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  • ISBN:9787519828301
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:26cm
  • 页数:338页
  • 出版时间:2020-08-01
  • 条形码:9787519828301 ; 978-7-5198-2830-1




全书共分29章,分别是:水资源(Water Resources)、水资源开发规划(Planning for Water Resources Development)、水资源可持续发展(Water Resources for Sustainable Development)、水文学和水循环(Hydrology and Water Cycle)、水文学原理——单位线(Principle of Hydrology—Unit Hydrographs)、河流(River)、洪水(Flood)、泥沙(Sediments)、坝(Dams)、堤防(Levee)、混凝土工程(Concrete work)、水环境(Water Environment)、水污染(Water Pollution)、气候变化(Climate Change)、灌溉(Irrigation)、灌溉方法(Irrigation Methods)、运行评价灌溉(Irrigation Performance Evaluation)、大坝的截流和导流(River Closure and Diversion in Dam Construction)、土石坝填筑(Embankment and Fills)、水电及其特点(Hydroelectricity and Its Characteristics)、水电站的主要设备(Main Equipment in a Hydropower Plant)、抽水蓄能电站(Pumped-Storage Plants)、潮汐发电站(Tidal Power Station)、航运和娱乐(Navigation and Recreation)等。


Chapter 1 Water Resources Part 1 Water Part 2 World Water Resources Part 3 Water Availability and Water Resources Deficit Part 4 Water Resources and Water Use Explanations New Words and Expressions Complicated Sentences Summary of Glossary Abbreviations (Abbr.) Exercises Word Building (1) -al (ial); -ous Text Translation Chapter 2 Planning for Water Resources Development Part 1 Introduction of Planning Part 2 Levels of Planning Part 3 Process of Planning Explanations New Words and Expressions Complicated Sentences Summary of Glossary Exercises Word Building (2) -able; aqu- Text Translation Chapter 3 Water Resources for Sustainable Development Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Concluding Remarks Explanations New Words and Expressions Complicated Sentences Summary of Glossary Abbreviations(Abbr Exercises Word Building (3) bi-; de- Text Translation Chapter 4 Hydrology and Water Cyele Part 1 Introduction of Hydrology Part 2 What Is Hydrology Part 3 Introduction of Water Cycle Part 4 Processes of Water Cycle Part 5 Application of Water Cycle Explanations New Words and Expressions Complicated Sentences Summary of Glossary Exercises Word Building (4) hydr (hydro-); non- Text Translation Chapter 5 Principle of Hydrology-Unit Hydrographs Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Construction of Unit Hydrographs Explanations New Words and Expressions Complicated Sentences Summary of Glossary Abbreviations (Abbr.) Exercises Word Building (5) -ment; -mit Text Translation Chapter 6 Sediments Part 1 Origin and Formation of Sediment Part 2 The Size and Shape of Sediment Explanations New Words and Expressions Complicated Sentences Summary of Glossary Abbreviations(Abbr Exercises Word Building (6) geo-; rot- Text Translation Chapter 7 River Part 1 Introduction …… Chapter 8 Flood Chapter 9 Water Pollution Chapter 10 Dams Chapter 11 Levee Chapter 12 Hydropower Plants Chapter 13 Water Environment Chapter 14 Climate Change Chapter 15 Water Use Efficiency and Water Conservation Chapter 16 Irrigation Culture Chapter 17 Irrigation Methods Chapter 18 Irrigation Performance Evaluation Chapter 19 River Closure and Diversion in Dam Construction Chapter 20 Embankment and Fills Chapter 21 Main Equipment in Hydropower Plants Chapter 22 Hydroelectricity and Its Characteristics Chapter 23 Pumped-Storage Plants Chapter 24 Tidal Power Station Chapter 25 Small Hydropower Chapter 26 Navigation and Recreation Chapter 27 Bids Chapter 28 How to Write Your First Research Paper Chapter 29 EST Translation Appendix 1 Test Example Appendix 2 Answers to Exercises Appendix 3 Vocabulary Appendix 4 Abbreviations Appendix 5 Website of Speciality Orgnizations References


李继清,华北电力大学可再生能源学院,教授。一直坚持为本科生上课,近5年来的年均工作量为702.7,累计为本科生和硕士生开设11门课程,授课受益面大;治学严谨,教风端正,为人师表,曾获华北电力大学“优秀班主任”称号;教学效果突出,课堂评价优秀,曾先后2次获校“教学优秀奖”。先后入选华北电力大学人才计划之“青年骨干教师”系列和 “教学名师培育”项目。教育部“海外名师”项目负责人。

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