

1星价 ¥38.8 (3.6折)
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  • ISBN:9787501257713
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:628
  • 出版时间:2018-11-01
  • 条形码:9787501257713 ; 978-7-5012-5771-3






  《中国外交(2018年版 英文版)》:  After the adoption of Resolution 2375, Ambassador Liu Jieyi statedthat the Chinese government firmly opposed and strongly condemnedthis new test by the DPRK. China urged the DPRK to take seriouslythe call of the international community to halt its nuclear and missiledevelopment, faithfully abide by and implement the Council's resolutions,stop conducting further nuclear and missile tests and truly come back tothe track of denuclearization. The Korean Peninsula nuclear issue mustbe peacefully resolved with a comprehensive approach that addressed thelegitimate security concerns of all parties in a balanced way. China hoped that in conducting its DPRK policies, the US would deliver on the "Four Nos" proposal, which was that the US would not seek regime change;would not incite a collapse of the regime; would not hurry to push for the reunification of the Peninsula; and would not se'nd its military north of the thirty-eighth parallel. As a close neighbor of the Peninsula, China had always been committed to its denuclearization and was against any war or chaos there. China opposed the deployment of the THAAD system on the Peninsula. China would continue to promote dialogue and consultation,and work with the parties concerned to make a positive and constructive effort for the proper settlement of the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue and the early realization of denuclearization and long-term peace and stability on the Peninsula.  On 29 November, following the successful launch of the DPRK's Hwasong-15 intercontinental ballistic missile, the Security Council held an emergency briefing on the situation. At the briefing, Ambassador Wu Haitao, Acting Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations,stated that relevant Security Council resolutions contained explicit provisions on launches by the DPRK using ballistic missile technology.China expressed its serious concern over and opposition to the launch.In the face of the new developments, the Security Council must shoulder its historical responsibility by facilitating an integrated approach to settling problems through peaceful, diplomatic and political means and to maintaining peace and stability on the Peninsula.  On 15 December, at the Security Council briefing on the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, Ambassador Wu Haitao stated that China stayed committed to denuclearization of the Peninsula, maintaining peace and stability there and solving problems through dialogue and consultation, and opposed conflicts and chaos on the Peninsula. China had made unremitting efforts toward this end. In the face of the new developments, the Security Council must shoulder its historical responsibility by facilitating an integrated approach to settling problems through peaceful, diplomatic and political means and to maintaining peace and stability on the Peninsula.China would continue to comprehensively implement DPRK-related resolutions in their entirety and work with the parties concerned to make a positive and constructive effort for the proper settlement of the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue and the early realization of denuclearization and enduring peace and stability on the Peninsula, China looked to all parties,particularly the main parties concerned, to make their own efforts.  ……

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