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  • ISBN:9787302466284
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:450
  • 出版时间:2018-08-01
  • 条形码:9787302466284 ; 978-7-302-46628-4


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高拱坝质量与安全事关国计民生。我国拱坝建设已进入300m级时代,施工期温控防裂、运行期整体安全和抗震安全是其建设面临的三大挑战。温控防裂是世界性难题,采用现有技术仍然难以解决。本书旨在为特高拱坝建设提供科技支撑和系统解决方案: 针对“特高拱坝温控防裂、工作性态分析、工程数据共享”等难题,基于“感知、分析、控制”的特高拱坝智能化建设理论,在“实时监测、全坝分析、智能控制、协同工作”等多学科技术上进行系统研究,介绍了以“大坝全景信息模型与智能拱坝建设信息化平台”为核心软件环境,及“大坝施工全过程综合信息感知与实时监控技术、基于海量感知数据的大坝仿真分析关键技术、大坝基础质量智能控制技术”等智能控制装置和系统。 图书内容新颖翔实,涉及多学科交叉,涵盖移动通信技术、数据筛选分析技术、三维仿真技术、预警预判和决策支持技术、高精度定位技术等多种技术,为特高拱坝施工期质量控制、温控防裂等提供了科技支撑和系统解决方案,可供相关领域人员参考和学习。


第1章概述 1.1拱坝的建设与发展 1.1.1国外拱坝的建设 1.1.2中国拱坝的建设 1.1.3特高拱坝的建设 1.2特高拱坝建设特点和面临的挑战 1.2.1我国特高拱坝建设特点 1.2.2特高拱坝建设面临的挑战 1.2.3高拱坝施工过程控制技术发展现状 1.3数字化、智能化建坝的发展趋势 1.3.1信息技术在筑坝技术方面的研究应用 1.3.2高拱坝施工过程智能控制的发展趋势 1.4溪洛渡特高拱坝智能化建设 1.4.1溪洛渡拱坝工程概况 1.4.2溪洛渡拱坝建基面和坝体结构优化设计 1.4.3溪洛渡拱坝建设面临的挑战 1.4.4溪洛渡特高拱坝智能化建设 参考文献 第2章特高拱坝智能化建设理论和体系 2.1概述 2.1.1控制论的基本要求 2.1.2高拱坝施工过程控制要求 2.1.3特高拱坝智能化建设理论 2.1.4高拱坝智能化建设内涵 2.2全面感知 2.2.1基于互联网的全过程智能化监测 2.2.2大坝全景信息模型DIM 2.2.3基于原型试验的工程参数获知 2.3真实分析 2.3.1基于互联网的施工工序工效分析 2.3.2耦合进度的全坝全过程真实工作性态分析 2.3.3基于监测数据的坝体坝基参数反演 2.3.4施工过程安全分析和评价准则 2.4实时控制 2.4.1实时控制判断准则和判别标准 2.4.2高拱坝智能化建设专家系统 2.4.3高拱坝施工智能控制技术 2.4.4智能控制核心装置 2.5智能化建坝业务协同平台 2.6拱坝智能化建设管理模式和科研模式 2.6.1“智能大坝”建设项目管理模式 2.6.2“4+1+N”管理执行模式 2.6.3“智能大坝”建设的科研模式 参考文献 第3章高拱坝施工过程智能化监测和数据挖掘 3.1高拱坝施工过程监控体系和方法 3.1.1高拱坝施工过程系统描述 3.1.2高拱坝施工过程监控体系和方法 3.2基于互联网的智能感知技术 3.2.1生产数据自动采集系统 3.2.2仓面数据智能采集系统 3.2.3混凝土温度检测系统 3.3复杂环境下数据双向传输系统 3.4大坝全景信息模型 3.4.1建筑信息模型 3.4.2大坝全景信息模型 3.4.3模型功能 3.5基于大数据理念的施工数据挖掘与应用 3.5.1高拱坝施工数据特征和数据挖掘 3.5.2高拱坝施工过程数据挖掘分析流程 3.5.3高拱坝混凝土施工数据挖掘与分析 3.5.4溪洛渡拱坝仓面施工数据挖掘分析 参考文献 第4章全坝全过程真实工作性态分析与预测 4.1全坝全过程真实工作性态仿真理论和方法 4.1.1高拱坝真实荷载模拟 4.1.2关键参数获取与分析 4.1.3快速仿真分析平台软件系统 4.2全坝、全过程仿真关键技术难题 4.2.1高拱坝快速自动建模方法 4.2.2横缝真实性态模拟模型 4.2.3夹层代孔列法渗流场模拟 4.2.4方程组求解的高效并行算法 4.3真实工作性态仿真分析和预测流程 4.3.1仿真分析和预测流程 4.3.2安全评价指标体系 4.4溪洛渡拱坝施工期工作性态跟踪仿真、预测与控制 4.4.1坝体基础真实参数获取 4.4.2横缝工作性态分析和开合控制 4.4.3全坝全过程悬臂高度敏感性分析 4.4.4施工期坝体基础整体工作性态分析 4.4.5施工期关键部位、关键节点工作性态分析 4.4.6施工期入冬温控防裂措施分析与优化 4.5溪洛渡拱坝初期蓄水真实工作性态反馈分析与预测 4.5.1大坝初期蓄水过程 4.5.2初期蓄水监测资料分析 4.5.3初期蓄水坝体坝基工作性态分析 4.5.4初期蓄水大坝安全评价 参考文献 第5章高拱坝整体协调变形机理及个性化温控措施 5.1高拱坝横缝真实工作性态和辨识分析 5.1.1高拱坝横缝变形异常现象 5.1.2高拱坝横缝变形机理 5.1.3高拱坝横缝工作性态辨识方法 5.1.4高拱坝横缝粘结强度控制方法 5.2高拱坝悬臂高度个性化控制技术 5.2.1悬臂高度对坝体影响分析 5.2.2悬臂高度个性化控制分析方法 5.2.3溪洛渡特高拱坝悬臂高度个性化控制 5.3高拱坝复杂基础坝趾灌浆作用机理与时机 5.3.1灌浆压力选取方法 5.3.2高拱坝基础处理灌浆理论研究 5.3.3溪洛渡拱坝施工期坝趾灌浆时机研究 5.4高拱坝施工期动态、个性化温控标准与控制技术 5.4.1干热河谷高温季节温控和防裂措施分析 5.4.2高温季节预冷混凝土入仓冷击技术研究 5.4.3高拱坝个性化温控标准与同冷区分区控制技术 5.4.4高拱坝中冷和二冷时间动态控制技术 5.4.5高拱坝孔口区域温控标准和冷却过程个性化控制技术 5.4.6高陡边坡坝段温控防裂动态控制技术 参考文献 第6章高拱坝施工进度仿真与实时控制技术 6.1高拱坝施工期施工过程特性分析 6.1.1高拱坝施工进度影响要素分析 6.1.2高拱坝施工进度分析与控制特点 6.2高拱坝施工期进度仿真模型与方法 6.2.1高拱坝施工进度仿真方法及特点 6.2.2高拱坝施工进度仿真模型 6.2.3高拱坝施工进度仿真系统 6.3高拱坝施工进度分析与实时控制技术 6.3.1基于互联网的高可靠度工效分析 6.3.2高拱坝施工进度仿真和实时控制技术 6.3.3进度延误预警与动态纠偏 6.4溪洛渡拱坝进度实时控制典型案例 6.4.1总进度分析与资源配置论证 6.4.2耦合温控与应力的浇筑形态控制 6.4.3深孔钢衬部位快速高效施工仿真 6.4.4孔口门槽复杂结构微观仿真分析 6.4.5缆机换索影响分析 6.4.6基础处理方案优化及敏感性分析 6.4.7接缝灌浆进度优化决策 6.4.8仿真分析准确性评价 6.5高拱坝施工进度实时控制管理模式 参考文献 第7章坝体基础施工过程智能控制关键技术 7.1大体积混凝土通水冷却智能温控技术 7.1.1智能温控控制方法与原理 7.1.2通水冷却智能温控技术 7.1.3溪洛渡拱坝通水冷却智能温控实践 