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  • ISBN:9787111499312
  • 装帧:暂无
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  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:577
  • 出版时间:2016-01-01
  • 条形码:9787111499312 ; 978-7-111-49931-2






table of contentschapter 1 the nature of software 11.1 the nature of software 31.1.1 de ning software 41.1.2 software application domains 61.1.3 legacy software 71.2 the changing nature of software 91.2.1 webapps 91.2.2 mobile applications 91.2.3 cloud computing 101.2.4 product line software 11problems and points to ponder 12further readings and information sources 12chapter 2 software engineering 142.1 de ning the discipline 152.2 the software process 162.2.1 the process framework 172.2.2 umbrella activities 182.2.3 process adaptation 182.3 software engineering practice 192.3.1 the essence of practice 192.3.2 general principles 212.4 software development myths 232.5 how it all starts 26problems and points to ponder 27further readings and information sources 27part one the software process 29chapter 3 software process structure 303.1 a generic process model 313.2 de ning a framework activity 323.3 identifying a task set 343.4 process patterns 35problems and points to ponder 37further readings and information sources 38chapter 4 process models 394.1 pre******ive process models 404.1.1 the waterfall model 404.1.2 incremental process models 424.1.3 evolutionary process models 444.1.4 concurrent models 484.1.5 a final word on evolutionary processes 504.2 specialized process models 514.2.1 component-based development 524.2.2 the formal methods model 524.2.3 aspect-oriented software development 534.3 the uni ed process 544.3.1 a brief history 554.3.2 phases of the uni ed process 554.4 product and process 57problems and points to ponder 59further readings and information sources 59chapter 5 agile development 605.1 what is agility? 625.2 agility and the cost of change 625.3 what is an agile process 63?5.3.1 agility principles 645.3.2 the politics of agile development 655.4 extreme programming 665.4.1 the xp process 665.4.2 industrial xp 695.5 other agile process models 715.5.1 scrum 725.5.2 dynamic systems development method 735.5.3 agile modeling 745.5.4 agile uni ed process 765.6 a tool set for the agile process 77problems and points to ponder 78further readings and information sources 79chapter 6 human aspects of software engineering 816.1 characteristics of a software engineer 826.2 the psychology of software engineering 836.3 the software team 846.4 team structures 866.5 agile teams 876.5.1 the generic agile team 876.5.2 the xp team 886.6 the impact of social media 896.7 software engineering using the cloud 916.8 collaboration tools 926.9 global teams 93problems and points to ponder 94further readings and information sources 95part two modeling 97chapter 7 understanding requirements 987.1 requirements engineering 997.2 establishing the groundwork 1057.2.1 identifying stakeholders 1067.2.2 recognizing multiple viewpoints 1067.2.3 working toward collaboration 1077.2.4 asking the first questions 1077.3 eliciting requirements 1087.3.1 collaborative requirements gathering 1097.3.2 quality function deployment 1127.3.3 usage scenarios 1127.3.4 elicitation work products 1137.3.5 agile requirements elicitation 1147.3.6 service-oriented methods 1147.4 developing use cases 1157.5 building the analysis model 1207.5.1 elements of the analysis model 1207.5.2 analysis patterns 1237.5.3 agile requirements engineering 1247.5.4 requirements for self-adaptive systems 1247.6 avoiding common mistakes 125problems and points to ponder 125further readings and other information sources 126chapter 8 requirements modeling: scenario-based methods 1288.1 requirements analysis 1298.1.1 overall objectives and philosophy 1308.1.2 analysis rules of thumb 1318.1.3 domain analysis 1328.1.4 requirements modeling approaches 1338.2 scenario-based modeling 1358.2.1 creating a preliminary use case 1358.2.2 re ning a preliminary use case 1388.2.3 writing a formal use case 1398.3 uml models that supplement the use case 1418.3.1 developing an activity diagram 1428.3.2 swimlane diagrams 143problems and points to ponder 144further readings and information sources 145chapter 9 requirements modeling: class-based methods 1469.1 identifying analysis classes 1479.2 specifying attributes 1509.3 de ning operations 