北京故事 追梦京城-英文

北京故事 追梦京城-英文

1星价 ¥58.8 (4.9折)
2星价¥58.8 定价¥120.0


  • ISBN:9787119094151
  • 装帧:一般胶版纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:190
  • 出版时间:2015-01-01
  • 条形码:9787119094151 ; 978-7-119-09415-1


  Beijing, a promisingly growing metropolis, Is attracting people from far and near, to work, to live, and to settle here;their ambitions and tenacity are transforming them and the city virtually. These dream chasers' tales are also the stories of the city's economic thriving, of her cultural character developing, of her green awareness improving, and of her getting kaleidoscopically harming.  Drawn here by her enchantment, having gone through pains and gains, people still hold to commitment, which in their life makes a great difference. And that is the theme of the stories to be learnt.


Chapter 1
Innovative Entrepreneurs
Liu Chuanzhi:
A Business Lagend and Happy Old Man
Liu Qiangdong:
Founder of China's “Online Walmart”
Liu Jiang:
Founder of Trends Media Group
Li Yanhong:
Search and Change the World

Chapter 2
Committed Environmentalists
Terry Townshend:
A Foreign Birder's Life Wandering in Nature in Beijing
Wang Yongchen:
Fight for a Green Earth
Sun Fengchun:
Chief Developer of China's Electric Vehicles(EVs)
Zhang Jiao:
Sacrifice for Greener Mountanins
Du Shaozhong:
“King Wolf of Basongcuo Lake”

Chapter 3
Dedicated Learners and Educators
Gari Xiangwei
Yu Minhong
Zhang Jie
Li Yuchuan

Chapter 4
Passionate Artists and Collectors
Zhu Shaoyu
Ma Weidu
Wang Feng
Born to Flock
Wang Baoqiang
Ge You

Chapter 5
Spirited Players
Stephon Marbury
Zeng Chunlei
Yang Zhi

Chapter 6
Other Career Pursuers
Jiang Senhai
Li Hongbin
Liu Guixian
Catering Business
Shi Fumao
Guan Geng

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