- ISBN:7563518444
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:276
- 出版时间:2008-11-02
- 条形码:9787563518449 ; 978-7-5635-1844-9
本书是作者根据多年来开展双语教学所积累的经验和我国工科大学物理双语教学实践需要编著的,目的是为学生提供一本便于使用的大学物理学英文版学习指导书,以取得良好的双语教学效果。本书共30章,其内容编排顺序与北京邮电大学出版社2007年2月出版的《大学物理学》(英文版)上、下册完全相同,便于读者将本学习指导书与相应教材配套使用。每一章包括Core Material and Study Guide(内容提要及难点指导);Problem-Solving Tactics(解题技巧);Typical Samples(典型例题);Supplementary Problems(练习题)以及Answers to Supplementary Problems(练习题答案)等内容,对工科大学物理学各部分内容的重点和难点给予了详细解说;同时,本书还精选了国内外教材中的一些典型例题。
1-1 core material and study guide
1-2 problem-solving tactics
1-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 2 force and motion
2-1 core material and study guide
2-2 problem-solving tactics
2-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 3 work and energy
3-1 core material and study guide
3-2 problem-solving tactics
3-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 4 linear momentum and collisions
4-1 core material and study guide
4-2 problem-solving tactics
4-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 5 rotations of rigid body
5-1 core material and study guide
5-2 problem-solving tactics
5-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 6 special relativity
6-1 core material and study guide
6-2 physics in practice
6-3 problem-solving tactics
6-4 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 7 the kinematic theory of gasses
7-1 core material and study guide
7-2 problem-solving tactics
7-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 8 the first law of thermodynamics
8-1 core material and study guide
8-2 problem-solving tactics
8-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 9 the second law of thermodynamics
9-1 core material and study guide
9-2 problem-solving tactics
9-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 10 oscillations
10-1 core material and study guide
10-2 problem-solving tactics
10-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 11 waves
11-1 core material and study guide
11-2 problem-solving tactics
11-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 12 interference
12-1 core material and study guide
12-2 physics in practice
12-3 problem-solving tactics
12-4 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 13 diffraction
13-1 core material and study guide
13-2 physics in practice
13-3 problem-solving tactics
13-4 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 14 polarization
14-1 core material and study guide
14-2 physics in practice
14-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 15 electric charge
15-1 core material and study guide
15-2 problem-solving tactics
15-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 16 electric field
16-1 core material and study guide
16-2 problem-solving tactics
16-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 17 gauss' law
17-1 core material and study guide
17-2 problem-solving tactics
17-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 18 electric potential
18-1 core material and study guide
18-2 problem-solving tactics
18-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 19 capacitors and dielectrics
19-1 core material and study guide
19-2 problem-solving tactics
19-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 20 magnetic field
20-1 core material and study guide
20-2 problem-solving tactics
20-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 21 magnetic fields due to currents
21-1 core material and study guide
21-2 problem-solving tactics
21-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 22 magnetism of matter
22-1 core material and study guide
22-2 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 23 electromagnetic induction
23-1 core material and study guide
23-2 problem-solving tactics
23-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 24 maxwell' s equations and electromagnetic waves
24-1 core material and study guide
24-2 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 25 wave - particle duality
25-1 core material and study guide
25-2 further understanding
25-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 26 matter waves
26-1 core material and study guide
26-2 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 27 electrons in atoms
27-1 core material and study guide
27-2 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 28 electrons in solids
28-1 core material and study guide
28-2 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 29 nudear physics
29-1 core material and study guide
29-2 typical samples
supplementary problems
chapter 30 elementary particles
30-1 core material and study guide
30-2 further understanding
30-3 typical samples
supplementary problems
test one
test two
test three
test four
answers to test one
answers to test two
answers to test three
answers to test four
answers to supplementary problems
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