

¥25.8 (7.6折) ?
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  • ISBN:9787040356854
  • 装帧:简裝本
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:272
  • 出版时间:2012-06-01
  • 条形码:9787040356854 ; 978-7-04-035685-4


沈渭菊编著的《英文电影赏析》旨在以英语原版经典影片为输入素材,为学生提供全方位真实的语言学习环境,在提高学生语言综合应用技能的同时,增强学生跨文化意识,激发学生学习英语的热情,提高其自主学习能力和创新能力。 本教材所选的10部影片涉及爱情片、剧情片、喜剧片、奇幻片、悬疑片、传记片、战争片等多种题材,涵盖教育、家庭、爱情、婚姻、人生励志、生活哲理等众多主题,不仅贴合学生的兴趣,还能开阔他们的视野,提高其文化素养。




Unit 1 The Devil Wears Prada
Part A Previewing Stage
Ⅰ InformatioAbout the Movie
Ⅱ Questions Before Viewing
Part B Viewing Stage
Ⅰ Clips for Appreciation
Ⅱ Culture Notes
Ⅲ Listeto the following theme song and fill ithe blanks with the words you have just heard.
Part C Reviewing Stage
Ⅰ Watch the video and answer the following questions.
Ⅱ Read the following movie reviews.
Part D Postviewing Stage
Ⅰ Retell the movie iyour owwords
Ⅱ Questions for Discussio
Ⅲ Homework24 l
Ⅳ Further Reading

Unit 2 Philadelphia
Part A Previewing Stage
Ⅰ InformatioAbout the Movie
Ⅱ Questions Before Viewing
Part B Viewing Stage
Ⅰ Clips for Appreciation
Ⅱ Culture Notes
Ⅲ Listeto the following theme song and fill ithe blanks with the words you have just heard.
Part C Reviewing Stage
Ⅰ Watch the video and answer the following questions.
Ⅱ Read the following movie reviews.
Part D Postviewing Stage
Ⅰ Retell the movie iyour owwords.
Ⅱ Questions for Discussion
Ⅲ Homework
Ⅳ Further Reading

Unit 3 Up ithe Air
Part A Previewing Stage
Ⅰ InformatioAbout the Movie
Ⅱ Questions Before Viewing
Part B Viewing Stage
Ⅰ Clips for Appreciation
Ⅱ Culture Notes
Ⅲ Listeto the following song and fill ithe blanks with the words you have just heard.
Part C Reviewing Stage
Ⅰ Watch the video and answer the following questions.
Ⅱ Read the following movie reviews.
Part D Postviewing Stage
Ⅰ Retell the movie iyour owwords.
Ⅱ Questions for Discussion
Ⅲ Homework
Ⅳ Further Reading

Unit 4 Mona Lisa Smile
Part A Previewing Stage
Ⅰ InformatioAbout the Movie
Ⅱ Questions Before Viewing
Part B Viewing Stage
Ⅰ Clips for Appreciation
Ⅱ Culture Notes
Ⅲ Listeto the following song and fill ithe blanks with the words you have just heard.
Part C Reviewing Stage
Ⅰ Watch the video and answer the following questions.
Ⅱ Read the following movie reviews
Part D Postviewing Stage
Ⅰ Retell the movie iyour owwords.
Ⅱ Questions for Discussion
Ⅲ Homework
Ⅳ Further Reading

Unit 5 Sense and Sensibility
Unit 6 Legally Blonde
Unit 7 Everybody's Fine
Unit 8 Casablanca
Unit 9 The Blind Side
Unit 10 Last Chance Harvey

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