Contemporary biotechnology and bioengineering

Contemporary biotechnology and bioengineering

1星价 ¥80.6 (7.2折)
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  • ISBN:9787030370433
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:24cm
  • 页数:381
  • 出版时间:2014-01-01
  • 条形码:9787030370433 ; 978-7-03-037043-3




chapter 1 introduction
 1.1 life sciences:the leading discipline in the 21st century
 1.2 the contents and characteristics of contemporary bioengineering
 1.3 development and social impact of contemporary biotechnologies
 1.4 contemporary biotechnologies and sustainable development
chapter 2 science basis for contemporary bsoengineering
 2.1 structure and function ofproteins and enzymes
 2.2 structure and function ofnucleic acids
 2.3 structure and function ofpolysaccharides
chapter 3 gene and genome
 3.1 concept ofgene and its essence
 3.2 gene isolation and synthesis
 3.3 gene expression and regulation
 3.4 gene mutation prcface chapter 1  introduction  1.1  life sciences:the leading discipline in the 21st century  1.2 the contents and characteristics of contemporary bioengineering  1.3  development and social impact of contemporary biotechnologies  1.4  contemporary biotechnologies and sustainable development chapter 2  science basis for contemporary bsoengineering  2.1  structure and function ofproteins and enzymes  2.2  structure and function ofnucleic acids  2.3  structure and function ofpolysaccharides chapter 3  gene and genome  3.1  concept ofgene and its essence  3.2  gene isolation and synthesis  3.3  gene expression and regulation  3.4  gene mutation  3.5  heredity and human diseases  3.6  genome chapter 4  gene engineering  4.1  tool enzymes for gene engineering  4.2  gene engineering vectors  4.3  target genes  4.4  ligation ofa target gene and vector dna  4.5  introduction ofrecombinant dna into receptor cells  4.6  screening ofrecombinants  4.7  achievements and application of contemporary gene engineering chapter 5  cells and cell engineering  5.1  basic concept and technology ofcell  5.2  culture characteristics and nutritional requirements ofanimal and plant cells  5.3  plant cell engineering  5.4  animal cell engineering  5.5  chromosome engineering  5.6  research of stem cells  5.7  embryo engineering andanimal cloning technology  5.8  research progress and future prospects ofcell engineering chapter 6  enzymes and enzyme engineering  6.1  0verview ofenzymes and enzyme engineering  6.2  fermentation production ofenzymes  6.3  production of enzymes with immobilized cell fennentation  6.4  application and molecular modification of em,ymes  6.5  research progress in enzyme engineering  6.6  protein engineering.. chapter 7  microorganism and fermentation engineering  7.1  introduction to fermentation and fermentation engineering  7.2  elementary knowledge on microonanisms  7.3  fermentation process control  7.4  fermentation equipments  7.5  downstream processing technology chapter8 contemporarybioengineeringtechnologies,agricultureandt,ightchemicallndustr3   8.1  contemporary bioengineering technologies and chemical industry   8.2  contemporary bioengineering technologies and agriculture   8.3  contemporary biotechnologies alld food industry.   8.4  contemporary bioengineering technologies and paper industry   8.5  contemporary biotechnologies and leather textile industry chapter 9  contemporary bioengineering technologies and biomaterials  9.1  introduction,  9.2  natural biomaterials  9.3  medicinal biomaterials  9.4  tissue engineering materials  9.5  intelligent biomimetic materials.  9.6  nanoscale biomaterials chapter l0  contemporary bioengineering and biological medicine  10.1  application of contemporary biotechnology in antibiotic industry  1 0.2  gene diagnosis and gene therapy  10.3  genetic engineering vaccine  1 0.4 application of contemporary biotechnology in new drug development chapter11  infection and immunity  11.1  infection ofpathogenic microorganisms  11.2  immune response in human bodv  11.3  antigens and antibodies. chapter l2  biodiversity and environmental management  12.1  loss ofbiodiversity and its reasons  12.2  significance ofbiodiversity protection  ……

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