7.2高拱坝混凝土施工“一条龙”数字监控技术 7.2.1混凝土运输全过程数字监控技术 7.2.2仓面平仓振捣作业质量数字监控技术 7.2.3溪洛渡拱坝振捣质量数字监控实践 7.2.4溪洛渡拱坝混凝土运输全过程数字监控 7.3基础处理数字灌浆技术 7.3.1灌浆现场数据监控系统 7.3.2溪洛渡拱坝基础处理数字灌浆实践 7.3.3数字灌浆管理模式 7.4拱肩槽边坡开挖爆破高精控制技术 7.4.1精细爆破概念 7.4.2精细爆破理论基础和技术条件 7.4.3溪洛渡拱肩槽精细爆破技术 7.4.4溪洛渡拱肩槽精细爆破效果综述 7.5基于实时定位系统的智能安全管理 7.5.1基于3G和WiFi无线技术的安全管理和调度系统 7.5.2安全管理和调度系统架构 7.5.3工作效率分析方法——以监理人员为例 7.5.4溪洛渡拱坝施工现场人员智能安全管理 参考文献 第8章高拱坝智能化建设协同工作平台构建和开发 8.1协同平台需求分析 8.1.1变革管理模式实现现代管理需求 8.1.2解决高拱坝施工过程难点的必要手段 8.1.3实现设计、科研与生产紧密结合与一体化 8.1.4高拱坝全生命期运营安全需求 8.2平台体系结构设计 8.2.1平台设计原则 8.2.2平台整体方案 8.2.3平台体系结构 8.2.4平台主要技术 8.3平台模块与功能 8.3.1设计成果集成 8.3.2混凝土施工管理 8.3.3混凝土质量管理 8.3.4混凝土温度控制 8.3.5固结(帷幕)灌浆 8.3.6接缝灌浆 8.3.7金属结构制作与安装 8.3.8安全监测 8.3.9综合查询与分析 8.3.10温度与应力仿真分析 8.3.11工程联机分析 8.3.12预报警 8.3.13工程数字档案 8.3.14短信通知提醒 8.4溪洛渡拱坝业务协同平台建设与应用 8.4.1数据采集和双向传输系统搭建 8.4.2智能温控数字测温系统 8.4.3协同工作平台iDam应用 参考文献 第9章总结和展望 附录 CONTENTS Chapter 1Overview 1.1Construction and Development of Arch Dam 1.1.1Construction of Arch Dam Overseas 1.1.2Construction of Arch Dam in China 1.1.3Construction of Superhigh Arch Dam 1.2Features and Challenges of Superhigh Arch Dam Construction 1.2.1Features of Superhigh Arch Dam Construction in China 1.2.2Difficulties in Superhigh Arch Dam Construction 1.2.3Development Status of Control Technology in High Arch Dam Construct Process 1.3Developing Trend of Arch Dam Constructions Digitization and Intelligentization 1.3.1Application of Information Technology Research in Damming Technology Field 1.3.2Developing Trend of Intelligent Control in High Arch Dam Construct Process 1.4Intelligent Construction of Xiluodu Superhigh Arch Dam 1.4.1Overview of Xiluodu Arch Dam Project 1.4.2Optimal Design of Xiluodu Arch Dams Foundation Surface and Structure 1.4.3Difficulties in Xiluodu Arch Dam Construction 1.4.4Intelligent Construction of Xiluodu Superhigh Arch Dam References Chapter 2Theory and System of Superhigh Arch Dams Intelligent Construction 2.1Overview 2.1.1Basic Requirements of Control Theory 2.1.2Control Requirements of High Arch Dam Construct Process 2.1.3Construct Theory of Arch Dam Constructions Intelligentization 2.1.4The Cannotation of Intelligent Construction of High Arch Dam 2.2Overall Sensing 2.2.1Wholeprocess Intelligent Monitoring Based on the Internet 2.2.2Dim Information ModelDIM 2.2.3Engineering Parameter Based on Prototype Test 2.3Real World Analysis 2.3.1Construction Procedure and Results Analysis Based on the Internet 2.3.2Whole Dam and Process of Real Working State Analysis of Coupling Progress 2.3.3Real Working State Analysis of Whole Dam Whole Process in Coupling Process 2.3.4Safety Analysis and Evaluation Criteria in Construction Process 2.4Realtime Control 2.4.1Judging and Discriminate Criteria of Realtime Control 2.4.2Intelligent Construction Expert System of High Arch Dam 2.4.3Intelligent Control Technology of High Arch Dam 2.4.4Intelligent Control Core Device 2.5Intelligent Dam Construction Work Cooperation Platform 2.6Management and Research Mode of Arch Dam Intelligent Construction 2.6.1Management Mode of Intelligent Dam Construction Project 2.6.2“4+1+N” Management Execution Mode 2.6.3Research Mode