
- ISBN:9787117324083
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:其他
- 页数:349
- 出版时间:2022-03-01
- 条形码:9787117324083 ; 978-7-117-32408-3
本书中内容为编者数十年临床积累,涵盖了总论、耳科与耳神经科学、鼻科学、咽科学、喉科学、气管食管科学、头颈外科学、特殊疾病八部分。 本书为走出去英文版图书,各章节编写特点是轻机制、重临床,手术图片和视频资料丰富,图文并茂,内容实用,为耳鼻咽喉科中低年资医生和院校医学留学生一本实用的参考书。
Part I Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Pandect
1 Common ENT Examination Equipment
Bo Feng, Xiaohui Mi, Xun Bi and Zhonglin Mu
2 Medical Imaging Examinations of Otorhinolaryngology Head
and Neck Surgery
Zhiqun Li, Rong Tu, Xiaoguang You and Jianghua Wan
3 Common Drugs Used in Otorhinolaryngology Head
and Neck Surgery
Saiming Chen and Jihong Huang
4 Common Treatment Technology in ENT
Qiyi He, Xun Bi and Yongjun Feng
5 Application of Robotic Surgery System and Imaging Navigation
Technology at Otorhinolaryngology Skull Base Surgery
Zhonglin Mu, Jugao Fang and Xiaohui Mi
Part Ⅱ Otology
6 Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Ear
Zhonglin Mu and Xiaofeng Wang
7 Common Signs and Symptoms and Examination Methods of Ear Diseases
Zhonglin Mu, Zhiqun Li and Jianghua Wan
8 Common Ear Diseases
Zhonglin Mu, Bo Feng, Yong Feng, Lu Jiang, Lihui Huang
and Xiaohua Cheng
Part III Rhinology
9 Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Nose
Xin Wei and Xun Bi
10 Symptoms of Disease and Examination Method of Nasal Disease
Xin Wei and Xun Bi
11 Common Rhinal Disease
Xin Wei, Zhonglin Mu and Jugao Fang
12 Rhinal Treatment Procedure and Operation
Xin Wei and Zhonglin Mu
Part IV Pharyngology
13 Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Pharynx
Xuejun Zhou and Xun Bi
14 Symptomatology and Examination Method of Pharynx
Xucjun Zhou, Zhonglin Mu. Zhiqun Li and Rone Th
15 Common Pharyngeal Disease
Bo Feng, Yongjun Feng, Xuejun Zhou, Zhonglin Mu and Jugao Fang
Part V Laryngology
16 Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Larynx
Zhonglin Mu, Xiaofeng Wang and Jihong Huang
17 Symptomatology and Examination Method of Larynx
Yongjun Feng, Desheng Xian, Rong Tu and Jianghua Wan
18 Common Laryngeal Diseases
Zhonglin Mu, Xuejun Zhou, Jugao Fang and Yongjun Feng
19 Common Laryngeal Surgery
Yongjun Feng and Dasong Lu
Part VI Tracheoesophagology
20 Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Trachea, Bronchus and Esophagus 265
Xiaohui Mi
21 Endoscopy of Trachea, Bronchus and Esophagus
Xiaohui Mi
22 Foreign Body of Trachea and Bronchus
Xiaohui Mi and Jianghua Wan
23 Esophageal Disease
Xiaohui Mi and Zhiqun Li
Part VII Head and Neck Surgery
24 Applied Anatomy of Head and Neck
Jugao Fang and Jiajun Huang
25 Common Cervical Diseases
Jugao Fang, Zhonglin Mu, Jihong Huang and Yongjun Feng
26 Common Skull Base Disease
Jugao Fang and Zhonglin Mu
Part VIII Spe Otorhinolaryngopharyngology Head and Neck Surgery Disease
27 Foreign Body of Otorhinolaryngopharyngology Head and Neck
Xiaohui Mi and Rong Tu
28 Tuberculosis of Otorhinolaryngopharyngology Head and Neck
Xiaohui Mi and Jianghua Wan
29 Other Spe Diseases and Treatment
Xiaohui Mi and Jianghua Wan
