  • ISBN:9787309102918
  • 装帧:暂无
  • 册数:暂无
  • 重量:暂无
  • 开本:16开
  • 页数:117
  • 出版时间:2015-06-01
  • 条形码:9787309102918 ; 978-7-309-10291-8


  《大学英语课程教学要求》将大学英语的教学目标确定为“培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后的工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要”,并对大学英语教学提出了分层次(即“一般要求”、“较高要求”和“更高要求”)和分类指导的要求。这是基于非英语专业的学生在毕业之后的实际工作需要而定的。他们在今后的工作中更多地是要通过准确阅读来直接获取新信息,吸取世界各国的先进经验和技术。因此,抓好阅读教学,培养学生分析、推断、综合的阅读理解能力是十分重要的。  《大学英语快速阅读教程》(1-4册)(非英语专业本科生用)根据《大学英语课程教学要求》编写,特别注重对学生语言综合应用能力的培养,顺应我国大学英语教学改革的新要求。编写者充分考虑了不同起点学生的实际需求,在努力帮助学生打下扎实的语言基础的同时,又为基础较好的学生创造了发展的空间。整套教材有利于学生个性化的学习,同时也能满足不同专业学生各自的发展需求。  该阅读教材的特点有:  1.激发学习者的学习兴趣,培养自主学习能力;2.加强阅读技能训练,培养学生获取文章大意、定位信息的能力;3.培养学习者学习阅读策略,提高语言交际能力;4.训练学生识别衔接关系和逻辑语义关系,发挥学习者自身的认知能力;5.除了使用材料的语言适合学习者的语言水平之外,还考虑到他们是否具备理解文章所需要的非语言知识。  该阅读教程选择的绝大部分文章都源于国际互联网或国内新出版的各种报章杂志,其选材新颖、题材广泛、体裁多样、信息量大,且具有较强的时代特征,注重知识性、趣味性、可读性、针对性和系统性的融合。内容涉及人文社会、政治经济、教育科技、食品与健康、网络技术、语言知识和社会焦点等各个方面,为学生提供了各种英语表达的范例。学生可以欣赏地道的英语文章,培养英语语感,扩大词汇量和拓宽知识面,在进一步提高阅读能力的同时,发展其思辨能力,增强其人文素养。课后练习形式多样、题量适中、由浅入深、循序渐进;练习的设计包含判断题、多项选择题和填空题等类型;并针对常用的阅读技巧进行了专项训练,让学生逐步掌握常用的阅读技巧,全面提高学生综合应用英语的能力,为今后的自主阅读打下坚实的基础。编者在编写中非常谨慎地对生僻词汇进行了少量替换与处理,为学生提供了其难易程度均不超过大纲规定的词汇范围。总之,教材编写宗旨不以应试为目的,而在于给学生提供高质量的英语阅读文章,使学生在愉快的阅读中,欣赏美文,开阔视野,并在不知不觉中掌握阅读技能,提高英语应用能力。


Unit One Tips on Success
Reading 1 How to Keep Track of What You've Leamt
Reading 2 Time Management
Reading 3 Secrets of Stress Management

Unit Two Culture
Reading 1 Adventures of Snow and Subway
Reading 2 Getting Married in USA
Reading 3 English Language and Culture

Unit Three Schooling
Reading 1 AngelsonaPin
Reading 2 Languages and the Internship Rush
Reading 3 How Teachers Make Children Hate Reading

Unit Four Diet
Reading 1 11 Best Countries for Food
Reading 2Chinese Food in America
Reading 3 American Pie

Unit Five Keeping Fit
Reading 1 Losing Weight without Spending Money
Reading 2 Healthy Fats for a Healthy You
Reading 3 Chocolate's Startling Health Benefits

Unit Six Economy and Employment
Reading 1 Follow a Career Passion? Let It Follow You
Reading 2 Gender Bias Remains an tndisputable Reality of the Workplace
Reading 3 Kill the Monopoly

Unit Seven Science and Technology
Reading 1 8 Simple Tips for Securing Your Computer
Reading 2 Kids Who Get Spanked May Have Lower IQs
Reading 3 The End of the World

