to success?
Passage A Yes, a college education is worth the costs
Passage B The value of a college degree: Priceless
Passage C Benefits of college education

Unit 3 Discovery of a new life stage
Passage A Why it's good to let boys cry
Passage B The Leiby Kletzky killing and walking to school
Passage C Tweens' secret lives online

Unit 4 Dance with love
Passage A Are you fit to love?
Passage B Successful marriage
Passage C Nine habits of highly successful love attractors

Unit 5 The money game
Passage A Money
Passage B How to talk with children about money?
Passage C Thank you, Mr. Banker, for my overdraft protection!

Unit 6 Less is more
Passage A Unconventional wisdom: Why passion matters
Passage B What wisdom and being wise entails
Passage C Winners teach us how to learn from failure

Unit 7 Women: Making a difference
Passage A Are women from Utopia and men from WaI-Mart?
Passage B Why is it so hard for men and women to talk to each other?
Passage C Women talk, men feel nagged

Unit 8 Human rights vs. animal rights
Passage A The human cost of animal suffering
Passage B Can animals and bots be self-aware?
Passage C The gorilla who can talk with sign language

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