THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE-一带一路:中国崛起给世界带来什么?-英文版

THE BELT AND ROAD INITIATIVE-一带一路:中国崛起给世界带来什么?-英文版

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  • ISBN:9787510455537
  • 装帧:一般轻型纸
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:214
  • 出版时间:2016-02-01
  • 条形码:9787510455537 ; 978-7-5104-5553-7


本书中文底稿的基础源自作者王义桅在人民出版社的作品《一带一路:机遇与挑战》,这是国内首部从国际关系角度解读“一带一路”战略的著作,曾入选中宣部理论局、中组部干部教育局推荐读物。在与作者协商后,新世界出版社对原书内容进行了改编,使之更适应对外宣传的需要。 作为中国新一代领导人提出的重要构想,“一带一路”受到了国内外的热切关注,而对此进行分析的相关著作却仍然不多。《一带一路:中国崛起后给世界带来什么?》应能填补这一空白,起到向世界说明中国的重要作用。


  《一带一路(中国崛起给世界带来什么)(英文版)》中文底稿的基础源自作者王义桅在人民出版社的作品《一带一路:机遇与挑战》,这是国内首部从国际关系角度解读“一带一路”战略的著作。在与作者协商后,新世界出版社对原书内容进行了改编,使之适应对外宣传的需要。本书辩证解读了“一带一路”的意义,其中蕴含的机遇与挑战,以及如何推进“一带一路”的建设。书中指出,“一带一路”是全方位对外开放的必然逻辑,也是文明复兴的必然趋势,还是包容性全球化的必然要求,标志着中国从参与全球化到塑造全球化的态势转变。作为中国新一代领导人提出的重要构想,“一带一路”受到了国内外的热切关注,而对此进行分析的相关著作却仍然不多。  本书应能填补这一空白,起到重要的外宣作用。


Preface: The 21st Century Begins with the Belt and Road Introduction: The Story of Marco Polo's Chinese Dream PART I: The Belt and Road Initiative Will Transcend History Chapter One What Is the Belt and Road Initiative? Chapter Two Why Build the Belt and Road? Chapter Three Ancient Silk Road's Innovative Heritage Drives the Belt and Road Initiative Development Chapter Four The Belt and Road Initiative Will Transcend the Marshall Plan Chapter Five The Belt and Road Initiative and Other Silk Road Revival Plans Chapter Six Future Responsibilities of the Belt and Road Initiative PART II: Opportunities for the World Offered by the Belt and Road Initiative Chapter One Opportunities for Regional Cooperation Chapter Two Opportunity for Europe to Change the World Chapter Three Opportunities for Global Development PART III: Risks of the Belt and Road Initiative Chapter One Political Risks Chapter Two Security Risks Chapter Three Economic Risks Chapter Four Legal Risks Chapter Five Moral Risks PART IV: Ways to Advance the Belt and Road Construction Chapter One Innovation of Ideas under the “New Normal” Chapter Two Innovative Theories: Global Integration Chapter Three New Ways to Carry Out Pragmatic Cooperation Conclusion: Improve the Belt and Road Narrative, and Offer International Public Goods Appendix: Vision and Proposed Actions Outlined on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road Afterword References



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