Unit Eight Life of Famous Figures
Reading 1 Tributes for Apple "Visionary" Steve Jobs
Reading 2 Nick Vujicic
Reading 3 A Woman's Journey to Royalty

Unit Nine Literature
Reading 1 The Crush That Didn't Crush
Reading 2 The Christmas Man
Reading 3

Unit Ten Insights
Reading 1 The Story ofMylife
Reading 2 The power of Second Chance
Reading 3 My Life as a Hermit


  《大学英语快速阅读教程3》:  It's amazing that in a modern, huge city like New York, problems with the weather and subway can create complete chaos for millions of New Yorkers. This winter, New York City has been the victim of many a snow storm. Several storms were actually hyped as "blizzards" by the news. We had one a couple of months ago that dumped about 15 inches of snow on the city. Luckily, that storm occurred over a weekend, so New Yorkers, who were famous for always being out and about, holed themselves in their apartments, only venturing out into the snow for food. I actually even saw a couple of people go outside in skis during that storm!  . This winter has been so unpredictable. Just when we think spring has finally arrived, it starts to snow. One day, it may be 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and the next day, it may be below zero with snow and dangerous winds! Sometimes the wind and snow make it so cold and unbearable that I feel as if my heart will stop beating when I go outside. No matter what, when there are rapid changes in weather, and certainly when there is snow, New York City subways almost always cease to run in any sort of predictable manner. Everyone I know takes the subway. New York has too many people and is too crowded to drive a car around the city. For myself, I have no choice but to take the subway everywhere I go. I cannot afford to take taxi cabs everywhere. So basically, if the subway stops working, I have no way of getting anywhere.  The Monday after the big weekend blizzard that dropped 15 inches of snow on the city, the MTA ( the Metropolitan Transit Authority, which owns NYC subways) failed to make proper adjustments, and I walked to the subway on my way to work to discover that there would be no subway trains coming to my station! I ended up walking over 30 blocks in 15 inches of snow to get to a different station that had subway trains running. I was two hours late for work that day. On another winter day, it didn't even snow; it just had rained a lot the night before, and because of "flooding" in the subway tunnels, subway trains ran only every 45 minutes! I was about an hour and a half late for work that day. Especially when it snows, New Yorkers become very irate and rude when the subway isn't running normally. The thing is, the city keeps on running like normal - Wall Street opens at the same time, schools are usually still open, law firms still meet with clients and make trial appearances at scheduled times - it's just that there's no way for the people who make this city run to get to work!  It's completely ridiculous - yes, I know that NYC has had a lot of snow this winter, but the people of NYC depend on the subway to run even if there is snow. The MTA, which is a private company and who owns almost all of mass transit in this city, is always teetering close to declaring bankruptcy. I do not understand how this can be when they have a complete monopoly over public transportation in NYC. The MTA has even recently raised fares ( though they raised fares only a few years before). Now, it costs $ 76 dollars for a monthly subway card. It costs $ 76 dollars for me to never get to work on time. I do not get paid for the time I miss from work because of subway malfunctions and/or delays. Just last week, even though there was no snow or otherwise bothersome weather condition, three subway lines, the 4, 5 and 6 trains, just stopped working. The MTA gave no explanation, and I ended up having to fight off three other stranded people on their way to work for a cab so I could pay $ 15 dollars to get to work 45 minutes late. The MTA gripes that it does not have enough money to fix or maintain all the subway lines properly. This sounds completely ludicrous to me.  The subway and weather in NYC are two things that make me detest living in this city sometimes.  Sometimes I fantasize about living in temperate Seattle or sunny California. It would be more practical to drive a car, and I could therefore be more or less in control of when I arrive places. But alas, this is New York City, one of the greatest cities in the world, and the price you pay for living here and all the opportunity that this city offers, is that you must deal with bad weather, and be entirely dependent on unreliable transportation. So the only thing I can do, along with all New Yorkers, is to hope and pray for spring to finally come and that someday, there will be more than one mode of transportation in this city.  ……

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