  • ISBN:9787301239384
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:258
  • 出版时间:2014-02-01
  • 条形码:9787301239384 ; 978-7-301-23938-4


本书作为英语专业基础阶段的阅读教材旨在扩大学生的词汇量,增强英语语感,丰富文化知识,提高人文素质,并培养学生的逻辑思维和形象思维能力,训练略读、寻读、细读、评读等阅读技巧。为满足扩充词汇量、拓展知识面的需要,本书选题范围较广,内容丰富;为提高学生的思辨能力和阅读欣赏能力,优先选择具有经典意义和收藏价值的文章, 有助于学生从西方传统文化和现当代文化中汲取精华部分,了解其独特的精神内涵。配套练习旨在引导学生去解读、思考、分析、批评,并激发学生更强烈的阅读欲望。




unit one
text a unveiling and consuming art in the multifarious spaces of early modern china 1
text b book review of mi fu and the classical tradition of chinese calligraphy 13
twenty minutes’ reading…25

unit two 29
text a take this fish and look at it 29
text b another school year—what for? 37
twenty minutes’ reading 45

unit three 49
text a your flexible friends 49
text b words that get you hired 58
twenty minutes’ reading 67

unit four 70
text a european business news 70
text b is higher inflation the most painless way to escape current economic troubles? 81
twenty minutes’ reading 89

unit five 93
text a solve that problem—with humor 93
text b the crooked streets 101
twenty minutes’ reading 110

unit six 114
text a when bright girls decide that math is “a waste of time”114
text b escaping the daily grind for life as a house father 122
twenty minutes’ reading 130

unit seven 134
text a a matter of degrees 134
text b how to build a student for the 21st century 143
twenty minutes’ reading 152

unit eight 157
text a friendship: the laws of attraction 157
text b the bond: staying in touch when children go to college 167
twenty minutes’ reading…175

unit nine 179
text a the biggest extinction on earth 179
text b spyware on your cell phone? 187
twenty minutes’ reading 193

unit ten 197
text a fame 197
text b the vice of punctuality 205
twenty minutes’ reading 213

unit eleven 216
text a the shocks of doom 216
text b luck 226
twenty minutes’ reading 234

unit twelve 238
text a the price of oil 238
text b deal or no deal 247
twenty minutes’ reading 255

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