

1星价 ¥19.2 (6.0折)
2星价¥19.2 定价¥32.0
  • ISBN:9787301242971
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:159
  • 出版时间:2014-08-01
  • 条形码:9787301242971 ; 978-7-301-24297-1


  《大学英语快速阅读(4 第二版 新题型 南方版)》注重学生英语阅读策略和技巧的培养,通过系统的学习和科学的训练,帮助学生扩大词汇量,提高阅读速度,增强阅读理解能力。  选材内容注重科学性、文化性、可读性、趣味性,还突出体现了其丰富性、新颖性以及语言的地道性和准确性。  练习的设计侧重培养学生快速浏览和查读能力,正确理解文章大意、抓住主要事实和有关细节的能力。  活页的装帧设计和阅读所需参考时间的设定,方便学生实战训练,提高其训练的有效性。  《大学英语快速阅读(4 第二版 新题型 南方版)》练习设计与2013年12月四六级改革后的新题型挂钩,能在很大程度上提高学生的备考能力。


Unit 1
Passage 1 High Anxiety
Passage 2 How Can I Deal with My Anger?
Passage 3 Quality Schools
Passage 4 Magic Brain

Unit 2
Passage 1 Japanese and American Workers:Two Casts of Mind
Passage 2 The English Character
Passage 3 I’m Sorry.I Won’t Apologize
Passage 4 Chinese,English Speakers Vary at Math

Unit 3
Passage 1 The Frontier Disappears
Passage 2 Traditional Bridal Showers
Passage 3 What's in the Name of American Indians?
Passage 4 Why Do We Reserve Rage for Our Own Species

Unit 4
Passage 1 You’ve Got to Find What You Love——A Commencement Address by Steve Jobs
Passage 2 Black Americans and Civil Rights
Passage 3 School Time and Play Time
Passage 4 Steve Jobs

Unit 5
Passage 1 Superstition:The Faith We All Share
Passage 2 Prenuptial Agreements
Passage 3 Ethics Issue for Citizen Snappers
Passage 4 What Does Divorce Bring Us

Unit 6
Passage 1 Who Killed the Newspaper?
Passage 2 Saying No to the Net
Passage 3 Cell Phones:A Love-Hate Relationship with Staying Power
Passage 4 E-mail Users Want Ways to Weed Out Spam

Unit 7
Passage 1 The Global Green Deal
Passage 2 Urbanization and the Environment
Passage 3 Extreme Weather:Is Global Warming to Blame?
Passage 4 Odd Sea Cucumber

Unit 8
Passage 1 Desk Rage:Workers Gone Wild
Passage 2 Food Safety and Security:What Consumers Need to Know
Passage 3 Can Stress Cause Women to Gain Weight?
Passage 4 What's Making Us Sick Is an Epidemic of Diagnoses

Keys to Comprehension Exercises


  《大学英语快速阅读(4 第二版 新题型 南方版)》:  What you want to learn is how to recognize when you're ticked and deal with it effectively.This way, you get to express yourself and you probably get more of what you need from others and respect them and yourself in the process.  One healthy way to deal with your anger (one that works great with parents in particular) is the cool down approach.Here it is in four easy steps:  1.When something gets you really steamed, try to stop, calm down, and think before you do or say anything.  2.Once you're calm, try to say what the problem is and how it makes you feel.("Mom, I don' t like it when you hand out a punishment before you' ve even given me the chance to do what you've asked.It makes me feel like a little kid.")  3.Try to think of some solutions and what the consequences of the solutions would be (one solution here would be not cleaning your room— but if you thought about it, you' d see where that would get you).  4.Explain your solution and try to put it into action.("In the future, would you please tell me what you' d like me to do first and wait to see if I do it before you threaten punishment?")  This can turn out well for everyone—you focus your attention on stopping your anger, you get to say how you feel, and hopefully, your mom won't talk to you in that way that enrages you again.But if this approach sounds a little too formal, there are other things you can do.Here's a list of suggestions:  Listen to music (with your headphones on) and dance with some anger—inspired energy.  Write it down—in any form—poetry or a journal, for example.  Draw it—scribble, doodle, or sketch your angry feelings using strong color or lines.  Play a sport or work out—you' ll be amazed at how physical activity helps to work the anger out.  Meditate or practice deep breathing.This one works best if you do it regularly, not when you' re actually having a meltdown—it' s more of a stress management technique and will help you use self—control and not blow a fuse when you're mad.  Talk about your feelings with someone you trust.Lots of times there are other feelings such as fear or sadness beneath anger.Talking about these feelings can help.  Distract yourself so you can get your mind past what' s bugging you—watch TV, read, or go to the movies instead of stewing for hours about something.  You might even try going somewhere secluded and yelling at the top of your lungs.What we don' t recommend is screaming at the person you' re mad at, whining, sulking, throwing things, or making any kind of physical threat or attack.These things are likely to escalate the situation—and maybe even hurt someone.  ……



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