Appendix A: Preoperative Auditory-Speech Development Assessment
and Postoperative Restoration Evaluation at Cochlear Implant
Appendix B: Informed Consent of Cochlear Implant
1 Common ENT Examination Equipment
Bo Feng, Xiaohui Mi, Xun Bi and Zhonglin Mu
2 Medical Imaging Examinations of Otorhinolaryngology Head
and Neck Surgery
Zhiqun Li, Rong Tu, Xiaoguang You and Jianghua Wan
3 Common Drugs Used in Otorhinolaryngology Head
and Neck Surgery
Saiming Chen and Jihong Huang
4 Common Treatment Technology in ENT
Qiyi He, Xun Bi and Yongjun Feng
5 Application of Robotic Surgery System and Imaging Navigation
Technology at Otorhinolaryngology Skull Base Surgery
Zhonglin Mu, Jugao Fang and Xiaohui Mi
Part Ⅱ Otology
6 Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Ear
Zhonglin Mu and Xiaofeng Wang
7 Common Signs and Symptoms and Examination Methods of Ear Diseases
Zhonglin Mu, Zhiqun Li and Jianghua Wan
8 Common Ear Diseases
Zhonglin Mu, Bo Feng, Yong Feng, Lu Jiang, Lihui Huang
and Xiaohua Cheng
Part III Rhinology
9 Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Nose
Xin Wei and Xun Bi
10 Symptoms of Disease and Examination Method of Nasal Disease
Xin Wei and Xun Bi
11 Common Rhinal Disease
Xin Wei, Zhonglin Mu and Jugao Fang
12 Rhinal Treatment Procedure and Operation
Xin Wei and Zhonglin Mu
Part IV Pharyngology
13 Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Pharynx
Xuejun Zhou and Xun Bi
14 Symptomatology and Examination Method of Pharynx
Xucjun Zhou, Zhonglin Mu. Zhiqun Li and Rone Th
15 Common Pharyngeal Disease
Bo Feng, Yongjun Feng, Xuejun Zhou, Zhonglin Mu and Jugao Fang
Part V Laryngology
16 Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Larynx
Zhonglin Mu, Xiaofeng Wang and Jihong Huang
17 Symptomatology and Examination Method of Larynx
Yongjun Feng, Desheng Xian, Rong Tu and Jianghua Wan
18 Common Laryngeal Diseases
Zhonglin Mu, Xuejun Zhou, Jugao Fang and Yongjun Feng
19 Common Laryngeal Surgery
Yongjun Feng and Dasong Lu
Part VI Tracheoesophagology
20 Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Trachea, Bronchus and Esophagus 265
Xiaohui Mi
21 Endoscopy of Trachea, Bronchus and Esophagus
Xiaohui Mi
22 Foreign Body of Trachea and Bronchus
Xiaohui Mi and Jianghua Wan
23 Esophageal Disease
Xiaohui Mi and Zhiqun Li
Part VII Head and Neck Surgery
24 Applied Anatomy of Head and Neck
Jugao Fang and Jiajun Huang
25 Common Cervical Diseases
Jugao Fang, Zhonglin Mu, Jihong Huang and Yongjun Feng
26 Common Skull Base Disease
Jugao Fang and Zhonglin Mu
Part VIII Spe Otorhinolaryngopharyngology Head and Neck Surgery Disease
27 Foreign Body of Otorhinolaryngopharyngology Head and Neck
Xiaohui Mi and Rong Tu
28 Tuberculosis of Otorhinolaryngopharyngology Head and Neck
Xiaohui Mi and Jianghua Wan
29 Other Spe Diseases and Treatment
Xiaohui Mi and Jianghua Wan
Appendix A: Preoperative Auditory-Speech Development Assessment
and Postoperative Restoration Evaluation at Cochlear Implant
Appendix B: Informed Consent of Cochlear Implant
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