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  • ISBN:9787122372505
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:138
  • 出版时间:2020-10-01
  • 条形码:9787122372505 ; 978-7-122-37250-5


《轻化工程专业英语》共分五部分,部分系统介绍了轻化工程专业涵盖的有机化合物的英文命名体系和方法;第二部分强调了轻化工程领域需重点关注的有机化学、高分子化学、表面化学等基础化学学科的专业英语知识;第三部分为轻化工程纺织化学与染整、助剂与添加剂、皮革、造纸等相关研究方向的科技阅读材料;第四部分为与轻化工程专业相关的应用性英语表达;附录为轻化工程专业相应领域的英文表达规律。内容编排上能够让学生全面、系统地学习到基础而又符合时代发展要求的轻化工程专业英语知识,为查阅专业文献、发表学术论文和加强专业科技交流打下基础。 《轻化工程专业英语》可作为轻化工程及相关专业学生的专业英语教材,也可供相关专业的科技人员及中等英语水平的读者自修参考。


Part 1 Nomenclatur Procedures 1
Lesson 1 Alkanes (烷烃) 1
Lesson 2 Alkenes (烯烃) 5
Lesson 3 Alkynes (炔烃) 6
Lesson 4 Aromatic Hydrocarbons,Arenes (芳香烃) 7
Lesson 5 Halogeneted Hytrocarbons (卤代烃) 7
Lesson 6 Compounds Containing Oxygen (含氧化合物) 8
Lesson 7 Compounds Containing Nitrogen (含氮化合物) 15
Lesson 8 Sulfur Compounds (含硫化合物) 18
Lesson 9 Phosphorus Compounds (含磷化合物) 21

Part 2 General Chemistry in Light Chemical Engineering 24
Lesson 1 Organic Chemistry 24
Lesson 2 Polymer Chemistry 27
Lesson 3 Surface and Interface Chemistry 37

Part 3 Professional Literature 45
Unit 1 Dyeing and Finishing 45
Lesson 1 Dyes 45
Lesson 2 Fibers 48
Lesson 3 Color 57
Lesson 4 Dyeing Principles 62
Lesson 5 Preparation for Dyeing and Finishing 68
Lesson 6 Dyeing and Printing 80
Lesson 7 Finishing 89
Unit 2 Auxiliary and Additive 91
Lesson 8 Food Additives 91
Lesson 9 Auxiliaries in Makeup Products 95
Unit 3 Leather Manufacture 99
Lesson 10 Leather—Extraordinary Product of Nature 99
Lesson 11 Leather Technology 101
Unit 4 Pulp and Paper Engineering 104
Lesson 12 Pulp Process and Pulp End Uses 104
Lesson 13 Papermaking 105

Part 4 Applied Literature 107
Lesson 1 Application Letter 107
Lesson 2 Recommendation Letter 107
Lesson 3 Resume 108
Lesson 4 Notification 109
Lesson 5 Letter of Inquiry 109
Lesson 6 Invitation Letter 110
Lesson 7 Meeting Reply 110
Lesson 8 Thank-you Note after Meeting 111
Lesson 9 Inquiry 111
Lesson 10 Offer 112

Appendix 113
Appendix 1 Grammar and Translation Features of English for Science and Technology 113
Appendix 2 English Word Formation Rules of Common Chemical Names 125
Appendix 3 Names and Abbreviations of Common Polymers 129
Appendix 4 Speaking of Common Molecular Formulas,Mathematical Symbols and Greek Alphabet 133
Appendix 5 Common Glassware Names 135

Reference 137

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