of Intelligent Dam Construction References Chapter 3Intelligent Monitoring and Data Mining in Arch Dam Construction Process 3.1Monitoring System and Method of Arch Dam Construction Process 3.1.1Systemic Description of Arch Dam Construction Process 3.1.2Monitoring System and Method of Arch Dam Construction Process 3.2Intellisense Technology Based on the Internet 3.2.1Automatic Production Data Acquisition System 3.2.2Intelligent Concrete Lift Data Acquisition System 3.2.3Concrete Temperature Detection System 3.3Data Twoway Transmission System under Complex Environment 3.4Dam Panorama Information Model 3.4.1Building Information Model 3.4.2Dam Panorama Information Model 3.4.3Function of the Model 3.5Mining and Application of Construction Data Based on Big Data Concept 3.5.1Construction Data Feature and Data Mining of High Arch Dam 3.5.2Data Mining Analysis Process of High Arch Dam Construction Process 3.5.3Concrete Construction Data Mining and Analysis of High Arch Dam 3.5.4Concrete Lift Construction Data Mining and Analysis of Xiluodu Arch Dam References Chapter 4Analysis and Prediction of Whole Dam and Process in Real Working State 4.1Simulation Theory and Method of Whole Dam and Process in Real Working State 4.1.1Real Load Simulation of High Arch Dam 4.1.2Key Parameter Acquisition and Analysis 4.1.3Fast Simulation Analysis Platform Software System 4.2Key Technical Problems of Simulation of Whole Dam and Whole Process 4.2.1High Arch Dam Rapid Automatic Modeling Method 4.2.2Simulation Model of Transverse Joint 4.2.3Seepage Field Simulation of Parting Generation Method 4.2.4Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Solving Equations 4.3Simulation Analysis and Prediction Process in Real Working State 4.3.1Simulation Analysis and Prediction Process 4.3.2Safety Evaluation Index System 4.4Simulation, Prediction and Control of Working State of the Construction Period of Xiluodu Arch Dam 4.4.1Damacquisition of Basic Real Property Parameters 4.4.2Working State Analysis and Open and Close Control of Transverse Joint 4.4.3Sensitivity Analysis of Cantilever Height of the Whole Dam and Process 4.4.4Dam during Construction PeriodBasic Overall Working State Analysis 4.4.5Key Parts and Key Nodes Working State Analysis during Construction Period 4.4.6Analysis and Optimization of Temperature Control and Crack Prevention Measures in Winter during Construction Period 4.5The Real Working State Feedback and Prediction of the Initial Impoundment of Xiluodu Arch Dam 4.5.1The Initial Impoundment of the Dam 4.5.2Analysis of Initial Impoundment Monitoring Data 4.5.3Dam With Initial ImpoundmentAnalysis of Working State of Dam Foundation 4.5.4Safety Evaluation of Initial Impoundment Dam References Chapter 5High Arch Dams Overall Coordination Deformation Mechanism and Individualized Temperature Control Measures 5.1Real Working State and Identification Analysis of High Arch Dams Transverse Joint 5.1.1Deformation Anomaly of High Arch Dams Transverse Joint 5.1.2Deformation Mechanism of High Arch Dams Transverse Joint 5.1.3Working State Identification Method of High Arch