

1星价 ¥24.5 (5.1折)
2星价¥24.5 定价¥48.0
  • ISBN:9787301207246
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:383
  • 出版时间:2012-06-01
  • 条形码:9787301207246 ; 978-7-301-20724-6






PART ONE IN THE BEGINNING ( C. 40,000-1,700 B.C.E)The Book of Genesis 1.The Creation and the Fall of Man 2.From the Garden to the Tower 3.Abraham, the Progenitor 4.Jacob, the Deceiver 5.Joseph, a DreamerPART TWO THE EMERGENCE OF ISRAEL ( C. 1,700-1,200 B.C.E.)The Book of Exodus 6.Bondage in Egypt 7.The Plagues of Egypt 8.The Escape from Egypt 9.The Covenant at Mount SinaiPART THREE SETTLEMENT IN THE PROMISED LAND ( C. 1,200-1,000 B.C.E.)The Books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth 10.Joshua, the Successor to Moses 11.Unlikely Heroes 12.Samson and the Philistines 13.RuthPART FOUR THE KINGDOMS OF SAUL AND DAVID ( C.1,020-900 B.C.E.) The Books of l & 2 Samuel, Psalms 14.Samuel and Saul 15.Saul and David 16.David the King 17.PsalmsPART FIVE THE KINGDOM OF SOLOMON ( C.962-922 B.C.E.)The Books of l Kings, Proverbs,Song of Songs,Ecclesiastes 18.Solomon 19.Proverbs 20.The Song of Songs 21.EcclesiastesPART SIX THE DIVIDED KINGDOM ( C. 933-800 B.C.E.)The Books of l & 2 Kings 22.Elijah, the Ecstatic Prophet 23.ElishaPART SEVEN PALESTINE DURING THE ASSYRIAN, BABYLONIAN, PERSIAN AND GREEK DOMINATION ( C.842-4 B.C.E.)The Books of Esther, Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Jonah, Daniel 24.Esther 25.Job 26.The Prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Jonah 27.DanielPART EIGHT PALESTINE UNDER THE ROMANS ( C.4 B.C.E.-67 C.E.)The Four Gospels, the Acts of Apostles, Revelation THE FOUR GOSPELS 28.Birth of John and Jesus 29.The Ministry of John and the Launch of Jesus' Career 30.Miracles and Healings 31.Jesus' Parables: the Kingdom of Heaven 32.The Church 33.The Final Judgment 34.The Passion 35.The Resurrection and Thereafter THE ACTS OF APOSTLES 36.Apostles Empowered by the Holy Spirit 37.Preaching in Jerusalem 38.Preaching in Samaria and Judaea 39.The Journeys of Paul REVELATION 40.RevelationBIBLIOGRAPHYAPPENDICES 1.Maps 1.1 Map of the Ancient Near East 1.2 Route of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt 1.3 The Fertile Crescent 1.4 The World of Patriarchs 1.5 Map of the Kingdoms of David and Solomort 1.6 The Divided Monarchy 1.7 The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ 1.8 The Roman Empire at Its Zenith 1.9 Paul's Missionary Journeys (1) 1.10 Paul's Missionary Journeys (2) 1.11 Paul's Missionary Journeys (3) 2.A Chronology of Biblical Times 2.1 Ancient-United Kingdom 2.2 Divided Monarchy-Exile 2.3 The Greek Period 2.4 The Roman Period/The New Testament 3.An Overview of the Books of the Bible

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