  • ISBN:9787534750328
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16
  • 页数:246 页
  • 出版时间:2008-10-01
  • 条形码:9787534750328 ; 978-7-5347-5032-8


  China had a splendid bronze civilization
and iron and steel civilization in history, the
nuclear techniques with originality of which
included :copper ore mining and copper sul-
phide ore smelting, multiple pottery mold
casting and lost-wax method, pig iron smelt-
ing and casting and related skills based on
which, such as cast iron mould casting, cast
iron toughening, steel making and steel
pouring, etc. Besides, ancient China also cre-
ated brilliant achievements in zinc smelting
and preparation of paktong and copper. Most
of these techniques, except very few that has
become something of the past, are still popu-
lar among the people today. For instance, pig
iron smelting and casting in Yangcheng,
Shanxi Province, gold smelting in Zhaoyuan,
Shandong Province: zinc smelting in
Hezhang, Guizhou Province, loam mold cast-
ing in Hebei and Jiangsu Provinces: lost-wax
method at Deqin. Yunnan Province: scissors
forging in beijing and Hangzhou. Buddha
image making in the Zang (Tibetan)
nationality; silver decoration making in the
Miao nationality, and gold foil forging m
Nanjing, etc. This book. illustrated with large
amount of photographs of objects and on-the-
spot operation, gives a brief account of the
above mentioned historical and extant metal-
lic techniques, and enables the readers to un-
derstand the rich and varied, outstanding and
unique metallic civilization of China, the sci-
entific and technological gene it bears, the cul-
tural connotation it contains and the great in-
fiuence it exerts upon the development of
culture. In a sense, the understanding of the
Chinese civilization, if lacking essential
knowledge of the metallic civilization of
China. will be incomplete. As a compo.nent
part of the history of world civilization, the
metallic civilization of China is a vivid ex-
ample of the diversification of culture, and it
is our common duty to protect it and carry it


**章 招远黄金采选冶炼技艺/013
第二章 赫章、会泽的炼锌技艺/021
第三章 阳城生铁冶铸工艺/031
第四章 铁工具和刃具的锻造/053
第五章 泥型和石范铸造/097
第六章 拨蜡法/115
第七章 收抛活和藏族锻铜技艺/137
第八章 山西长子和山东淄博的响铜乐器锻制技艺/151
第九章 苗族银饰制作技艺/165
第十章 景泰蓝制作技艺/181
第十一章 金银细金工艺/193
第十二章 斑铜和乌铜走银技艺/211
第十三章 金箔和锡箔制作技艺/221
第十四章 芜湖铁画/235
结语 传统金属工艺的当代命运/243



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