Dams Transverse Joint 5.1.4Bonding Strength Control Method of High Arch Dams Transverse Joint 5.2High Arch Dams Cantilever Height Personalized Control Technology 5.2.1Analysis of the Influence of Cantilever Height on Dam Body 5.2.2Cantilever Height Personalized Control Analysis Technology 5.2.3Xiluodu Superhigh Arch Dams Cantilever Height Personalized Control Technology 5.3Mechanism and Timing of Complex Foundation Dam Toe Grouting 5.3.1Selection Method of Grouting Pressure 5.3.2Theoretical Study on Foundation Grouting Treatment of High Arch Dam 5.3.3Study on the Timing of Grouting in Construction Period of Xiluodu Arch Dams Damsite 5.4Dynamic and Individualized Temperature Control Standard and Control Technology of High Arch Dam in Construction Period 5.4.1Analysis of Temperature Control and Crack Prevention Measures in Dryhot Valley 5.4.2Research of Low Temperature Warehousing Cool Stroke Technology in High Temperature Season 5.4.3The Personalized Temperature Control Standard of High Arch Dam and Zone Control Technology of the Same Cold Zone 5.4.4Dynamic Control Technology of Intercooled and Secondary Cooling Time of High Arch Dam 5.4.5The Personalized Control Technology of Temperature Control and Cooling Process of High Arch Dams Orifice Area 5.4.6Dynamic Control Technology of Temperature Control and Crack Control in High and Steep Slope Part of Dam References Chapter 6Simulation and Realtime Control Technology of High Arch Dam Construction 6.1Analysis of High Arch Dam Construction Process Features in Construction Period 6.1.1Analysis of Factors Affecting the Construction Progress of High Arch Dam 6.1.2Analysis and Control Features of high arch dam construction 6.2Intelligent Simulation Model and Method for High Arch Dam Construction Period 6.2.1Intelligent Simulation Method and Features of High Arch Dam Construction Progress 6.2.2Intelligent Simulation Model of High Arch Dam Construction Progress 6.2.3Intelligent Simulation System of High Arch Dam Construction Progress 6.3Intelligent Analysis and Realtime Control Technology of High Arch Dam Construction Progress 6.3.1High Reliability Analysis of Project Effect Based on the Internet 6.3.2Simulation and Realtime Control Technology of High Arch Dam Construction progress 6.3.3Progress Delay Warning and Dynamic Correction 6.4A Typical Case of the Realtime Control of Xiluodu Arch Dam 6.4.1Total Progress Analysis and Resource Allocation Argumentation 6.4.2Coupling Temperature Control and Stress Casting Shape Control 6.4.3Quick and Efficient Construction Simulation of Deep Hole and Steel Lining Part 6.4.4Microsimulation Analysis of Complex Structure of Orifice Slot 6.4.5Analysis of the Influence of Shifting Cable Gear 6.4.6Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis of Basic Processing Schemes 6.4.7Optimize Decision of Joint Grouting Process 6.4.8Accuracy Evaluation of Simulation Analysis 6.5RealTime Control Management Mode of High Arch Dam Construction Progress References Chapter 7The Key Technology of Intelligent Control of Dam Foundation Construction Process 7.1Intelligent Temperature