- ISBN:9787030445704
- 装帧:一般胶版纸
- 册数:暂无
- 重量:暂无
- 开本:16开
- 页数:261
- 出版时间:2015-06-01
- 条形码:9787030445704 ; 978-7-03-044570-4
《西部考古》是在西北大学“ 211工程”经费资助下,西北大学文化遗产研究与保护技术教育部重点实验室、西北大学丝绸之路文化遗产保护与考古学研究中心、边疆考古与中国文化认同协同创新中心和西北大学唐仲英文化遗产研究与保护技术实验室联合编著的学术图书。本辑收录考古调查、发掘报告及研究论文等共计 18篇,以中国西部地区为立足点,面向全国,内容涉及考古学、文物学、文化遗产管理与保护规划、环境与历史地理等多个方面。
《西部考古 .第8辑》适合于从事我国西部地区历史考古、文化遗产研究和文物保护的专家学者,以及大专院校相关专业的师生参考阅读。
乌兹别克斯坦共和国科学院考古研究所( 1)
沈阳沈北洋什东岗旧石器地点发现的石器研究 付永平陈全家万晨晨(33)
河套地区“前长城地带”形成的环境考古学观察 张宏彦(42)
半坡遗址仰韶早期的埋葬方式研究 钱耀鹏王叶(56)
宗日墓地陶明器研究 郭昕陈洪海(82)
陇山东侧商周方国考略 梁云(100)
华南秦汉越人“窄坑墓” 刘瑞(118)
汉阳陵出土封泥研究 杨武站(133)
说“胜” 冉万里(144)
新见唐高句丽遗民《南单德墓志铭》考释 楼正豪(185)
八连城出土文字瓦研究 梁会丽(194)
明代秦王府“典膳所”青花瓷蓝彩研究 张鋆温睿王文轩崔梦鹤贾麦明(205)
聚氨酯及其改性材料在文物保护中的应用 王博王丽琴(213)
文物保护中微生物技术的应用述略 何静凌雪薄颖悦(221)
汉阳陵外藏坑遗址环境监测系统布置方案 李库邓宏姚雪程蓓段晓彤(230)
基于微观结构的柏孜克里克石窟壁画起甲成因及修复研究 陆继财刘虎(237)
元上都穆清阁、大安阁、御天门建筑工艺研究 孙满利姚雪郭青林杨善龙(243)
龙岗寺遗址展示利用策略研究 刘军民惠昭(254)
《西部考古》征稿通知 (263)
archeological survey at the steppe zone on the southern edge of the samarkand basin, uzbekistan (2014)
northwestern university silk road cultural heritage and archaeology research center
coordination-innovation lenter of archareology on chinese culture identity and frontier area studies archeological institute of the academy of science of uzbekistan(32)
research on paleolithic artifacts discovered in yangshidonggang, shenbei, shenyang fu yongping, chen quanjia, wan chenchen(41)
environmental archaeologiocal observation of the “pre-great wall zone” in the hetao area zhang hongyan(55)
study on the burial ways of early yangshao banpo site qian yaopeng, wang ye(80)
the study of burial object in zongri cemetery guo xin, chen honghai(99)
the textual research on the seigneur states east of the longshan mountains in shang and zhou dynasties liang yun(117)
the research on yue people’ s narrow pit grave of qin dynasty and han dynasties in south china area liu rui(132)
research on sealing clay unearthed from the yangling mausoleum of the han dynasty yang wuzhan(143)
talk of“sheng” ran wanli(184)
goguryeo exiles in tang china: nam dandeok lou zhenghao(193)
researches of scripted tiles excavated from baliancheng city site liang huili(204)
the research of blue patterns of the blue-and-white in qin’s mansion zhang jun, wen rui, wang wenxuan, cui menghe, jia maiming(212)
the application of polyurethane and modified polyurethane in cultural relics conservation wang bo, wang liqin(220)
review of microbial technology’s application in the preservation and conservation of cultural heritage he jing, ling xue, bo yingyue(229)
the layout scheme of environmental monitoring system at the relic of hanyangling outer burial pits li ku, deng hong, yao xue, cheng bei, duan xiaotong(236)
based on the microstructure of causes and repair of flaking murals at bezeklik thousand buddha caves lu jicai, liu hu(241)
