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  • ISBN:9787811287493
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:249
  • 出版时间:2014-09-01
  • 条形码:9787811287493 ; 978-7-81128-749-3






Unit 1
一、课文精读(Reading—centered Activities)
Section A Learning a Foreign Language
Section B Keys to Successful Online Learning
二、练习答案(Key to the Exercises)

Unit 2
一、课文精读(Reading centered Activities)
Section A Deep Concern
Section B Is There a Generation Gap
二、练习答案(Key to the Exercises)
Test Paper Ⅰ
Key to Test Paper Ⅰ

Unit 3
一、课文精读(Reading-centered Activities)
Section A A Good Heart to Lean On
Section B The Right Son at the Right Time
二、练习答案(Key to the Exercises)

Unit 4
一、课文精读(Reading centered Activities)
Section A How to Make a Good Impression
Section B Body Language
二、练习答案(Key to the Exercises)
Test Paper Ⅱ
Key to Test Paper Ⅱ

Unit 5
一、课文精读(Reading centered Activities)
Section A The Battle Against AIDS
Section B The Last Dive at the Olympics
二、练习答案(Key to the Exercises)

Unit 6
一、课文精读(Reading centered Activities)
Section A The Battle Against AIDS
Section B The Company Man
二、练习答案(Key to the Exercises)
Test Paper Ⅲ
Key to Test Paper Ⅲ

Unit 7
一、课文精读(Reading centered Activities)
Section A Face to Face with Guns
Section B Should I have a Gun?
二、练习答案(Key to the Exercises)

Unit 8
一、课文精读(Reading centered Activities)
Section A Binh of Bright Ideas
Section B Ways of Increasing Creativity
二、练习答案(Key to the Exercises)
Test Paper IV
Key to Test Paper IV

Unit 9
一、课文精读(Reading—centered Activities)
Section A College Success Made Easy
Section B A Major Question of Majors
二、练习答案(Key to the Exercises)

Unit 10
一、课文精读(Reading centered Activities)
Section A Being Honest and Open
Section B Websites Resources:The Best Aid for Cheating
二、练习答案(Key to the Exercises)

Test Paper V
Key to Test Paper V

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