Control Technology for Large Volume Concrete Water Cooling 7.1.1Intelligent Temperature Control Method and Principle 7.1.2Water Cooling Intelligent Temperature Control Technology 7.1.3The Practice of Intelligent Temperature Control for Water Cooling in Xiluodu Arch Dam 7.2High Arch Dam Concrete Construction One Package Digital Monitoring Technology 7.2.1Digital Monitoring Technology of the Whole Process of Concrete Transportation 7.2.2The Quality Digital Monitoring Technology for the Operation Quality of the Warehouse Vibration 7.2.3The Practice of the Quality Intelligent Control of Xiluodu Arch Dam 7.2.4Digital Monitoring of the Whole Process of Xiluodu Arch Dams Concrete Transportation 7.3Basic Processing of Digital Grouting Technology 7.3.1Grouting Field Data Monitoring System 7.3.2The Practice of Digital Grouting on the Foundation of Xiluodu Arch Dam 7.3.3Digital Grouting Management Mode 7.4High Precision Control Technology for Excavation Blasting of the Spandrel Groove 7.4.1Fine Blasting Concept 7.4.2Theoretical Basis and Technical Conditions of Fine Blasting 7.4.3The Fine Blasting Technology of Xiluodu Archs Spandrel Groove 7.4.4An Overview of the Fine Blasting Effect of Xilodu Archs Spandrel Groove 7.5Intelligent Security Management Based on Realtime Positioning System 7.5.1Security Management and Scheduling System Based on 3G and Wifi Wireless Technology 7.5.2Security Management and Scheduling System Architecture 7.5.3Work Efficiency Analysis Method—Take Supervisors as an Example 7.5.4Intelligent Safety Management of Xiluodu Arch Dams Construction Site References Chapter 8Construction and Development of Collaborative Work Platform about Intelligent Construction of High Arch Dam 8.1Analysis of Collaborative Platform Demand 8.1.1Demand of Changing Management Mode to Realize Modern Management 8.1.2Necessary Methods to Solve the Difficulties of High Arch Dams Construction Process 8.1.3Realize the Integration of Design, Research and Production 8.1.4Safety Requirement of High Arch Dam Whole Life Cycle Operation 8.2Design of Platform Structure 8.2.1Principle of Platform Design 8.2.2Overall Solution of Platform 8.2.3Structure of Platform 8.2.4Mainly Technology of Platform 8.3Module and Function of Platform 8.3.1Design Results Integration 8.3.2Construction Management of Concrete. 8.3.3Quality Control of Concrete 8.3.4Temperature Control of Concrete 8.3.5Consolidation Grouting 8.3.6Joint Grouting 8.3.7Fabrication and Installation of Metal Structures 8.3.8Safety Monitoring 8.3.9Comprehensive Query and Analysis 8.3.10Simulation Analysis of Temperature and Stress 8.3.11Engineering Online Analysis 8.3.12Forecasting Warning 8.3.13Engineering Digital File 8.3.14SMS Notification Reminder 8.4The Construction and Application of the Cooperative Platform of Xiluodu Arch Dam 8.4.1Construction of Data Acquisition and Twoway Transmission System 8.4.2Intelligent Temperature Control Digital Temperature Measurement System 8.4.3Application of the Cooperative Platform References Chapter 9Summary and Prospection Appendix

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