research on construction technologies of muqing ge, da’an ge and yutian men in site of xanadu sun manli, yao xue, guo qinglin, yang shanlong(253)
strategy research of the exhibition of the longgangsi site liu junmin, hui zhao(262)
乌兹别克斯坦共和国科学院考古研究所( 1)
沈阳沈北洋什东岗旧石器地点发现的石器研究 付永平陈全家万晨晨(33)
河套地区“前长城地带”形成的环境考古学观察 张宏彦(42)
半坡遗址仰韶早期的埋葬方式研究 钱耀鹏王叶(56)
宗日墓地陶明器研究 郭昕陈洪海(82)
陇山东侧商周方国考略 梁云(100)
华南秦汉越人“窄坑墓” 刘瑞(118)
汉阳陵出土封泥研究 杨武站(133)
说“胜” 冉万里(144)
新见唐高句丽遗民《南单德墓志铭》考释 楼正豪(185)
八连城出土文字瓦研究 梁会丽(194)
明代秦王府“典膳所”青花瓷蓝彩研究 张鋆温睿王文轩崔梦鹤贾麦明(205)
聚氨酯及其改性材料在文物保护中的应用 王博王丽琴(213)
文物保护中微生物技术的应用述略 何静凌雪薄颖悦(221)
汉阳陵外藏坑遗址环境监测系统布置方案 李库邓宏姚雪程蓓段晓彤(230)
基于微观结构的柏孜克里克石窟壁画起甲成因及修复研究 陆继财刘虎(237)
元上都穆清阁、大安阁、御天门建筑工艺研究 孙满利姚雪郭青林杨善龙(243)
龙岗寺遗址展示利用策略研究 刘军民惠昭(254)
《西部考古》征稿通知 (263)
archeological survey at the steppe zone on the southern edge of the samarkand basin, uzbekistan (2014)
northwestern university silk road cultural heritage and archaeology research center
coordination-innovation lenter of archareology on chinese culture identity and frontier area studies archeological institute of the academy of science of uzbekistan(32)
research on paleolithic artifacts discovered in yangshidonggang, shenbei, shenyang fu yongping, chen quanjia, wan chenchen(41)
environmental archaeologiocal observation of the “pre-great wall zone” in the hetao area zhang hongyan(55)
study on the burial ways of early yangshao banpo site qian yaopeng, wang ye(80)
the study of burial object in zongri cemetery guo xin, chen honghai(99)
the textual research on the seigneur states east of the longshan mountains in shang and zhou dynasties liang yun(117)
the research on yue people’ s narrow pit grave of qin dynasty and han dynasties in south china area liu rui(132)
research on sealing clay unearthed from the yangling mausoleum of the han dynasty yang wuzhan(143)
talk of“sheng” ran wanli(184)
goguryeo exiles in tang china: nam dandeok lou zhenghao(193)
researches of scripted tiles excavated from baliancheng city site liang huili(204)
the research of blue patterns of the blue-and-white in qin’s mansion zhang jun, wen rui, wang wenxuan, cui menghe, jia maiming(212)
the application of polyurethane and modified polyurethane in cultural relics conservation wang bo, wang liqin(220)
review of microbial technology’s application in the preservation and conservation of cultural heritage he jing, ling xue, bo yingyue(229)
the layout scheme of environmental monitoring system at the relic of hanyangling outer burial pits li ku, deng hong, yao xue, cheng bei, duan xiaotong(236)
based on the microstructure of causes and repair of flaking murals at bezeklik thousand buddha caves lu jicai, liu hu(241)
research on construction technologies of muqing ge, da’an ge and yutian men in site of xanadu sun manli, yao xue, guo qinglin, yang shanlong(253)
strategy research of the exhibition of the longgangsi site liu junmin, hui zhao(262)
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