

1星价 ¥49.0 (6.5折)
2星价¥49.0 定价¥75.0
  • ISBN:9787532781874
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:32开
  • 页数:200
  • 出版时间:2020-06-01
  • 条形码:9787532781874 ; 978-7-5327-8187-4


适读人群 :广大读者当今社会面对人工智能和信息技术的飞速发展,人类陷入极度的焦虑和恐慌,人的生存根基受到*所未有的威胁,而这种对生存意义和价值的追问似乎已无法用传统的文明和智慧来解决。重拾蒂利希作品中*为畅销的《存在的勇气》,也许能从中找到答案。





1.Being and Courage

Courage and Fortitude: From Plato to Thomas Aquinas

Courage and Wisdom: The Stoics

Courage and Swlf-affirmation: Spinoza

Courage and Life: Nietzsche

2.Being, Nonbeing, and Anxiety

An Ontology of Anxiety

The eaning of nonbeing

The interdependence of fear and anxiety

Types of Anxiety

The three types of anxiety and the nature of man

The anxiety of fate and death

The anxiety of emptiness and meaninglessness

The anxiety of guilt and condemnation

The meaning of despair

Periods of Anxiety

3.Pathological Anxiety, Vitality, and Courage

The Nature of Pathological Anxiety

Anxiety, Religion, and Medicine

Vitality and Courage

4.Courage and Participation (The Courage to Be as a Part)

Being, Individualization, and Participation

Collectivist and Semicollectivist Manifestations of the Courage to Be as a Part

Neocollectivist Manifestations of the Courage to Be as a Part

The Courage to Be as a Part in Democratic Conformism

5.Courage and Individualization (The Courage to Be as Oneself)

The Rise of Modern Individualism and the Courage to Be as Oneself

The Romantic and Naturalistic Forms of the Courage to Be as Oneself

Existentialist Forms of the Courage to Be as Oneself

The existential attitude and Existentialism

The existentialist point of view

The loss of the existentialist point of view

Existentialism as revolt

Existentialism Today and the Courage of Despair

Courage and despair

The courage of despair in contemporary art and literature

The courage of despair in contemporary philosophy

The courage of despair in the noncreative Existentialist attitude

The limits of the courage to be as oneself

6.Courage and Transcendence (The Courage to Accept Acceptance)

The Power of Being as Source of the Courage to Be

The mystical experience and the courage to be

The divine-human encounter and the courage to be

Guilt and the courage to accept acceptance

Fate and the courage to accept acceptance

Absolute faith and the courage to be

The Courage to Be as the Key to Being-itself

Nonbeing opening up being

Theism transcended

The God above God and the courage to be




保罗??蒂利希,德裔美国人,20世纪西方存在主义哲学的代表人物之一,是一位在哲学与神学领域都做出贡献的思想家。主要著作有三卷本《系统神学》,《存在的勇气》,以及《信仰的动力》、《文化神学》等。 宋志平,上海海洋大学外国语学院英语教授。

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