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  • ISBN:9787509637173
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:193
  • 出版时间:2015-05-01
  • 条形码:9787509637173 ; 978-7-5096-3717-3




unit 1  boosting the global economyunit 2  cross border m&a with china: will it really happen?unit 3  end european union austerity nowunit 4  g20 in the shadow of crisesunit 5  home and host country effects of fdiunit 6  international investment theoriesunit 7  investors make their markunit 8  vinod khosla: investors need to make smart, risky bets on green techunit 9  top 10 financial secrets of american householdsunit 10  investment advice you can actually useunit 11  best ideas 2013: investment experts sound off on what to buy and sellunit 12  30-year market forecast for investment planning, 2014 editionunit 13  global fund design with etfsunit 14  for golden years, invest abroadunit 15  hedge fund manager waging war on the american entrepreneurunit 16  the trouble with target date mutual fundsunit 17  the four investmentsunit 18  companies focused on stock-buyback programs attract pros in current market environmentunit 19  why yale, harvard and sovereign funds are changing their views on  alternative assetsunit 20  how investment advisors should sell china to retail clientsunit 21  breaking into asia as a venture investor: the where and howunit 22  china's media investment in africa shows leadership and raises questionsunit 23  india cloud opportunities reignite in 2014unit 24  four short-term risks to the bullish caseunit 25  perilous retreat from global trade rulesunit 26  the "asianization" of global fdiunit 27  the effects of fdi on the host country economic growthunit 28  theoretical foundations of cross-border mergers and acquisitionsunit 29  us must play by fdi rulesunit 30  us' cheap financing coming to an endunit 31  privately, saudis tell oil market: get used to lower pricesunit 32  why brazil might not be a good investment


时秀梅,辽宁大连人。大连外国语大学应用英语学院副教授、经济学博士。1996年毕业于辽宁师范大学外国语学院英语语言文学专业,获文学学士学位;2007年获东北财经大学经济学硕士学位;2008年考入中央财经大学商学院攻读跨国公司管理专业博士学位,师从著名学者王巾英教授,主修跨国公司管理、中国涉外经济理论与政策研究;2009年11月至2011年11月获国家留学基金委资助在美国加州大学欧文分校(Universitv ofCalifornia Irvine)做访问学者,主要研修跨国企业的跨文化管理;2012年6月获中央财经大学经济学博士学位。自1996年参加工作以来,一直在高校从事与商务英语专业相关课程的教学和科研工作。主要研究方向为跨国公司跨文化管理、企业文化、商业广告语言修辞等。目前已在《中国管理科学》、《科研管理》、InTernational Joumal Of Business andManagement等国内外学术期刊发表论文35篇;主编或副主编《国际金融理论与实务》、《投资银行学》、《投资银行业务》、《商务交际英语口语——商务交流篇》、《商务交际英语口语——商战实务篇》、《管理学》等教材及教辅书籍共18本;出版《荷兰建筑师作品集》、《150全球*佳住宅设计》等译著4部;主持或参与国家级和省部级教研与科研项目共8项。

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