1519.4 class-responsibility-collaborator modeling 1549.5 associations and dependencies 1609.6 analysis packages 161problems and points to ponder 162further readings and information sources 163chapter 10 requirements modeling: behavior, patterns, and燱eb/mobile apps 16410.1 creating a behavioral model 16510.2 identifying events with the use case 16510.3 state representations 16610.4 patterns for requirements modeling 16910.4.1 discovering analysis patterns 17010.4.2 a requirements pattern example: actuator-sensor 171problems and points to ponder 175further readings and information sources 176chapter 11 design concepts 17711.1 design within the context of software engineering 17811.2 the design process 18111.2.1 software quality guidelines and attributes 18111.2.2 the evolution of software design 18311.3 design concepts 18411.3.1 abstraction 18511.3.2 architecture 18511.3.3 patterns 18611.3.4 separation of concerns 18711.3.5 modularity 18711.3.6 information hiding 18811.3.7 functional independence 18911.3.8 re nement 19011.3.9 aspects 19011.3.10 refactoring 19111.3.11 object-oriented design concepts 19111.3.12 design classes 19211.3.13 dependency inversion 19411.3.14 design for test 19511.4 the design model 19611.4.1 data design elements 19711.4.2 architectural design elements 19711.4.3 interface design elements 19811.4.4 component-level design elements 20011.4.5 deployment-level design elements 201problems and points to ponder 202further readings and information sources 203chapter 12 architectural design 20412.1 software architecture 20512.1.1 what is architecture 20512.1.2 why is architecture important 20612.1.3 architectural de******ions 20712.1.4 architectural decisions 20812.2 architectural genres 20912.3 architectural styles 21012.3.1 a brief taxonomy of architectural styles 21012.3.2 architectural patterns 21512.3.3 organization and re nement 21512.4 architectural considerations 21612.5 architectural decisions 21812.6 architectural design 21912.6.1 representing the system in context 21912.6.2 de ning archetypes 22112.6.3 re ning the architecture into components 22212.6.4 describing instantiations of the system 22412.6.5 architectural design for web apps 22512.6.6 architectural design for mobile apps 22612.7 assessing alternative architectural designs 22612.7.1 architectural de******ion languages 22812.7.2 architectural reviews 22912.8 lessons learned 23012.9 pattern-based architecture review 23012.10 architecture conformance checking 23112.11 agility and architecture 232problems and points to ponder 234further readings and information sources 234chapter 13 component-level design 23613.1 what is a component 23713.1.1 an object-oriented view 23713.1.2 the traditional view 23913.1.3 a process-related view 24213.2 designing class-based components 24213.2.1 basic design principles 24313.2.2 component-level design guidelines 24613.2.3 cohesion 24713.2.4 coupling 24913.3 conducting component-level design 25013.4 component-level design for webapps 25613.4.1 content design at the component level 25713.4.2 functional design at the component level 25713.5 designing traditional components 25713.6 component-based development 25813.6.1 domain engineering 25913.6.2 component quali cation, adaptation, and composition 25913.6.3 architectural mismatch 26113.6.4 analysis and design for reuse 26213.6.5 classifying and retrieving components 262problems and points to ponder 264further readings and information sources 264chapter 14 user interface design 26614.1 the golden rules 26714.1.1 place the user in control 26714.1.2 reduce the user抯 memory load 26814.1.3 make the interface consistent 27014.2 user interface analysis and design 27114.2.1 interface analysis and design models 27114.2.2 the process 27214.3 interface analysis 27414.3.1 user analysis 27414.3.2 task analysis and modeling 27514.3.3 analysis of display content 28014.3.4 analysis of the work environment 28014.4 interface design steps 28114.4.1 applying interface design steps 28114.4.2 user interface design patterns 28314.4.3 design issues 28414.5 design evaluation 286problems and points to ponder 288further readings and information sources 289part three quality management 291chapter 15 quality concepts 29215.1 what is quality 29315.2 software quality 29415.2.1 garvin抯 quality dimensions 29515.2.2 mccall抯 quality factors 29615.2.3 iso 9126 quality factors 29815.2.4 