Modern Mechanical Design Using MATLAB 现代机械设计及MATLAB应用

包邮Modern Mechanical Design Using MATLAB 现代机械设计及MATLAB应用

1星价 ¥33.4 (5.7折)
2星价¥33.4 定价¥59.0
  • ISBN:9787512434462
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:其他
  • 页数:254
  • 出版时间:2021-08-01
  • 条形码:9787512434462 ; 978-7-5124-3446-2


There are 8 chapters in this book. It covers optimization model, introduction to MATLAB, Mathematical basis, one-dimensional search method, interior optimization, boundary optimization, modern optimization method, introduction to other design methods. Problems involve mathematics, optimization and Matlab programming. At the end, the text is supplemented by a glossary of terms. This book is designed for graduated students or senior undergraduates. This book can be used as a text book for the


Chapter 1 Optimization Models
1.1 Design Optimization
1.1.1 Mathematical Model
1.1.2 Design Optimization Model
1.2 Elements of Optimization Models
1.2.1 Design Variable
1.2.2 Design Constraint
1.2.3 Objective Function
1.2.4 Optimization Model
1.3 Geometric Interpretation of Optimization
1.3.1 Objective Function and Its Contour
1.3.2 Feasible Domain
1.3.3 Activity
1.3.4 Local and Global Optima
1,4 Ideas of Solving Optimization Problem
1.4.1 Analytical Method of Optimization
1.4.2 Iterative Method of Optimization
1.4.3 Iterative Termination Criteria

Chapter 2 Introduction to MATLAB
2.1 The MATLAB Environment
2.1.1 MATLAB Windows
2.1.2 MATLAB Operators
2.2 Vectors and Matrices
2.3 2D and 3D Graphics
2.3.1 2D Graphics
2.3.2 3D Graphics
2.4 Function Creation

Chapter 3 Mathematical Basis of Optimization Design
Chapter 4 One-Dimensional Search Method
Chapter 5 Interior Optimization
Chapter 6 Boundary Optimization
Chapter 7 Modern Optimization Methods
Chapter 8 Introduction to Other Design Methods

Appendix Glossary and Index

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