北京的长城(英文版)The Great Wall in Beijing

北京的长城(英文版)The Great Wall in Beijing

1星价 ¥96.0 (7.5折)
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  • ISBN:9787030713094
  • 装帧:一般纯质纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:大32开
  • 页数:280
  • 出版时间:2022-01-01
  • 条形码:9787030713094 ; 978-7-03-071309-4




Table of Contents Foreword The Beauty of the Great Wall of China 1 Part Ⅰ The Architectural Beauty 7 Chapter 1 A Wonder in the World History of Architecture 9 Chapter 2 A History Record of Stone and a Score of “Solidified Music” 27 Chapter 3 The Untold Beauty of Art 41 Chapter 4 The Great Wall on a Vast Land 53 Part Ⅱ The Beauty of Coalescence 73 Chapter 1 The Strategy of Ending War with War and the Passage to Peace 75 Chapter 2 The Great Wall Sphere of Life 86 Chapter 3 Villages and Homelands 100 Chapter 4 The Common Heritage of Humankind 113 Part Ⅲ The Ecological Beauty 123 Chapter 1 Ecological Space on the Great Wall 125 Chapter 2 The Amasing 400.mm Isohyet 132Chapter 3 40°N – the Golden Latitude 139 Chapter 4 Natural Reserve and Ecological Conservation Zone 146 Part Ⅳ The Perpetual Beauty 157 Chapter 1 The Cultural Vitality of the Great Wall 159 Chapter 2 Protection and Inheritance of the Great Wall Heritage 172 Chapter 3 Keeping the Great Wall Culture Alive, Making it Shine and Thrive 179 Chapter 4 The Great Wall National Culture Park 190 Part Ⅴ The Beauty of Winter Sports 211 Chapter 1 The Dream of the City of the Olympic Summer and Winter Games 213 Chapter 2 Expectations at the Foot of the Great Wall 225 Chapter 3 From “Ice and Snow” to “Ascending the Great Wall” 236 Chapter 4 The Winter Olympic Legacy and the Post-Games Development 249 Conclusion Appreciating not only One's Own Culture but also the Cultures of Others 259 References 263

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