targeted quality factors 29815.2.5 the transition to a quantitative view 30015.3 the software quality dilemma 30015.3.1 揋ood enough?software 30115.3.2 the cost of quality 30215.3.3 risks 30415.3.4 negligence and liability 30515.3.5 quality and security 30515.3.6 the impact of management actions 30615.4 achieving software quality 30715.4.1 software engineering methods 30715.4.2 project management techniques 30715.4.3 quality control 30715.4.4 quality assurance 308problems and points to ponder 308further readings and information sources 309chapter 16 software quality assurance 31016.1 background issues 31116.2 elements of software quality assurance 31216.3 sqa processes and product characteristics 31416.4 sqa tasks, goals, and metrics 31416.4.1 sqa tasks 31516.4.2 goals, attributes, and metrics 31616.5 formal approaches to sqa 31816.6 statistical software quality assurance 31816.6.1 a generic example 31916.6.2 six sigma for software engineering 32016.7 software reliability 32116.7.1 measures of reliability and availability 32116.7.2 software safety 32216.8 the iso 9000 quality standards 32316.9 the sqa plan 32516.10 a framework for product metrics 32516.10.1 measures, metrics, and indicators 32516.10.2 the challenge of product metrics 32616.10.3 measurement principles 32716.10.4 goal-oriented software measurement 32716.10.5 the attributes of effective software metrics 328problems and points to ponder 329further readings and information sources 330chapter 17 software testing strategies 33217.1 a strategic approach to software testing 33217.1.1 veri cation and validation 33417.1.2 organizing for software testing 33417.1.3 software testing strategy桾he big picture 33517.1.4 criteria for completion of testing 33817.2 strategic issues 33817.3 test strategies for conventional software 33917.3.1 unit testing 33917.3.2 integration testing 34117.4 test strategies for object-oriented software 34717.4.1 unit testing in the oo context 34717.4.2 integration testing in the oo context 34717.5 validation testing 34817.5.1 validation-test criteria 34817.5.2 con guration review 34917.5.3 alpha and beta testing 34917.6 system testing 35017.6.1 recovery testing 35017.6.2 security testing 35117.6.3 stress testing 35117.6.4 performance testing 35217.6.5 deployment testing 35217.7 the art of debugging 35317.7.1 the debugging process 35317.7.2 psychological considerations 35417.7.3 debugging strategies 35517.7.4 correcting the error 357problems and points to ponder 357further readings and information sources 358chapter 18 testing conventional applications 36018.1 software testing fundamentals 36118.2 internal and external views of testing 36318.3 white-box testing 36418.4 basis path testing 36418.4.1 flow graph notation 36418.4.2 independent program paths 36618.4.3 deriving test cases 36818.5 control structure testing 37018.6 black-box testing 37218.6.1 equivalence partitioning 37218.6.2 boundary value analysis 37318.7 model-based testing 374problems and points to ponder 375further readings and information sources 375chapter 19 testing object-oriented applications 37719.1 broadening the view of testing 37819.2 testing ooa and ood models 37919.2.1 correctness of ooa and ood models 37919.2.2 consistency of object-oriented models 38019.3 object-oriented testing strategies 38219.3.1 unit testing in the oo context 38219.3.2 integration testing in the oo context 38319.3.3 validation testing in an oo context 38319.4 object-oriented testing methods 38319.4.1 the test-case design implications of oo concepts 38419.4.2 applicability of conventional test-case design methods 38519.4.3 fault-based testing 38519.4.4 scenario-based test design 38619.5 testing methods applicable at the class level 38619.5.1 random testing for oo classes 38619.5.2 partition testing at the class level 38719.6 interclass test-case design 38819.6.1 multiple class testing 38819.6.2 tests derived from behavior models 390problems and points to ponder 391further readings and information sources 392chapter 20 security engineering 39320.1 analyzing security requirements 39420.2 security and privacy in an online world 39520.2.1 social media 39620.2.2 mobile applications 39620.2.3 cloud computing 39620.2.4 the internet of things 39720.3 security engineering analysis 39720.3.1 security requirement elicitation 39820.3.2 security modeling 39920.3.3 measures design 40020.3.4 correctness checks 