

1星价 ¥12.0 (6.0折)
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  • ISBN:7040070561
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16
  • 页数:118
  • 出版时间:1999-01-01
  • 条形码:9787040070569 ; 978-7-04-007056-9


本书是与《英语听力教程3》(listen this way3)相配套的教师参考书。主要内容包括每单元授课要点,学生用书中全部练习答案以及录音带的所有文字材料。


1 is the earth being squeezed dry?
part i getting ready
part ii the earth at risk (i)
part iii the earth at risk (ii)
part iv more about the topic: the effects of global warming
part v do you know ...?
part vi reminder of key points in this unit
2 let birds fly
part i getting ready
part ii christmas bird counts
part iii dolphin captivity
part iv more about the topic: birds -- a source of wealth
part v do you know ...?
part vi reminder of key points in this unit
3 ei nino? la nina?
part i getting ready
part ii ei nino
part ili lick observatory
part iv more about the topic: the national climatic data center
part v do you know ...?
part vi reminder of key points in this unit
4 reports on disasters & accidents
part i getting ready
part ii hurricanes & tornadoes
part iii earthquakes
part iv more about the topic: earthquake tips
part v do you know ...?
part vi reminder of key points in this unit
5 people&places(i)
part i getting ready
part ii canada
part iii traveling around australia
part iv more about the topic:the story of denv6r
part v do you know…?
part vi reminder of key points in this unit
6 people&places(11)
part i getting ready
part ii new zealanders
part iii what do you think of britain?
part iv more about the topic:native peoples of alaska
part v do youknow…?
part vi reminder of key points in this unit
7 aspects of education(i)
part i getting ready
part ii are you a good language learner?
part iii foreign accents
part iv more about the topic:how to enlarge your vocabulary?
part v do you know…?
part vi reminder of key points in this unit
8 aspects of ed ucation(ii)
part i getting ready
part ii home schooling
part iii uk or us education?
part iv more about the topic:co—educational or segregated schools?
part v do you know…?
part vi reminder of key points in this unit
9 a kaleidoscope of culture
10 a glimpse of the age
11 enjoy artistic beauty
12 review

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