40020.4 security assurance 40120.4.1 the security assurance process 40120.4.2 organization and management 40220.5 security risk analysis 40320.6 the role of conventional software engineering activities 40420.7 veri cation of trustworthy systems 406problems and points to ponder 408further readings and information sources 408chapter 21 software configuration management 41021.1 software con guration management 41121.1.1 an scm scenario 41221.1.2 elements of a con guration management system 41321.1.3 baselines 41321.1.4 software con guration items 41521.1.5 management of dependencies and changes 41521.2 the scm repository 41721.2.1 general features and content 41721.2.2 scm features 41821.3 the scm process 41921.3.1 identi cation of objects in the software con guration 42021.3.2 version control 42121.3.3 change control 42221.3.4 impact management 42521.3.5 con guration audit 42621.3.6 status reporting 426problems and points to ponder 427further readings and information sources 428part four managing software projects 431chapter 22 project management concepts 43222.1 the management spectrum 43322.1.1 the people 43322.1.2 the product 43422.1.3 the process 43422.1.4 the project 43422.2 people 43522.2.1 the stakeholders 43522.2.2 team leaders 43622.2.3 the software team 43722.2.4 agile teams 43922.2.5 coordination and communication issues 44022.3 the product 44122.3.1 software scope 44222.3.2 problem decomposition 44222.4 the process 44222.4.1 melding the product and the process 44322.4.2 process decomposition 44422.5 the project 44522.6 the w5hh principle 44622.7 critical practices 447problems and points to ponder 448further readings and information sources 448chapter 23 process and project metrics 45123.1 metrics in the process and project domains 45223.1.1 process metrics and software process improvement 45223.1.2 project metrics 45523.2 software measurement 45623.2.1 size-oriented metrics 45723.2.2 function-oriented metrics 45823.2.3 reconciling loc and fp metrics 45923.2.4 object-oriented metrics 46123.2.5 use case-oriented metrics 46223.3 metrics for software quality 46223.3.1 measuring quality 46323.3.2 defect removal ef ciency 464problems and points to ponder 466further readings and information sources 467chapter 24 estimation for software projects 46924.1 observations on estimation 47024.2 the project planning process 47124.3 software scope and feasibility 47224.4 resources 47324.4.1 human resources 47324.4.2 reusable software resources 47424.4.3 environmental resources 47424.5 software project estimation 47524.6 decomposition techniques 47624.6.1 software sizing 47624.6.2 problem-based estimation 47724.6.3 an example of loc-based estimation 47824.6.4 an example of fp-based estimation 48024.6.5 process-based estimation 48124.6.6 an example of process-based estimation 48224.6.7 estimation with use cases 48224.6.8 an example of estimation using use case points 48424.6.9 reconciling estimates 48424.7 empirical estimation models 48524.7.1 the structure of estimation models 48624.7.2 the cocomo ii model 48624.7.3 the software equation 48624.8 estimation for object-oriented projects 488problems and points to ponder 488further readings and information sources 489chapter 25 project scheduling 49025.1 basic concepts 49125.2 project scheduling 49325.2.1 basic principles 49425.2.2 the relationship between people and effort 49525.2.3 effort distribution 49625.3 de ning a task set for the software project 49725.3.1 a task set example 49825.3.2 re nement of major tasks 49925.4 de ning a task network 50025.5 scheduling 50125.5.1 time-line charts 50225.5.2 tracking the schedule 50325.5.3 tracking progress for an oo project 50425.6 earned value analysis 505problems and points to ponder 508further readings and information sources 509chapter 26 risk management 51026.1 reactive versus proactive risk strategies 51126.2 software risks 51126.3 risk identi cation 51326.3.1 assessing overall project risk 51426.3.2 risk components and drivers 51526.4 risk projection 51526.4.1 developing a risk table 51626.4.2 assessing risk impact 51826.5 risk re nement 52026.6 risk mitigation, monitoring, and management 52126.7 the rmmm plan 523problems and points to ponder 525further readings and information sources 526appendix 1 an introduction to uml 527appendix 2 object-oriented concepts 548references 556

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